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What Our Customers are Saying

Steve M.

I am a HUGE FAN of DisplayFusion for what it does, but I am even MORE impressed with the OPERATION of the company! Like this… YOU have responded to me less than 24 hours from my writing to your company; and with a good answer at that. The website for customers is very detailed and filled with usable resources. It looks AND functions properly! I never have a problem with DisplayFusion. I don’t know if I could say that about any other software I have ever purchased. In other words… you guys are EXEMPLARY!!
-- Steve M.

Jon B.

Fantastic service – support was quick to respond and decisive in helping me find a solution to my needs.
-- Jon B.

The more I use DisplayFusion, the more of its capability I discover. I bought this on Steam a few years ago, not entirely even knowing what it did, and boy, now I use this software EVERY DAY. It has been one of the most powerful productivity and QoL tools I have ever purchased. Probably shouldn't say this as a customer, but you could literally double the price of this software and it would still be a steal. Insane that Windows can't even come close with its out of the box offerings in comparison to DF.

Ron M.

I purchased a license just now and am a very happy camper. Having tested a bunch of other dedicated apps that claim to control window sizes and positions, your trigger function is far and away the most stable and solid performer. It’s pretty much the easiest to use as well. Congrats on what is obviously some very impressive coding under the bonnet.
-- Ron M.

Ryu C.

I've been using DisplayFusion for a while now, and I'm really enjoying the features the pro version offers. It has helped me out a lot, especially with the current times that I have only been facing a computer. I genuinely want to express my gratitude to DisplayFusion. The software has helped me tremendously, especially with my schoolwork and managing things on my pc. I can't really go outside much, so I'm just mostly on my pc all day. I truly owe a lot of things to you guys, especially during these trying times. Thank you DisplayFusion Team.
-- Ryu C.

George W.

I purchased DisplayFusion last month and I wanted to let you know that your software is AWESOME!!! I previously had been a longtime user of WallMaster Pro from Tropical Wares in 2008. Now I run a four monitor desktop and your product is outstanding! It was easy to learn and I totally love it! I am happy that I found your product. Thanks!
-- George W.

v9.8 feels great! It all feels so much more responsive than the last, please give a raise to the Wizard or Witch who did this black magic.

If you want even more control, third-party tools like AquaSnap and DisplayFusion can give you plenty more layouts than Windows has built in, plus dozens of customizable shortcuts and other window management features. Both offer limited free versions, though the paid versions are well worth the few bucks for the extra features.

We think DisplayFusion is worth it. The free version is multilingual, has tons of cool features and you don’t have to spend any money.
It’s pretty clear that the pro edition is better since it offers more features. But DisplayFusion generously offers a 30-day free trial with no credit cards and no strings attached.

Dave E.

Just wanted to say a quick thank you for your great products. I have purchased TrayStatus, DisplayFusion, and recently FileSeek. I'm very happy with all three products. And being that you're a Canadian company makes it even better.
-- Dave E.

Tips for using Monitor Profiles to make working with virtual pinball cabinets easier!

Ron B.

I am not a computer professional but rather a retired businessman who enjoys using a computer to do all kinds of things. I just purchased an Ultrawide monitor to attach to my laptop. After doing some research on the internet about software to handle multiple monitors on the ultrawide, I chose DisplayFusion. Although I have only been using if for about a week, I am very pleased with what it will do.
I did have a couple of issues that I didn’t understand. I sent an email and within 5 to 10 minutes I had a reply from Keith Lammers. I can say that after a couple of days and a few emails, my issues have been solved as far as I can see. More importantly, Keith has assured me that if I have further problems, he will be there to help.
-- Ron B.

There is one simple recommendation this round, and it is DisplayFusion. The software is actually a toolkit of features surrounding multi-monitor setups. However, thanks to their “Monitor Fading” settings, you can easily set up a hotkey that can fade out all of your additional monitors so your eyes can focus on the primary or any other monitor you select.

I've been using DisplayFusion for a number of years now. I contacted support today about an issue and had a resolution within five (5) minutes! I was thinking I may get a response 'today' but not a resolution within 5 minutes. Great software that makes my life easier when using multiple displays, and great support too.

Nils J.

