[General] Translator, "Binary Fortress Software" LangVersion, "" [Icon] R0lGODlhEAAMAPcAAKCgoO7u7urr6+rt7uno6Onr69RyYJsZDZYZC+z19ufn556ent4kEowXCt+d j5huZNVsWt0kEJ4ZDePa2e/y8+CVh+rw8b0aA6GkpKioqODg4OLj45haUJFNQurv8JhmXJliWNyN hPDw8NqNfeHn6NMgC9uUhefx8e3t7ZV0bN6ckN+fkNluYNUgDOXd3Np/b8YgB9cjELUkDM4iDuvy 8+Xb2NlUQuvs7N6Ke9Z0ZNxSQ5hqYZZCNphsYogWBc9PPdzk5vL7/PX19clOPOba1+CIe9+pn9NL OJh3cOHX19DW19mbk6CjpM5NPc8eCquxsurp6dogDu/4+Z2io+FgTr8dAuro6uVWScJINuEkEZAg EZUvJt6Rgd+cjoNIPplvZpJKQtdqWtuXipgZDN/o6duSg9+nm5deVr89Jdyfk9xRP+YlE99TRNhY R96kmdZ2aZwZDdJDMZhpXeAhDt6ek4cWBKOjo5ZrYpgZC9nf4Oft7tyil9d9bcIfBd7e3+j195kW C9e2r9dQQc8sGN7r7ePZ2enq65hdVOfX1dx9b9xgT+7v78koFM1CL+Owo/Pz89mGeMlpW+zz86Wl pZ07Menp6cEzHccWA+vz9I43K9+XiYoXCPD19tuek74lDtyBc+bu8OjZ1vv//9cgDdpRQ5RFOdkk D5xxadGGe+SklgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAQAAwA AAjWAFN8uYOECYCDCDGcKcUDzKlUDhxRCCAigMUAnIoooqLlwQoxRgYIMESAgIBKFj61UbOpRxcT ZgYUgLInjZUCkhLZGNRgh6YybjzUIGIAAqJQCVgwmoFAToURdDB1MpAjzJE3hJo4iYHgAxdIKmgE suTpwqUlfwSVMIUHBA4+kZTkQdUoTogTCUi1iDDm0AsZWID4IZGkkB4BUnSMYnCAA5oqQ8ho2DDB hQAUQdhEyQKnQx8YP0ApUHBj0SMhoq7MWSPBSx0fmaYsWADAzqQMTygBOrAlIAA7 [AltTab_Strings] Desktop, "Desktop" [BFAPI] ErrorFailClientTime, "Your computer's clock is not set correctly.\nPlease check your system time and try again." ErrorFailLogin, "Check your email address and password and try again." ErrorFailPrefix, "Failed to connect to your Binary Fortress account." ErrorInvalidProTrialLicenseKey, "Your Trial License Key appears to be invalid.\nPlease contact us for more information." ErrorItemSizeTooLarge, "One of the items you are trying to sync is too large.\nYou will need to delete the large item and try syncing again." ErrorTrialExpiredPrompt, "Your Pro Trial License has expired.\nWould you like to contact us and start another trial?" ErrorUnknownProPurchasedLicenseKey, "Your License Key appears to be invalid.\nPlease contact us for more information." LoginPrompt, "You need to enter your Binary Fortress login information first.\nWould you like to enter your login information now?" TitleSync, "Syncing with your Binary Fortress Account" [BFAPILoginControl_Controls] btnLogin, "&Login" btnLogout, "&Logout" btnMyAccount, "My &Account" btnMyLicenses, "&My Licenses" btnRegister, "&Register" btnResetPassword, "Reset Password" lblEmailAddress, "Email Address:" lblName, "Name:" lblPassword, "Password:" [BFAPILoginControl_LicenseRestrictions] LicenseRestrictionBlock, "Personal or Company, # indicated in license name" LicenseRestrictionDonation, "Personal ONLY, 1 computer" LicenseRestrictionEnterprise, "Unlimited computers at unlimited company-owned sites" LicenseRestrictionPersonalHome, "Personal ONLY, unlimited personal computers" LicenseRestrictionSite, "Unlimited computers at 1 site" LicenseRestrictionStandard, "Personal or Company, 1 computer" LicenseRestrictionSteam, "Personal or Company, unlimited computers, primary user is you and Steam is installed" [BFAPILoginControl_Strings] ErrorEnterEmailAddress, "Please enter a valid email address and try again." ErrorEnterPassword, "Please enter your password and try again." ErrorLoginFailed, "Failed to load your account information.\nPlease check your email address and password and try again." ErrorNoLicensesFound, "Sorry, we couldn't find any license information for this account.\nIf you need any assistance please contact us." ErrorUnknownLicenses, "An error has occurred while loading your license information." ErrorUnknownLogin, "An error has occurred while loading your account information." Note, "Login to retrieve your License Key and sync with your Binary Fortress Account." SelectLicensePrompt, "You are currently using the Free version, a Pro Trial license, or your License Key is invalid.\nWould you like to load a License Key from your Binary Fortress account?" Title, "My Binary Fortress Account" TitleLoadingLicenses, "Loading License Information" [BFCodeEditorLookups] PromptSelectWindowStyles, "Please select the Window Style(s):" PromptSelectWindowStylesEx, "Please select the Extended Window Style(s):" RemoveConfirmOne, "Are you sure you want to remove the selected item?" SelectAnItem, "Please select an item from the list and try again." SelectAudioDevice, "Please select an Audio Device." SelectMouseCursorLocation, "Click to select a mouse cursor location\nPress any key to cancel" SendKeys_AddString, "Add String" SendKeys_EditString, "Edit String" SendKeys_EnterKeyCombination, "Enter Key Combination" SendKeys_EnterString, "Enter String:" SendKeys_mniHelperInput, "Add Key