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DisplayFusion Free vs Pro

Incredible Desktop Wallpaper

DisplayFusion's Multi-Monitor Wallpaper feature lets you break-free from the restraints of the default Windows wallpaper manager, and fully support your multiple monitors. Span a single image across all monitors, load and tweak different images on each monitor, or span an image across some monitors, while using different images on other monitors!
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Wallpaper Profiles for saving multiple configurations No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Different image on each monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Span image across all monitors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Span image across selected monitors only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load single images from your computer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load single images from many online sources Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load directly from a given image URL (with auto-refresh) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7 Wallpaper sizing options Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use solid colours instead of an image Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use a colour gradient instead of a solid colour Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Image colour adjustments (greyscale, sepia, invert... etc) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom image position fine tuning per monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom image scaling per monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom image flipping and mirroring per monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom image blurring per monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom image rotation per monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom image info (show wallpaper or system info on desktop) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load random images from your computer No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load random images from many online sources No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatically fix wallpaper if display settings change No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Monitor Configuration

Use DisplayFusion to set your Monitor Configuration. Configure the resolution, colour depth, refresh rate and orientation. You can even save your configurations as Monitor Profiles that you can load later using a key combination or TitleBar Button. Link a Wallpaper Profile with your Monitor Profile to load your desktop wallpaper automatically based on the monitors you have connected. Monitor splitting allows you to divide your monitors into multiple 'virtual' monitors with their own Taskbars, Wallpaper, and Screen Saver. Great for Nvidia Surround and AMD Eyefinity setups!
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Configure your monitor resolution, colour depth, refresh rate and orientation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enable/disable monitors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change your Primary monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Displays a live preview of your desktop to help identify your monitors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Save Monitor Profiles for easy configuration later No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load Monitor Profiles using a key combo, TitleBar Button or tray menu No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link Wallpaper Profiles with your Monitor Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link audio devices with your Monitor Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link Desktop Icon Profiles with your Monitor Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Monitor Splitting

Monitor splitting allows you to divide your monitor into multiple 'virtual' monitors with their own Taskbars, Wallpapers, and Screen Savers. Windows will maximize to the size of the "virtual" monitors, and DisplayFusion Functions, such as "Move to Next Monitor" also take the splits into account. Monitor splitting is great for Nvidia Surround and AMD Eyefinity setups, including ones with bezel corrected resolutions! Note: It's not currently possible to constrain full screen videos or full screen games to monitor splits.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Monitor Splitting (for creating smaller, virtual monitors) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use Splits and Padding for bezel compensation and more No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Powerful Functions

DisplayFusion comes bundled with over 30 pre-configured Functions, or you can create your own powerful custom Functions. Create Functions to load Wallpaper or Monitor Profiles, move windows around, change window opacity, toggle DisplayFusion features and much more.

Any Function, including custom Functions that you've created, can be assigned to a TitleBar Button for easier access with the mouse, or to a keyboard shortcut for keyboard power users. Functions can also be assigned to the Jump List menus on the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbars, allowing them to be run even on applications that are minimized.

Need more options? Use DisplayFusion's Scripted Functions (Macros) to script anything you can imagine. Use C# or inside DisplayFusion to create your own custom scripts. From simple window movement scripts to anything more complex. Requires DisplayFusion 7 or higher.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Show extra buttons in the titlebar of every window Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Customizable TitleBar Button images Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Customizable TitleBar Button backgrounds Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support for Windows native-looking TitleBar Button backgrounds Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assign key combinations to Functions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pre-configured Functions to move, size and span windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Functions for switching the default playback and recording audio devices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pre-configured Functions to toggle DisplayFusion functions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Functions to minimize, maximize and restore windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to minimize windows to the system tray No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rollup window to TitleBar, Icons or Hats No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Save or Restore all window locations No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to force a window to be 'always on top' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to adjust window transparency Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to lock the desktop Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to start the Screen Saver Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to enable/disable Screen Savers No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to change random wallpaper images No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function for Monitor Mirroring No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mirror Selected Area No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function for Window Mirroring No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function for Window Highlighting No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to prevent game window deactivation No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to lock/unlock mouse cursor to window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to move window to specific monitors No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to load saved Monitor Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to load saved Desktop Icon Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function to load saved Wallpaper Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Functions for moving the mouse cursor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Send Windows Store (Metro) app to desktop window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Build your own window sizing Functions No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Build your own custom Functions No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create complex Scripted Functions to do anything you can imagine! No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show an unlimited number of TitleBar Buttons No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show TitleBar Buttons for custom Functions No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Group TitleBar Buttons using separators No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Automatic update notification of new versions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatic update notification of new beta versions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Option to start DisplayFusion when you login Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Backup/restore settings and transfer settings between computers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desktop context menu entries Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
One-click installation of new versions No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