I rarely do this but, DisplayFusion is amazing!!! I was always annoyed that my windows kept changing sizes or Monitors, especially with a dual monitor setup with 2 different resolutions, or disappointed with the customization functionality of Windows itself. Now I just open up one Windows or press one key combo and everything is where and how it's supposed to be (sizes, placement and transparency of windows). And I can finally choose different directories for my wallpapers and not just one big one so I can sort by type depending on how I feel. This is just me scratching the surface! I'll be exploring to see if I can find more stuff I can use! Thanks for this awesome piece of software!!
-- Nils J.

Years ago, I got DisplayFusion on Steam. It helps a LOT with multiple monitors - and even with just one, it has some nice features. Other products since then were added to my library.
The greatest advantage, though, is that the support seems to not use pre-made texts, but understands that directly responding to your problem saves time for both parties. Every answer I had to this big software with all the many, many features, was answered quickly and in detail. It also seems that critique and feature suggestions are welcome.
All in all great products with a good customer relationship, so to speak!

Nathaniel R.

BTW, LOVE the product, LOVE your support, LOVE that you added an option for ME (the monitor ID tag)! I’ve told all my nerd herd on Facebook several times about DisplayFusion.
-- Nathaniel R.

Greg B.

Truly amazing product! As funny as this sounds – much as when the first iPod came out – I had no appreciation of how badly I needed the functions of DisplayFusion. Before using this product, I simply had not realized how limiting my windows experience truly was, and how significantly it’s improved now. Further, DisplayFusion support is second to none! Your boy Keith has been johnny-on-the-spot with lighting fast, super useful insight. It’s made my experience with DisplayFusion that much more impactful!
-- Greg B.

Anthony D.

Three years later and I still absolutely love your product. It is essential for my productivity. Thank you so much.
-- Anthony D.

Dan B.

Display Fusion is a great at handling applications on multiple monitors ... and the support is first rate.
-- Dan B.

Kieth B.

I am definitely a person that will let someone know when they fall short in expectations. And, I am also one that will laud someone who deserves it. That being said, I am EXTREMELY impressed with your DisplayFusion product. It works very well, but my favorite part is how flexible and highly customizable it is. I literally chose your product so I could automatically load, size and position the apps I use the most when I am in full developer mode. But now I’m excited just to dig in and see what other cool things I can do with it!
Thanks for having a great product and very responsive customer service. It is the people and companies like yours that make the internet a great place to be and a wonderful place to explore.
-- Kieth B.

I’ve been a fan of multi-monitor setups for over a decade, and I’ve been thrilled to see Windows expand its support for them as the releases progress. But if you’re serious about getting productive with your monitor array, DisplayFusion is a must-have addition to your setup.

Jay W.

I have to take this opportunity as a longtime lurker on the forums to comment on what an insane workhorse you are, and how incredible your work ethic is. Your support content output is so ridiculously prolific that when I have a question regarding DisplayFusion, I don’t search to determine IF you’ve already addressed it as much as to find WHERE you’ve addressed it. (This license key thing was the rare exception where I actually needed individual attention.)
Anyways, I’m sure you already know this, but I felt a duty to reinforce the fact that you are always helping many more people than meets the eye (probably by a factor of 10 or more, in some cases!) even if we are silent and unappreciative most of the time.
Your (and the rest of your engineering team’s) support service is really something else - keep up the great work.
-- Jay W.

Its clean simple to operate and does exactly what it is supposed to do. I have been using it for longer than I care to remember and speaking as the Ex Senior IT Engineer for Marconi and Paradigm GPT I think Its fair to say I know what I'm talking about. This is a very good program at a very good price - if you have a multi monitor system, its a slam dunk.

Tim C.

DisplayFusion is by far one of the best apps I have ever used! You guys have really put a lot of thought and effort into the details and flexibility of the functions. Keep up the great work!
-- Tim C.

Nathaniel R.

You guys seriously rock. I can count of one hand the software companies that I deal with that provide this level of support, actually listen to their customers about feature requests, and have elegantly designed tools. Binary Fortress is one of those companies. Please let everyone know there, that we are extremely impressed with your company. While it might not matter in the long term, I will recommend your products to everyone I know!
-- Nathaniel R.