Combination" SendKeys_mniRawInput, "Add String" SendKeys_Title, "SendKeys Builder" [BFFormAPIMyLicenses_Controls] colDateCreated, "Date Created" colDateExpires, "Expiry Date" colLicenseKey, "License Key" colLicenseRestrictions, "License Restrictions" colLicenseType, "License Type" colName, "Name" [BFFormAPIMyLicenses_Strings] ConfirmUseLicense, "Are you sure you want to use this License Key?" ErrorSelectLicense, "Please select a License from the list and try again." ShowNeedLicenseWarning, "Select one of your License Keys from the list, then click the 'OK' button to use that License Key." Title, "My Licenses" [BFFormDownload_Strings] ConfirmCancel, "Are you sure you want to cancel this download?" Error, "An error has occurred." Progress, "Remaining: {0} KB ({1} KB total)" ProgressUnknown, "Downloading: {0} KB" [BFFormGetWallpaperFusionTag] ErrorSelectTag, "Please select a WallpaperFusion tag and try again." lblQuery, "Filter:" Title, "WallpaperFusion Tags" [BFFormOnlineMacroBrowser_Controls] btnClose, "&Close" btnInstall, "&Download Function" colCreatedBy, "Created By" colLanguage, "Language" colLastModified, "Last Modified" colName, "Name" lblQuery, "Filter:" [BFFormOnlineMacroBrowser_Strings] Loading, "Loading..." Title, "Download Pre-Made Function" [BFFormProxySettings_Controls] btnSave, "Save" lblProxyAddress, "Server Address:" lblProxyPassword, "Password:" lblProxyPassword2, "Re-enter Password:" lblProxyPort, "Port:" lblProxyUsername, "Username:" rdoCustomSettings, "Use &Custom Proxy Server Settings:" rdoNoProxy, "&No Proxy Server (direct internet connection)" rdoUseIESettings, "Use &Internet Explorer Connection Settings" [BFFormProxySettings_Strings] EnterServerAddress, "Please enter a Proxy Server Address or select 'No Proxy Server'." EnterServerPort, "Please enter a Proxy Server Port or select 'No Proxy Server'." PasswordDecryptionFailed, "Your Internet Connection Settings appear to be invalid.\nWould you like to re-enter your proxy server password to fix these settings?" PasswordsNotMatch, "Your Proxy Server Passwords don't match, please try again." Title, "Internet Connection Settings" [BFFormSelectApplication] AllApplications, "All Applications" btnBrowse, "&Browse" btnRefresh, "&Refresh" colApplication, "Application" colPath, "Path" GroupDesktopApplications, "Desktop Applications" GroupWindows8Applications, "Windows 8 Applications" PleaseSelectApplication, "Please select an application first." Title, "Select Application" [BFFormSettingsAdvanced_Controls] btnDelete, "Default Value" colSetting, "Setting" colValue, "Value" lblFilter, "Filter:" lblHelp, "Double-click a setting to change it, click the 'Help' button for more information." [BFFormSettingsAdvanced_Strings] ErrorSaving, "An error has occurred while saving this setting." SavedSuccessfully, "Your Advanced Setting was saved successfully.\nYou may need to restart the application for this setting to take effect." Title, "Advanced Settings" TitleEdit, "Edit Advanced Setting" [BFFormSettings_Controls] btnAdvancedSettings, "Advanced Settings" btnAutoUpdateCheckNow, "Check for &Updates Now" btnBackupSettings, "Export Settings" btnLicenseChangeToFree, "Change to Free Version" btnLicenseLoadOnline, "Load from Binary Fortress Account" btnLicensePasteFromClipboard, "Paste from Clipboard" btnProxySettings, "Internet Connection Settings" btnRestoreSettings, "Restore Settings" btnTroubleshootingClearLog, "Clear Log" btnTroubleshootingCopy, "Copy to Clipboard" btnTroubleshootingOpenLog, "Open Log" chkAutoUpdate, "Check for Updates Automatically" chkAutoUpdateBeta, "Check for new Beta (newer, unstable) versions" chkAutoUpdateSteam, "Check for updates automatically (Steam may ignore this setting)" colLanguageName, "Name" colLanguageRightToLeft, "Right-to-Left" colLanguageTranslators, "Translators" colLanguageVersion, "Version" gbAutoUpdate, "Update Check" gbLicenseReseller, "Reseller Information" lblAutoUpdateWarningBASE, "Warning: Automatic updates are currently disabled, you won't be prompted to install new versions" lblLanguageGetMore, "Get New and Updated Languages" lblLicenseExpires, "License Expiry Date:" lblLicenseKey, "License Key:" lblLicenseTo, "Licensed To:" tabAbout, "About" tabLanguage, "Languages" tabLicense, "License Key" tabOptions, "Options" tabTroubleshooting, "Troubleshooting" [BFFormSettings_Strings] ChangeToFreeQuestion, "Are you sure you want to remove your License Key and switch to the Free version?" DebugLogCleared, "The Debug Log file has been successfully cleared." DebugLogNotFound, "The Debug Log file could not be found.