The Triggers feature allows you to listen for events, like window creation, window focus, desktop unlock, system idle and more. Then you can run preset commands or custom scripts to manipulate that window, or anything else you can imagine.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Wait for Event: Window Created No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Window Focused No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Window Minimized No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Window Maximized No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Window Restored No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Window Destroyed No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: DisplayFusion Starts No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: DisplayFusion Exits No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Monitor Profile Changed No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: System Idle No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: System Wakes from Sleep No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Desktop Locked No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Desktop Unlocked No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Process Created No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Process Ended No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Event: Timer Interval No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter By: Process Filename No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter By: Process Command Line Parameters No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter By: Window Text No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter By: Window Class No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter By: Monitor Profile No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Wait No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Move Window to Selected Monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Move Window to Mouse Cursor Monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Move Window to Specific Size and Location No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Maximize Window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Minimize Window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Centre Window on Monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Span Window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Show Notification No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform Action: Run Function No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Multi-Monitor Taskbars

Keep your windows easily organized by adding a taskbar to each of your monitors. The taskbar on each monitor can be configured to show all windows, or only the windows that are located on that monitor. Use button grouping, auto-hide, window previews, shortcuts (pinned applications) and much more to help you work more easily with your application windows.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Add a Taskbar to every monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DisplayFusion Taskbar support for Windows Visual Styles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Only show Taskbar items on the relevant monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thumbnail Previews: Windows 10/11 Style No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thumbnail Previews: Vista Style No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Clock on each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
System tray icons on each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports full Jump Lists No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Taskbar button grouping No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Taskbar Pinned items No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom position for each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom size for each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom auto-hide settings for each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom button alignment for each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom shortcuts on each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Force shortcuts to be run as Administrator No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom 'show desktop' button on each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom Start button on each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom 'icons only' or 'icons and text' style on each Taskbar No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports third-party Windows Start Menu: Classic Shell No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports third-party Windows Start Menu: Open Shell (formerly Classic Shell) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports third-party Windows Start Menu: Start8 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports third-party Windows Start Menu: Start10 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports third-party Windows Start Menu: StartIsBack No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports third-party Windows Start Menu: Start Menu Đ¥ No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Useful Windows 11 Tweaks

The Windows 11 Tweaks in DisplayFusion provide extra options so that you can customize Windows 11 to your liking. Hide the Windows Lock Screen, use classic Explorer context menus, and more!
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Hide the Windows 11 Lock Screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use the classic Explorer context menus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Useful Windows 10 Tweaks

The Windows 10 Tweaks in DisplayFusion provide extra options so that you can customize Windows 10 to your liking. Move the Power User Menu (Win + X) to the current mouse position, hide the Windows Lock Screen, and more!
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Move the Power User Menu (Win + X) to the mouse cursor position No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hide the Windows 10 Lock Screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adjust the Lock Screen monitor sleep timeout Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adjust the border size for application windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Windows Lock Screen

Use DisplayFusion's powerful Windows Lock Screen image changer to customize your Windows Lock Screen. Load images from your computer, or from any of the online providers that DisplayFusion supports. Customize the image positioning and colours (greyscale, sepia... etc) to suit your taste.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Change the Windows Lock Screen image in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load images from your computer No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load images from many online sources Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load images from a URL No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7 image sizing options No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use solid colours instead of an image No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Image colour adjustments (greyscale, sepia... etc) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Multi-Monitor Screen Savers

Why settle for one screen saver on your main monitor? With DisplayFusion you can span your screen saver across all monitors, or even display a different screen saver on each monitor. Use the default Windows screen savers, the built-in DisplayFusion Screen Savers, or load your own custom screen savers to fully customize your desktop. You can even use the built-in DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver to have each monitor show a slideshow of images from a local folder!
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Set a different screen saver on each monitor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Span a single screen saver across all monitors No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adjust screen saver settings using DisplayFusion (password, timeout) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Set a Screen Saver for the Windows Lock Screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use builtin Multi-Monitor Blackhole Screen Saver No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use builtin Multi-Monitor Bouncing Logo Screen Saver No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use builtin Multi-Monitor Fading Logo Screen Saver No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use builtin Multi-Monitor Photos Screen Saver No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use builtin Multi-Monitor Shapes Screen Saver No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use builtin Multi-Monitor Sine Waves Screen Saver No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Monitor Fading

Focus on the task at hand, by automatically dimming unused monitors and application windows using DisplayFusion's Monitor Fading feature. You can dim inactive monitors, all monitors, everything except the active window, and more!
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Fade all monitors No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fade all secondary monitor(s) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fade non-current monitor(s) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fade everything except current window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fade specific monitors (configurable) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Customize the opacity level to control how faded it looks No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Customize the fading colour (tint your screen any colour!) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Toggle Monitor Fading on/off using a HotKey or TitleBar Button No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Window Snapping

DisplayFusion's Window Snapping feature makes it easy to line-up your windows with each other, or line-up your windows along a monitor edge. Just drag a window near a monitor edge or another window and release the mouse button to let DisplayFusion snap the window into place. Fully configurable, with the ability to ignore specific applications if needed.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Snap application window edges to monitor edges Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Snap application window edges to other window edges No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports 'Sticky Snapping' (snaps immediately) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Configurable window snapping distance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bypass snapping while 'shift' key is held down (configurable) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ignore specific applications using Compatibility rules Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Window Management