Alan G.

Just been meaning to drop a really quick note to say thanks for the great products. I've been using them for some time and find them very helpful, especially DisplayFusion, it's the best of all display managers, in my opinion.
For a small team you guys do a great job and manage to hold your own. Long live your efforts, keep up the good work!
-- Alan G.

John V.

Your software is awesome, as it has saved me many times in multi monitor set-ups, mirroring the monitors that windows can't even do. Thanks for the hard work that you do and your prompt response!
-- John V.


Just wanted to say a big thank you for resolving this issue in the recently released 9.5 update to DisplayFusion. It is rare to even get a response from some companies when raising issue, let alone a fix to the problem and having it as a highlight in the next update! Thank you to you and your team for continuing to create not only great software but a great experience for your customers.
-- Damon

Best darn multi-monitor utility, hands down!!

Our business is supplying customers with high quality multi-screen computers, stands and screens, we are experts in multi-screen computing and I can 100% say that DisplayFusion is the best multi-monitor software available, anywhere.
Having used everything else on the market only DisplayFusion meets our high requirements, it is rock solid stable, easy to use, genuinely useful in many different ways, and has a technical development and support team that is unmatched.
I can’t recommend it enough and myself and our customers enjoy the benefits of DisplayFusion every single day.

I've had a multi monitor system for about 2.5 years and it is thanks to Display Fusion that I have been able to benefit with their software to have a working model for three monitors. Honestly. whether gaming, a business or, just someone who requires three monitors for home use, this, is the software to beat all other software and moreover they are blessed with an expert support service. Keith is friendly, professional, a genius I think and will go an extra mile to help.

Click the "European Motion Picture Association" link below for a very thorough video walkthrough and review of DisplayFusion!

Alexandria C.

I have been trialing DisplayFusion software all week. In addition, I have been trialing similar applications from other manufacturers.
I have a very large 4K monitor (which replaced my no longer usable multiple monitors) and wanted to split the screens a specific way for maximum productivity. In my business, it is imperative for me to be able to switch between applications, resize the windows, and have them configured in a very specific way. I usually have about 10 windows open at any given time and require very combinations that allow me to work efficiently between them.
DisplayFusion most certainly meets my needs. In all honesty, all other software I trialed (and there were a number) paled by comparison to what DisplayFusion offers. Most similar software was specifically for multiple monitors, but yours includes amazing options for single monitors as well, saving of configurations and much more.
Thank you so much for giving me a boost in my productivity. And thank you for your constant support and updates of this amazing software. I look forward to being a lifelong customer.
-- Alexandria C.

Nathan R.

I downloaded DisplayFusion over the weekend and absolutely love it! I use a multi-monitor display with a very particular window layout on Windows 10. I like that the windows snap to each other and also really enjoy the multiple task bars and ability to save the overall window layout.
Thank you so much! I'm already finding DisplayFusion makes using my computer so much more enjoyable, knowing everything is organized on my screens precisely how I want it. Great product!
-- Nathan R.

In the end this software ended up working out great. Thank you to Keith Lammers and the rest of their support team for helping me work out the tweaks necessary to get this working in my multi-location multi-monitor setups.
-- VON

I'd like to commend you on your tireless commitment to this project and helping those in need.
Anytime I've searched an issue (mostly on the DF forums) every question is instantly followed up with a attempted solution from you directly.
Having searched many a product forum, only to have a generic response from the rep, your willingness to help any and every individual is very refreshing.

Brenda G.

You guys are the greatest -- hands-down the best customer service I've experienced from any company, in any industry. Ever. I'm going to recommend your product to anyone who will listen. Thanks again!
-- Brenda G.

Eric S.

I want to say I've been using DF Pro 9.4 Beta 3 for a few weeks now and I LOVE it!!! I've had a license for a few years, but really wanted it to do Window Management. Now that you've included it, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have! It's been ultra reliable as well, even though you list it as a Beta. One keyboard shortcut and everything is where I want it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
-- Eric S.