\nMake sure you have enabled Debug Logging first." FreeVersion, "Free Version" LogLevel0, "L0: Log Disabled" LogLevel1, "L1: Log Minimal" LogLevel2, "L2: Log Detailed (not recommended)" LogLevel3, "L3: Log All (not recommended)" RegistryExportSuccess, "Your settings have been successfully exported." RestoreSettingsFailed, "Failed to restore your settings." RestoreSettingsSuccess, "Your settings have been successfully restored." SettingsLoadError, "An error has occurred while loading the settings." SettingsSaveError, "An error has occurred while saving the settings." Title, "Settings" TroubleshootingCopyError, "Failed to copy your troubleshooting information." TroubleshootingCopySuccess, "Your troubleshooting information has been successfully copied to the clipboard." [BFFormSupportRequest_Controls] lblEmailAddress, "Email Address:" lblMessage, "Message:" lblName, "Name:" lblSubject, "Subject:" lblWarning, "The information from the Troubleshooting tab and your Debug.log file will be encrypted and sent along with this support request so that we can solve your issue more quickly." [BFFormSupportRequest_Strings] EnterEmailAddress, "Please enter a valid email address and try again." EnterMessage, "Please enter a message and try again." EnterName, "Please enter your name and try again." EnterSubject, "Please enter a subject." SendSuccess, "Your information was successfully sent.\nSomeone will contact you within 1 business day." Title, "Submit Support Request" TooLongEmailAddress, "Please enter a shorter email address and try again." TooLongName, "Please enter a shorter name and try again." [BFFormUpdateInvalidLicense] btnBuyNow, "Buy DisplayFusion Pro" btnLater, "Maybe Later" btnMoreInfo, "More Information" lblInvalidLicense, "Your DisplayFusion Pro license key appears to be invalid!\n\nPlease verify that you have entered the correct license key on the License Key tab in the DisplayFusion Settings window.\n\nIf your license key is correct and you're still seeing this message, please contact DisplayFusion Support using the Help button below." Title, "Invalid License Key" [BFFormUpdate_Controls] btnChangeLog, "&View Change Log" btnDownloadOnly, "&Download Only" btnInstallNow, "&Install Now" btnInstallOnExit, "Install on E&xit" btnRemindMeLater, "&Remind Me Later" btnSkipThisVersion, "&Skip This Version" lblNewVersion, "New Version:" lblOldVersion, "Current Version:" lblUpdateNotes, "What's New in this Version:" [BFFormUpdate_Strings] ConfirmSkipVersion, "It is recommended that you update to this new version.\nAre you sure you want to skip this update?" DownloadFailedSave, "Failed to save this file locally." DownloadingUpdate, "Downloading Update" DownloadInvalidData, "Invalid data returned from the server. The server may be having a problem finding the requested file." DownloadNoData, "No data returned from the website." ErrorDownload, "An error occurred while trying to download the new version." FreeNotice, "This update, and all future updates are free! Update today and enjoy!" Title, "Update Available" UpdateProMessage, "You need to upgrade to a Pro License to use the one-click update.\nWould you like more information about upgrading?" [BFHelpButton_Controls] mniDiscussions, "Community Discussions" mniOnlineHelp, "Online Help" mniSupportRequest, "Support Request" [BFHotKey] ErrorHotKeyBindFailed, "HotKey Bind Failed:" ErrorHotKeyComboInUse, "Key combination might already be in use. There are a few reasons why this can fail:\n- Another hotkey is already using this key combination\n- Another application is already using this key combination\n- A built-in Windows function is using this key combination" ErrorIncorrectKeyValue, "Invalid key combination: Please enter a key value." ErrorIncorrectNumberElements, "Invalid key combination: Wrong number of keys." ErrorIncorrectNumberKeyMods, "Invalid key combination: Wrong number of modifiers." ErrorInvalidKeyCombo, "The key combination you have specified is invalid." ErrorTooManyModifiers, "Invalid key combination: Too many modifiers." HotKeyLabelKeys, "Select modifiers then enter desired key" HotKeyLabelMouse, "Select modifiers then click desired mouse button" [BFMessage] btnCopy, "&Copy to Clipboard" btnMoreInformation, "&Show More Information" [BFTextQuery] CaseSensitive, "Case Sensitive:" ErrorBracketMismatch, "Error: Bracket Mismatch" ErrorEscapeCharAtEnd, "Error: Escape Character '\' found at end of query" ErrorExpectedMatchCountChar, "Error: Expected ':::cbc:::' at position {0}" ErrorExpectedQuote, "Error: Expected " at position {0}" ErrorInvalidChar, "Error: Invalid character '{0}' at position {1}\nPlease wrap in quotes" ErrorInvalidDigit, "Error: Invalid digit at position {0}" MayContain, "May Contain:" MayNotContain, "May Not Contain:" MustContain, "Must Contain:" MustNotContain, "Must Not Contain:" Time, "one time" Times, "{0} times" [BFUpdateCheck] AlreadyInProgress, "Update Check already in progress..." ErrorRunningDownloadedFile, "An error has occurred while trying to run the downloaded installation file." FailedToGetVersion, "Could not load the latest version number." NoUpdate, "You are already using the latest version." Title, "Update" [DesktopIcons_Strings] AutoArrangeEnabled, "'Auto Arrange Icons' is currently enabled on your desktop.\nYour desktop icon profile may not be loaded correctly, would you like to continue anyway?" ConfirmLoad, "Are you sure you want to load your '{0}' desktop icon profile?" ConfirmOverwrite, "Are you sure you want to overwrite your '{0}' desktop icon profile?" DuplicateIconText, "Duplicate icon names were found, your profile may not be loaded correctly.\nWould you like to save anyway?" FailedLoadProfile, "Failed to load this Desktop Icons profile." FailedLoadProfileFromMonitorConfig, "Failed to load the Desktop Icons profile associated with this Monitor Profile." SaveSuccessful, "Your desktop icon profile has been saved successfully." [DisplayFusionCommand_Strings] HelpWithErrorPrompt, "Would you like help with this error?" NoParamsFound, "No command line parameters found." SpecifyDesktopIconsProfile, "Please specify a Desktop Icon Profile name." SpecifyHotKey, "Please specify a Function name." SpecifyMonitorProfile, "Please specify a Monitor Profile name." SpecifyWallpaperProfile, "Please specify a Wallpaper Profile name." UnknownCommand, "Unknown Command:" [FormFunction] mniStop, "Stop Function" [FormMain_Controls] mniAbout, "&About" mniAudioDevicePlayCOM, "Default Playback Communications" mniAudioDevicePlayMM, "Default Playback Sounds" mniAudioDeviceRecCOM, "Default Recording Communications" mniAudioDeviceRecMM, "Default Recording Sounds" mniAudioDevices, "Audio Devices" mniDesktopIcons, "Desktop Icons" mniDesktopIconsLoad, "Load Profile" mniDesktopIconsManage, "Manage Profiles" mniDesktopIconsSave, "Save Profile" mniDesktopIconsSaveNew, "New Profile" mniExit, "E&xit" mniLangShowFull, "Show Full List" mniLanguage, "&Language" mniMonitorConfig, "Monitor Configuration" mniMonitorProfileCreate, "Create/Edit Monitor Profiles" mniMonitorProfiles, "Monitor Profiles" mniMonitorProfilesNone, "No Monitor Profiles..." mniScreenSaver, "Screen Saver" mniScreenSaverConfig, "Screen Saver Settings" mniScreenSaverStart, "Start Screen Saver" mniSettings, "&Settings" mniTaskbar, "Multi-Monitor &Taskbar" mniTaskbarAutoHide, "Auto-Hide" mniTaskbarAutoHide_EnabledShowWithMain, "Enabled, shown with the Windows Taskbar" mniTaskbarButtonIconsOnly, "Button Style" mniTaskbarButtonIconsOnly_Disabled, "Icons and Text" mniTaskbarButtonIconsOnly_Enabled, "Icons Only" mniTaskbarButtons, "Button Alignment" mniTaskbarClock, "System Tray (Clock and Icons)" mniTaskbarClockShowClock, "Show/Hide Clock" mniTaskbarClockShowIcons, "Show/Hide Icons" mniTaskbarCloseAll, "Close All Windows" mniTaskbarEnabled, "Enable/Disable Taskbars" mniTaskbarGrouping, "Group Buttons" mniTaskbarPosition, "&Position" mniTaskbarShortcuts, "Shortcuts" mniTaskbarShortcutsCombine, "Combine with Taskbar Buttons" mniTaskbarShortcutsEdit, "Edit Shortcuts" mniTaskbarShowDesktop, "'Show Desktop' Button" mniTaskbarSize, "Si&ze" mniTaskbarSize_Custom, "Custom Size" mniTaskbarStartButton, "Start Button" mniTaskManager, "Task &Manager" mniTrayHotKeys, "Run Function on Window" mniUpgrade, "&Upgrade to Pro" mniUpgradeKey, "Enter a License Ke&y" mniWallpaper, "Desktop &Wallpaper" mniWallpaperProfiles, "Wallpaper Profiles" mniWallpaperRandomNext, "Load Next Image" mniWallpaperRandomPause, "Pause Current Images" mniWallpaperSettings, "Desktop Wallpaper Settings" [FormMain_Strings] DisplaySettingsChanged, "Your display settings have changed.\nClick here to adjust your Wallpaper." ErrorChangingLanguage, "Error changing Languages." ErrorSelectingLanguage, "Error selecting Language." ErrorTimerFreeze, "You must select the 'Load random images' option for at least one Monitor first." ErrorTimerNext, "You must select the 'Load random images' option for at least one Monitor first." FailedFindLanguage, "Failed to find selected Language." MonitorProfileSavePromptChanged, "This Monitor Profile was originally configured for a different number of monitors.