Use DisplayFusion's Window Management feature to easily move windows between your monitors. Whether you use the simple Middle-Click Move, or the more advanced Maximized Window Dragging, managing your desktop windows has never been so easy. You can even show tooltips when moving or resizing windows to help you position them precisely. Automatically move child dialogs and windows to the same monitor as the parent window. Mouse management options allow you to scroll inactive windows with the mouse wheel, wrap the mouse cursor at screen edges, and prevent the mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Maximized window dragging between monitors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show a monitor selector while dragging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Middle-click titlebar window movement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show window size/location tooltips when sizing/moving a window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Allow Win + M to minimize all windows on the desktop Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enable or disable Aero Shake (shake a window to minimize all windows) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Move newly opened application windows No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatically move child dialogs/windows to parent window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Mouse Management

DisplayFusion can allow you to use the mouse wheel to scroll windows that are under the mouse cursor, even if they are not the active window. You can also have the mouse cursor wrap around screen edges, and prevent the mouse cursor from snagging on monitor edges that are not aligned. This is especially helpful when you've got monitors that are different screen resolutions next to each other.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Mouse scrolling over inactive windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mouse wrapping at screen edges No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prevent mouse from snagging on unaligned screen edges No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Alt+Tab Handler

DisplayFusion's Alt+Tab Handler has additional modes over and above what Windows offers. You can have the Alt+Tab window shown on all monitors, the current monitor, or just the Primary monitor. It can show all open windows across all monitors, or just the windows on the current monitor. You can also choose whether you'd like the window titles shown below the entires in Alt+Tab, and whether you'd like the 'Desktop' entry shown or not.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Show on primary monitor only, show all windows No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show on all monitors, show all windows No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show on all monitors, current windows only No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show on current monitor only, show all windows No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show on current monitor only, show current windows only No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show window icons below each Alt+Tab item No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show window text below each Alt+Tab item No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show the Desktop window No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Window Position Profiles

Easily save and load your window size and positions using DisplayFusion's Window Position Profile feature. Loading a previously saved Window Position Profile is an easy way to quickly organize your windows into preset arrangements.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Save Window Position Profiles using the tray icon No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load Window Position Profiles using the tray icon No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load Window Position Profiles using the key combinations No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load Window Position Profiles using TitleBar Buttons No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manage your Window Position Profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Desktop Icon Profiles

Easily save and load your desktop icon layouts using DisplayFusion's Desktop Icon Profile feature. Loading a previously saved Desktop Icon Profile is an easy way to restore your familiar desktop icon layout when the icons get jumbled after adding or removing a monitor.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Save desktop icon profile using the tray icon No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load desktop icon profiles using the tray icon No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load Desktop Icon Profiles using the key combinations No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load Desktop Icon Profiles using TitleBar Buttons No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manage your desktop icons profiles No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Remote Control

Remotely control DisplayFusion from your phone or tablet. Change your wallpaper, move windows around, enable/disable monitors and hundreds of other abilities, all from your phone or tablet. Includes support for scripted functions, new in DisplayFusion 7. You can script a complete set of actions, save it as a scripted function and run it from your phone or tablet with one-click. It’s easy to setup and even easier to use. Check out the help guide for more information.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Remotely control DisplayFusion from your phone or tablet No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote control DisplayFusion from your iPhone, iPad or iPod No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote control DisplayFusion from your Android device No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote control DisplayFusion from your Android Wear watch No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote control DisplayFusion from your Windows 10 or 8 device No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prevent unwanted access with a security code No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View an access log of remote control devices No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Available in dozens of Languages

DisplayFusion comes bundled with dozens of languages, all thanks to the generous DisplayFusion community! You can use DisplayFusion in everything from Japanese and Chinese to Persian and Portuguese. Using DisplayFusion in your native language makes it even easier to take advantage of DisplayFusion's powerful features.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Integrated support for dozens of languages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports downloadable languages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Easy Administration

Deploy and manage DisplayFusion in your corporate environment with ease by using DisplayFusion's silent installer options, and custom ADMX templates for Active Directory Group Policy environments. The custom ADMX templates will allow you to make sure your DisplayFusion settings are consistent across all workstations, making management and troubleshooting much easier.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Silent installer options for easy deployment No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADMX templates for easy configuration No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Single license key for easy administration (site/enterprise license) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Use the powerful Compatibility options to customize DisplayFusion's features separately for each application.
Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Create per-application compatibility settings Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Toggle DisplayFusion features per-application Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fine tune TitleBar Button positions per-application Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Feature Free Pro Standard Pro Steam Pro Personal Pro Site Pro Enterprise
Restrictions Personal ONLY Personal or Company, 1 computer Personal or Company, unlimited computers, primary user is you and Steam is installed Unlimited personal computers, and 1 company computer that only you use Unlimited computers at 1 site Unlimited computers at unlimited company-owned sites
License Term Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime
Support Included Included Included Included Included Included
License Price Free $34 (USD)*
$39.99 (USD)
$49 (USD) $899 (USD) $3,899 (USD)
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Just download DisplayFusion, each download has a 30-day trial license built-in!
*Order 5 or more licenses to receive a discounted price of only $27.20 (USD) per license!
The standard license price is $34 (USD).