I'm so glad I came across this software. I have a 2 monitor setup but programs were not opening on the monitor I wanted, they would always default back to Monitor 1. This software fixed this issue with ease. Also when I used to click on monitor 2 any game that was open on monitor 1 would minimise, yep you guessed it, this software fixed that as well. It has a ton of other features that I have not used yet, but worth the money for just the 2 things it has fixed. Also support from the dev is fantastic. Big thumbs up from me :)

Used it for about a month now, a must have for multimonitor setups. Try the 30 day free trial and see for yourself.
-- Howgii

Sean M.

I've been a long term DisplayFusion user for many years now. It has solved problems for me, worked around windows issues, and provided excellent backdrop randomization. I'm an amateur sports photographer and use my own images. I just switched to a 4k 4k 4k monitor setup and although I still have issues with the way Windows handles high dpi and multiple monitors, DisplayFusion has been great for setting up customizations. I'm thoroughly spoiled with my mouse wheel right/left actions tossing windows to another screen. I've run betas often and found DisplayFusion to be rock solid in comparison to almost any other app. Not that it hasn't crashed once in a while, but never consistently. As a software developer myself, I rather love the constant feature creep making such a rich product.
All of that said, I really respect the eternal license model and can't stand when companies shift from eternal. Textpad as an example recently did this and I didn't pay up. DisplayFusion is my most depended-upon piece of software and I thought I'd do the reverse, so I've purchased a second Pro Personal license even though I don't have to. Have a beer on me.
-- Sean M.

Christine D.

I’ve been using DisplayFusion since 2011. I work for a small nonprofit that has no internal IT expert support, so I’m on my own most of the time. On a half dozen occasions, something funky has happened to my three monitors, especially after a Windows® upgrade. Every time I’ve reached out to the Binary Fortress Software/DisplayFusion (DF) team for help, they had the answer to me within 24 hours.
This past week, I entered the wrong combination of keystrokes to insert a footnote in a word processing document. Unbeknownst to me at first, the two monitors I wasn’t looking at had become dim, as if they went into some sort of power-saving mode. If I moved my cursor to one of the dimmed monitors and clicked on something, it came back to life and the other monitor went dim.
I had no clue what I did. By the time I realized I had a problem, it was at least 10 minutes after the footnote keystroke mistake, so I wasn’t able to make the connection between the monitor dimming and the footnote keystrokes. I spent an hour trying to figure out what I did.
Then I e-mailed the DF team and I had an answer within an hour. My wrong combination of keystrokes accidentally activated the monitor “fading” feature. The DF team e-mailed me easy-to-follow instructions to disable the fading feature. My nightmare was over.
The DisplayFusion team is composed of a great group of people. Those people and their terrific software allow me to be more efficient at work.
-- Christine D.

Guy S.

Many thanks for both the excellent support and a superlative program. And to think I mainly bought it just so I could have a taskbar on both of my monitors. It is one of the best utilities I have ever bought and considering the number I have acquired over the years, that is saying something.
-- Guy S.

Ultrawide Monitor Tips 2.0! Improved Windows Management with DisplayFusion

It's amazing that I originally bought this program just so my wallpaper would stop getting screwed up by windows, and I'm still finding great things it can do. Keep up the great work :)

Thank you again... your work and attention to detail and customer service is outstanding.

Depuis des années, les cartes graphiques gèrent le multi-écran. Avec l’arrivée de cet avantage pour travailler, il est maintenant fréquent de voir un PC avec au moins 2 écrans PC ou chez soi avec un écran PC et la télé pour y regarder ses films ou séries…
-- Cachem

Eelis M.

I've been loving DisplayFusion a lot. I'll have to download it on my old laptop, since you have so many useful hotkeys in DisplayFusion that it's even useful without a 2nd monitor.
-- Eelis M.

Tom Taborda

I'm pleased to discover DisplayFusion 9 has implemented 'Monitor Fading', an elegant solution for my request for turning off selected monitors to watch movies on a secondary monitor. Keep up the good work! DF rocks!
-- Tom Taborda

Ultrawide Monitors Tips! A Better Way to Use Them - DisplayFusion Windows Management

Adam M.

I was going to do the trial period first, but within minutes I could see it was a great help for my dual monitor system, so I picked up a Pro Personal license. Greatly helpful software!
-- Adam M.