\nDo you want to re-save this profile using your current monitor configuration?" NVidiaCheckPrompt, "nVidia processes have been detected on your computer that may cause issues with DisplayFusion monitor splitting. Would you like to disable them now?" NVidiaCheckReboot, "nVidia processes have been successfully disabled.\nPlease reboot your computer for the changes to take effect." OtherTaskbarEnabledPrompt, "The Windows multi-monitor taskbar is currently enabled and may cause issues when the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbar is enabled.\nWould you like to disable the Windows multi-monitor taskbar?" RemoteControlEnterCode, "Enter this Security Code in your mobile app:" TaskbarProcessError, "An error has occurred while processing the Taskbar.\nDisplayFusion Taskbars have been disabled, but can be re-enabled in the DisplayFusion Settings window." ToolTipDesktopIconsProfile, "Desktop Icon Profile:" ToolTipWallpaperProfile, "Wallpaper Profile:" WallpaperChangedAnother, "Your Wallpaper has been changed by another program.\nClick here to reset your Wallpaper." WindowsContextMenu_MonitorConfig, "Monitor Configuration" WindowsContextMenu_Settings, "Settings" WindowsContextMenu_Wallpaper, "Desktop Wallpaper" WindowsContextMenu_WallpaperOpenURL, "Open Wallpaper Image in Web Browser" WindowsContextMenu_WallpaperRate, "Rate this Wallpaper Image (WallpaperFusion Only)" [FormMonitorConfigSplits] btnDelete, "Delete Split" btnDeleteTT, "Deletes the currently selected split" btnFill, "Auto-Fill Split" btnFillTT, "Moves and sizes the currently selected split to fill the space it's in" btnPaddingReset, "Reset" btnPresetSplits, "Preset Splits" btnPresetSplitsTT, "Load a preset split layout and reset your current configuration" btnPreviewHide, "Hide &Preview" btnPreviewShow, "Show &Preview" btnPreviewTT, "Toggles an overlay preview to help you perfectly align your splits" btnResetAll, "Reset Splits" btnResetAllTT, "Resets all splits for the currently selected monitor" btnSplitH, "Horizontal Split" btnSplitHTT, "Divides the currently selected split horizontally" btnSplitV, "Vertical Split" btnSplitVTT, "Divides the currently selected split vertically" chkAutoFill, "Auto-Fill All Splits" gbLocation, "Location" gbLocationTT, "The location (X, Y) of the currently selected split" gbPadding, "Padding" gbPaddingTT, "The padding of the currently selected split" gbSize, "Size" gbSizeTT, "The size (width, height) of the currently selected split" lblAutoFillNotice, "Splits Adjusted and Auto-Filled" lblHeight, "Height:" lblLeft, "Left:" lblTop, "Top:" lblWarning, "Warning: Your splits are currently overlapping and may cause undesired behaviour" lblWidth, "Width:" NoSplits, "No Splits" numPaddingBottom, "The split's bottom padding" numPaddingLeft, "The split's left padding" numPaddingRight, "The split's right padding" numPaddingTop, "The split's top padding" PromptPresetSplit, "Selecting this preset will overwrite your current configuration.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" Title, "Splits and Padding for Monitor #{0}" [FormMonitorSelectorMoveWindow_Controls] rdoSizeMaximize, "Maximize" rdoSizeOriginal, "Keep Size" [FormSettingsFunctionEditCode] btnHotKeyEdit, "Edit" btnInsertFunction, "&Insert Code" btnInsertFunctionTT, "Browse through a list of pre-made script helpers to help you build your own function." btnRedoTT, "Redo (Ctrl + Y)" btnReferencesDefault, "Default References" btnRunFunction, "&Run Function" btnRunFunctionTT, "Runs the current function." btnUndoTT, "Undo (Ctrl + Z)" btnVerifyFunction, "&Verify Function" btnVerifyFunctionTT, "Verifies the current function code without running it." ErrorCompileFailed, "Compile Failed." ErrorEnterCode, "Please enter some C# or VB.net code and try again." ErrorEnterName, "Please enter a Name and try again." ErrorRunFailed, "Run Failed." lblHelp, "Help with Functions" lblKeyCombination, "Key Combination:" lblLanguage, "Language:" lblName, "Name:" lblReferences, "References:" lblShare, "Share this Scripted Function with the DisplayFusion Community!" MessageRunning, "Running:" MessageRunSuccess, "Run Successful." MessageVerifySuccess, "Verify Successful." MessageWait, "Waiting for Scripted Function to finish.\nYou can use the Scripted Function system tray icon to stop the function." MessageWaitTitle, "Waiting for Function" PromptChangeLanguage, "Would you like to load the default Scripted Function code?