Multiple monitors make things a lot easier right out of the gate—but you don’t have to stop there. You can set different wallpapers for each monitor, either through a hidden feature in Windows, or using a third-party tool like the DisplayFusion...

Mike B.

Honestly love your company's support. Have seen what you do online for users and after this personal experience I only have great things to say.
-- Mike B.

I have been using DisplayFusion for many years now and I can only say wonderful things about this program. Honestly, there are no “cons” that come immediately to mind. It not only manages your multi-monitor setup to perfection, but gives you many features that you might not otherwise expect in this focused type of software...

Wouter S.

BTW I bought the Pro version, not only because of the powerful and useful
program, but also because of your support.
-- Wouter S.

Charlie B.

I just wanted to let you know that DisplayFusion has been a great addition to my computing experience. Having the ability to use two screens and have them like you want is great. Keep up the good work.
-- Charlie B.

I just want to say, this is one of the best apps I've ever purchased. I use it on a daily basis. It is highly customizable, super functional, incredibly un-buggy considering what it has to do. And it even integrates with 3rd party start menus! I wish I could sell this for you guys. It is a seriously awesome app.

Jac T.

I have to say this, your company and your attention to detail is second to none.
I mean honestly, look at the age of this ticket. I write this back in July 2014 and you answered it as best you could almost immediately.
Now here it is 2016, almost 2017 and what did you do? Instead of like most companies and delete it or get rid of it, someone took the time to respond to this and let me know that something was fixed.
I am just in awe at the attention to detail and caring you give your customers. I would place you even above Amazon (and I think Amazon goes a long way to help) when it comes to customer care.
Thank you again for everything. I will always tell everyone to get your product. This is just another reason why.
-- Jac T.

Glenn H.

I continue to be impressed with the quantity and quality of the ongoing updates to DisplayFusion. You guys have an amazing and conscientious team that just keeps making a great program better. When I bought the Pro version years ago, I never dreamed that it’d be so powerful and something I relied upon so much. The way DisplayFusion just keeps growing and changing is wonderful and appreciated.
-- Glenn H.

I absolutely love DisplayFusion Pro as it is such a powerful application to simplify using a multiple monitor setup.

Bartosz B.

Thank you for a fast response. I have to say you guys provide one of the best and nicest support services out there!
-- Bartosz B.

Theresa d.V.

Perfect! Thanks for the prompt, perfect support.
P.S. You can quote me.
-- Theresa d.V.

Tammie K.

I am very impressed by your customer service! These days there are very few places where you can get something resolved in one day. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you help!
-- Tammie K.

Andrew P.

Works great!! Thanks so much. Honestly the reason I talk about this app, is because I'm so impressed with it, and you did it again! This is probably one of the best windows apps I've ever used!
-- Andrew P.

All I want to say is Thank You, the developers and community.
I came to forums to ask if there was a way to do exactly this sort of thing. And I found this thread.
Stupid me, I have completely forgotten, that DisplayFusion let's you code your own functions, in c# no less (my favorite language). Now that I think about it, I remember it was one if not the most important things that I liked, when I bought the software. Or rather I was deciding, if I want to try it out, because I have bought and went through the most of the popular monitor managers over the years and I was tired of switching and learning ins and outs of another one, all over again. But when I saw custom functions in c#, I remember buying right then and there. The funny thing is, I was probably busy to play with it straight away, so I didn't. And then I completely forgot about it.
Anyway. What can I say more: although it's was the first time of me messing with it - it took me all but 10 minutes. Downloaded both scripts from the Keith and DS. using them as example, just made the changes to suit me. DS, thanks for the colors - very nice and very handy to differentiate between the "groups" of functions, and the "close" functionality.
Between that, and the most user-friendly "in-built" scripting GUI, with the debugger (verify), in 10 minutes I had exactly what I came here for and works like a charm.
Once again, to the devs of DisplayFusion - thank You. I have many times used DisplayFusion as an example of superb software at an awesome price and with very reasonable licence options. Now I feel, like I have even better reasons for keep using it it as an example, for how software should be done and priced. Kudos!

Jacob G.

DisplayFusion is among my essential programs and one of the first that I consider putting on any new computer, especially when I know I'll be using multiple monitors. (I'll even use it when I know I'll just be dealing with one monitor; its wallpaper features are just too good!)
-- Jacob G.

Martin R.

I don't use social media much and just wanted to let your team know that you have an amazing product. I have been using DisplayFusion since 2013 I think and have never looked back - I do try to let my friends know whenever possible. DisplayFusion enables me to set up my computer how I like without much hassle – in fact it has more options than expected! The software has been stable since the day I installed it so it is nice not having to worry about it.. it’s the one constant thing on all of my computers that I can count on, even when they are Win 7, 8 and 10 builds. To coin an old infomercial, you basically just “set it and forget it”.
-- Martin R.

I find it amazing how you can keep coming up with new ideas like the blur effect. I thought it was great that Microsoft finally came up with a task bar for each monitor in windows 10. I tried it out, it lasted almost a full minute before I went back to Display Fusion. Great product and excellent support from Keith. Thanks Keith for all your help over the years and thanks to everyone at Binary Fortress for such a great product.
-- Mark

Jim B.

I have grown to absolutely LOVE this program! Thanks for developing something that is so intuitive and capable. I use a large 42 cad monitor with 17 menu monitor and a standard 24 for programs, and its easy!
Thanks again - I've already recommended it to 3 other architects.
-- Jim B.


I upgraded to Windows 10 two weeks ago. I was on Windows 7 and using DisplayFusion and very happy with what it offered. Since Windows 10 has some nice dual monitor support I almost decided not to use DisplayFusion again.
But after 2 weeks, while Windows 10 allows a taskbar on each monitor and has better integration (it allows to move Windows Win+Shift+Arrow to other monitors) as well as resizing and snapping them with shortcuts, there were some things annoying me. Hitting the Win key always opened the menu in the main monitor, not the current one. I also missed the ability to middle-click on application titlebars to send them to other monitors and I could not pin apps to taskbars on the extended monitors.
Windows 10 is better but still not great for multi-monitor users (I have 4). I installed DisplayFusion and I'm happy to see that I can still use all the native Windows shortcuts for Windows, so DisplayFusion is not messing with anything or removing features, but adding more things on top of what you already have in Windows 10. It's a win, win situation.
-- Volker

Stephen S.

May I commend you on having a great product and also a lively, current user forum. So many user forums are generally out of date without questions being answered. Yours is up to date and questions are being answered promptly and in a very helpful way.
I’m looking forward to getting into the programme fully. I did have a look at other multi monitor programs but I found Display Fusion was the best in looks and ease of use.
-- Stephen S.

It's a real life-saver, it makes work much easier to organize and integrates perfectly with Windows. Have been using it for a long while now and I can't imagine working without it anymore. A must-have! :)

Craig M.

Really like the updates, specifically, the option to force a taskbar shortcut to launch on the monitor it's started from. I'm very glad I made the purchase of DisplayFusion, and look forward to future enhancements and improvements. Encouraging the development team to keep the great work going forward, and giving you my thanks.
-- Craig M.

Brian Z.

I just want to add that I am a huge fan of your software. I use my PC for everything from media center, gaming, and work. DisplayFusion seriously makes my life much easier. The dual taskbar alone is absolutely worth the price of admission for upgrading to pro.
-- Brian Z.

I went from trial to "Shut up and take my money" within 5 minutes. Brilliant application and exactly what I needed. Well done!

Rick W.

After 40 yrs in computing, if you can believe it, I finally added a 2nd monitor and now wonder why I didn’t do that years ago. But the first thing I realized was a huge void in control with just Windows built-in controls for multiple monitors. Display Fusion Pro filled that void and a whole lot more for me, so I was really pleased to find such a great product. I will recommend the product to others (actually already have) and will continue to do so.
-- Rick W.

Thank you so much for the prompt, and effective responses! I am very glad to have bought this software, and to have sought for solutions on this forum. Super satisfied!

A must-have for multi-monitor users. DisplayFusion has a whole host of quality-of life improvements for windows with multiple monitors, to the point where there are many I'll likely never even try using. The convenience of having taskbars on either screen, with each item on the taskbar of the screen you left it, is worth the price of admission alone for me.
-- Sharp

For anyone hoping to use multiple monitors for whatever purpose, this software is all but essential, and includes loads of features that just aren't there by default, as well as oodles of customization. This program is essential.