\nWARNING: This will reset your Scripted Function." PromptCloseWithoutSave, "Are you sure you want to close without saving?" PromptDefaultReferences, "Are you sure you want to reset the references to default?" PromptInvalidSave, "This Scripted Function appears to be invalid.\nAre you sure you want to save it anyway?" PromptSelectDesktopIconsProfile, "Please select a Desktop Icons Profile." PromptSelectFunction, "Please select a Function." PromptSelectMonitorProfile, "Please select a Monitor Profile." PromptSelectWallpaperProfile, "Please select a Wallpaper Profile." ShareSubject, "Scripted Function:" ShareTitle, "Share Scripted Function" ShareWarning, "Your name will be used for credit, so please let us know if you'd like to use an alias or share this anonymously." Title, "Scripted Function" [FormSettingsFunctionEdit_Controls] btnHotKey, "Edit" btnSelectApplication, "Select Application" gbCustom, "C&ustom Function Actions" gbHotKey, "Function" gbLaunchApplication, "Launch Application Settings" lblApplication, "Application:" lblApplicationParams, "Application Parameters:" lblHotKey, "Key Combination:" lblHotKeyAction, "Function Action:" lblMonitorNumber, "Monitor:" lblName, "&Name:" lblPositionX, "Position X:" lblPositionY, "Position Y:" lblPro, "Upgrade to enable Custom Functions" lblTransparency, "Transparency (100=solid):" lblWindowHeightChange, "Window Height Change:" lblWindowHeightValue, "Height Value:" lblWindowPositionChange, "Window Alignment:" lblWindowScreenAction, "Window Screen Action:" lblWindowSelect, "Drag this icon to a target window to create a Function automatically with the selected window's size and location" lblWindowWidthChange, "Window Width Change:" lblWindowWidthValue, "Width Value:" [FormSettingsFunctionEdit_Strings] EnterName, "Please enter a name for this Function." ErrorSelectApplication, "Please select an Application and try again." HotKeyAction_ManageWindow, "Manage Window" NameInUse, "This name is already in use." TitleEdit, "Edit Function" TitleNew, "Create Function" WindowSelectConfirm, "Are you sure you want to overwrite your Function settings with the selected window's settings?" [FormSettings_Compatibility] colCompApplication, "Application" colCompSettings, "Compatibility Settings" tabCompatibility, "Compatibility" [FormSettings_Controls] lblFontScaleWarning, "Your Font Scaling settings may cause issues!" lblLicenseKeySteamNotice, "The license key for this installation is only valid for DisplayFusion when installed through the Steam desktop client." [FormSettings_RemoteControl] btnRemoteControlSecurityCodeReset, "Reset Security Code" chkRemoteControlAllowCodePopup, "Allow security code request popups" chkRemoteControlEnabled, "Enable DisplayFusion Remote Control" colRemoteControlAddress, "Remote Address" colRemoteControlDateTime, "Date / Time" colRemoteControlMessage, "Message" lblRemoteControlApps, "Download the 'DisplayFusion Remote' app from these app stores:" lblRemoteControlSecurityCode, "Security Code:" pageRemoteControl, "Remote Control" [FormWallpaperRate] btnSubmit, "Submit" ErrorNotLoggedIn, "You aren't currently logged into your Binary Fortress Account.\nPlease login before rating this image." ErrorSelectRating, "Please select a star rating and try again." ErrorSourceLocal, "The selected monitor must be set to use an online provider as the source to use this feature." ErrorSourceWPF, "The selected monitor must be set to use WallpaperFusion as the source to use this feature." ErrorWallpaperDataNotLoaded, "An error has occurred while reading the wallpaper settings for the selected monitor." ErrorWallpaperProfile, "An error has occurred while loading your Wallpaper Profile." gbRating, "Rating and Comment (optional)" StarToolTip1, "1 Star" StarToolTip2, "2 Stars" StarToolTip3, "3 Stars" StarToolTip4, "4 Stars" StarToolTip5, "5 Stars" Title, "Rate WallpaperFusion Image" TitleLoadRating, "Loading Rating" TitleSubmitRating, "Submitting Rating" [FormWallpaperSelectMonitor_Controls] rdoModeSingle, "Use this image on a single monitor" rdoModeSpan, "Span this image across all monitors" rdoWallpaperSameImage, "Use the same Image on each Monitor" [FormWallpaperSelectMonitor_Strings] Title, "Load Wallpaper Image" [FormWelcomeWizard_Controls] btnDone, "&Done" btnNext, "&Next" btnOpenSettings, "&Configure DisplayFusion" [FormWelcomeWizard_Strings] PageText_Finish, "Thank you for taking the time to check out these fantastic features. We've enabled the most popular features by default, but you can customize DisplayFusion Pro to your heart's content using the 'Configure' button below. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us using the 'Help' button at any time." PageText_RemoteControl, "Remotely control DisplayFusion from your phone or tablet! Change your wallpaper, move windows around, enable/disable monitors and hundreds of other abilities, all from your phone or tablet!" PageText_ScreenSavers, "Why settle for one screen saver on your main monitor? With DisplayFusion you can span your screen saver across all monitors, or even display a different screen saver on each monitor. Use the default Windows screen savers, or load your own custom screen savers to fully customize your desktop." PageText_Start, "Welcome to DisplayFusion Pro! DisplayFusion Pro contains some fantastic features that will make your multi-monitor system even more powerful and customizable. Whether it's the Multi-Monitor Taskbars, customizable TitleBar Buttons, Window Location rules, online Wallpaper sources, or Multi-Monitor Screen Savers, we're sure you'll enjoy what DisplayFusion Pro has to offer!" PageText_Taskbars, "Keep your windows easily organized by adding a taskbar to each of your monitors. The taskbar on each monitor can be configured to show all windows, or only the windows that are located on that monitor. Use button grouping, auto-hide, window previews, pinned items, a Start Button and much more to help you work more easily with your application windows." PageText_Wallpaper, "DisplayFusion has powerful Wallpaper features that let you use images from your own computer, or load images from many different online sources. Tile, stretch, scale, crop, position and tint your images exactly how you want." PageText_WindowLocation, "The powerful Window Location feature allows you to specify which monitor you would like selected applications to open on. You can select an application, then customize it using the different settings below. You can have all windows from the selected application open on the specified monitor, or only the first window." PageText_WindowManagement, "Use DisplayFusion's Window Management feature to easily move windows between your monitors. Whether you use the simple Middle-Click Move and Maximized Window Dragging or the more advanced Functions and TitleBar Buttons, managing your desktop windows has never been so easy. You can even show tooltips when moving or resizing windows to help you position them precisely." PageText_WindowsLogon, "Use DisplayFusion's powerful Windows Logon background image changer to customize your logon screen. Load images from your computer, or from any of the online providers that DisplayFusion supports. Customize the image positioning and colours (greyscale, sepia... etc) to suit your taste." PageText_WindowSnapping, "DisplayFusion's Window Snapping feature makes it easy to line-up your windows with each other, or line-up your windows along a monitor edge. Just drag a window near a monitor edge or another window and DisplayFusion will snap the window into place." PageTitle_Finish, "Enjoy!" PageTitle_RemoteControl, "Remote Control" PageTitle_ScreenSavers, "Screen Savers" PageTitle_Start, "Welcome to DisplayFusion" PageTitle_Taskbars, "Multi-Monitor Taskbars" PageTitle_Wallpaper, "Desktop Wallpaper" PageTitle_WindowLocation, "Window Location" PageTitle_WindowManagement, "Window Management" PageTitle_WindowsLogon, "Windows Logon" PageTitle_WindowSnapping, "Window Snapping" Title, "Welcome to DisplayFusion!" [frmDesktopIconsManage_Controls] btnDelete, "&Delete" btnLoad, "&Load" btnRename, "&Rename" colProfileName, "Profile" [frmDesktopIconsManage_Strings] ConfirmDelete, "Are you sure you want to delete this Desktop Icon profile?" ConfirmDeleteInUse, "This Desktop Icon Profile is currently being used by a Monitor Profile.\nAre you sure you want to delete this Desktop Icon Profile?" Title, "Manage Desktop Icon Profiles" [frmDesktopIconsProfileName_Controls] lblProfileName, "Desktop Icon Profile Name:" [frmDesktopIconsProfileName_Strings] DuplicateName, "This profile name is already in use, please try again." PleaseEnterName, "Please enter a profile name." TitleNew, "New Desktop Icon Profile" TitleRename, "Rename Desktop Icon Profile" [frmMonitorConfigApply_Controls] btnKeep, "&Keep Changes" btnRollback, "&Revert" lblTimer_Many, "Reverting to previous settings in {0} seconds..." lblTimer_One, "Reverting to previous settings in {0} second..." lblTop, "Do you want to keep this Monitor Configuration?" [frmMonitorConfigManage_Controls] btnAudioDevices, "Audio Devices" btnDelete, "Delete" btnDesktopIconsProfile, "Desktop Icon Profile" btnHotKey, "Key