I'm a huge fan of DisplayFusion, I've been using your product for 5 years. Thank you for such a versatile solution! I love that the software is available in a .zip file since using the installer is not functional in highly controlled environments.

Tom T.

Wow I'm so excited about this, I really love this piece of software and I tried all the competitors. So not only great software but also support! I'll keep recommending it to my friends for sure.
-- Tom T.

A *MUST* for nvSurround users PLUS fantastic customer service!
-- Wazoo

As a long time user of UltraMon, which is also another great product for multi-monitor management, switching over to DisplayFusion was not a hard decision.
The options are almost limitless. The features it provides are absolutely amazing. I believe with the NVidia Surround support coming to it in the following updates, DisplayFusion will be even better. The GUI is great and fun to use too.

Great software! A must have if you have more than 1 monitor. They constantly update it to the point where its more worth it to buy it than anything. Also it works on Windows 10 flawlessly.

This software is simply amazing - I cannot tell you how fantastic it is. The whole package, the software, the documentation, the online support. It's truly, truly amazing. Thank you sooooo much :)
-- JezE

Bryan N.

Excellent software!!! Just exceptional.
-- Bryan N.

if you have a multi-screen setup a program like this is a must..
it basicly adds extra support that i feel Windows should have from the start when using 2 or more screens.
i also really miss it when im at work using 2 screens there as i just miss a second taskbar.

OMG! I must have been living under a rock or something
My biggest beef against nVidia was their drivers and lack of windows management on multi monitors setups.
ATI / AMD had their own Hydra software which did the job nicely, but there was still plenty of room for improvement, unfortunately the Hydra software was limited to AMD cards.
So comes in DisplayFusion, it's a life saver, makes everything so easy, and it fills in all the missing features that wished in the Hydra software.
if there's a scale, this will be a 10 out of 10 stars.
Well worth the money!


I very much appreciate the lifetime licenses that you provide and the continual improvements to your rock-solid products. Thank you!
-- Chris

I just had to write you to tell you how incredibly impressed I am with the quality of your software. Outside of high-end IDE's, I have never seen such a robust, well-done application in every facet from the beauty and simplicity of the UI, to the high versatility and availability of advanced features, to the smooth, seamless operation with no apparent hitches. The care you put into this program is apparent everywhere you look.

Great software, excellent developer. I made a feature request, and the dev was able to implement it within 24 hours. Can't get better than that.

This is one of my favourite and personal must-haves within software. It's one of the most useful pieces of software for general desktop use, and definitely one of the very best applications on Steam.
-- Maniac

I honestly think this is a great peace of software. It has tons of features. #NOGIMMICKS

Kyle G.

I just wanted to write a quick note to you - the creators/developers/staff of DisplayFusion. A while ago I was searching for a product that would allow me to do a slideshow of different images on each of my monitors (I have 3). I stumbled on DisplayFusion and have never looked back. It truly is a great piece of software and is something I consider essential on all of my computers. I wanted to express my thanks for making and maintaining DF and to say, "Keep up the good work!". Your work is appreciated, and I'll be checking out all of the other BinaryFortress software, right now in fact. Thanks again.
-- Kyle G.

This is one of the pieces of software that we use everyday at Tech Tips HQ. DisplayFusion provides the best multi-monitor user experience and MUCH more. There is deep customization and will help in any productivity environment with the way it allows you to display windows on your your monitors.

DisplayFusion is a fantastic application for managing your desktop icons, desktop backgrounds, windows, and many handy Windows settings for making work more efficient particularly with a multi-monitor setup.

DisplayFusion is an awesome software that will enhance your productivity if you have 2 or more monitors.

Perfect for powerusers and users with multiple monitors, or just people who like to customize their Windows experience. Even though DisplayFusion pushes their multi-monitor support for wallpapers and taskbars, the application is so much more and have a wide range of powerful tweaks that enhances the user experience.
-- Nomeya

DisplayFusion is awesome with 4K monitors!