Combination" btnRename, "Rename" btnWallpaperProfile, "Wallpaper Profile" colAudioDevices, "Audio Devices" colDesktopIconsProfile, "Desktop Icon Profile" colHotKey, "Key Combination" colMonitors, "Attached Monitors" colProfileName, "Monitor Profile" colWallpaperProfile, "Wallpaper Profile" mniDesktopIconsProfileClear, "Clear Desktop Icon Profile" mniDesktopIconsProfileNone, "No Desktop Icon Profiles" mniHotKeyClear, "Clear Key Combination" mniHotKeySet, "Set Key Combination" mniWallpaperProfileClear, "Clear Wallpaper Profile" mniWallpaperProfileNone, "No Wallpaper Profiles" [frmMonitorConfigManage_Strings] AudioDeviceNoChange, "Don't Change Audio Device" ConfirmDelete, "Are you sure you want to Delete this Monitor Profile?" Title, "Manage Monitor Profiles" [frmMonitorConfigProfile_Controls] lblProfileName, "Monitor Profile Name:" [frmMonitorConfigProfile_Strings] DuplicateName, "This profile name is already in use, please try again." PleaseEnterName, "Please enter a profile name." TitleNew, "Save Monitor Profile" TitleRename, "Rename Monitor Profile" [frmMonitorConfig_Controls] btnIdentify, "Identify" btnLoadProfile, "Load Profile..." btnMakePrimary, "Set as Primary" btnManageProfiles, "Manage Monitor Profiles" btnRefresh, "Refresh" btnSaveProfile, "Save Profile..." btnSplitsPadding, "Splits and Padding" btnSplitsPaddingTT, "Split your monitors into smaller virtual monitors, or add padding for bezel compensation or overscan issues" chkAutoSplitEyefinity, "Auto-split Eyefinity and nVidia Surround monitors" chkSplitScreenSavers, "Screen Savers" chkSplitTaskbars, "Taskbars" chkSplitWallpaper, "Wallpaper" chkSplitWindowManagement, "Window Management (hold shift to maximize window to full monitor)" gbMonitorSplits, "Use these Features with Split Monitors" lblOrientation, "Orientation:" mniSaveNewProfile, "New Profile" mniSaveNoItems, "No Saved Profiles" [frmMonitorConfig_Strings] AutoSplit, "auto-split" ColourDepth, "Colour Depth" DetectedProfile, "Detected Profile:" ErrorApplyingSettings, "An error has occurred while applying your new Monitor configuration.\nPlease check your settings and try again." MonitorResolution, "Monitor Resolution" OverwriteProfileConfirm, "Are you sure you want to overwrite this Monitor Profile?" RebootRequired, "Please reboot your computer to finish applying your new Monitor configuration." RefreshRate, "Refresh Rate" SaveProfileAlreadyExists, "This monitor configuration has already been saved as "{0}".\nYou can't save the same monitor configuration under more than one name." SaveProfileError, "An error has occurred while saving this Monitor Profile." TaskbarsCurrentlyDisabled, "multi-monitor taskbars are currently disabled" TipDisconnectedMonitorsAreLocked, "Disconnected Monitors are Locked" TipPreventSnapping, "Hold 'Shift' to prevent monitor snapping" Title, "Monitor Configuration" [frmSettingsCompatibility_Controls] btnSelectApplication, "Select Application" chkDisableAppHooks, "Disable Application Hooks (this application only)" chkDisableMouseScroll, "Disable Mouse Scrolling (this application only)" chkDisableTaskbarsAll, "Disable DisplayFusion Taskbars while this application is running" chkDisableTitleBarButtons, "Disable TitleBar Buttons (this application only)" chkDisableTitleBarButtonsAll, "Disable TitleBar Buttons (all applications)" chkDisableWallpaperChanges, "Disable Wallpaper changes while this application is running" chkDisableWindowMoveMaximizedDrag, "Disable maximized window dragging (this application only)" chkDisableWindowMoveMiddleClick, "Disable middle-click window moving (this application only)" chkDisableWindowSnapping, "Disable Window Snapping (this application only)" chkDisableWindowsTaskbarItemRemove, "Disable removing from Windows Taskbar (this application only)" chkForceProcessTaskbarProcessIcon, "Use process file icon on DisplayFusion taskbar, not window icon" chkForceTreatAsFullScreenWindow, "Force DisplayFusion to treat this as a full screen application" chkUseAlternateMouseScroll, "Use alternate Mouse Scroll method" lblApplication, "Application:" lblTitleBarButtonOffset, "Normal TitleBar Button Offset (Horizontal, Vertical):" lblTitleBarButtonOffsetMax, "Maximized TitleBar Button Offset (Horizontal, Vertical):" txtApplicationTT, "Separate multiple paths with |" [frmSettingsCompatibility_Strings] HooksDisabledWarning, "If the target application is currently running, you will need to restart the target application for the DisplayFusion Hooks to be unloaded." ToolTipHorizontalOffset, "Horizontal Offset" ToolTipVerticalOffset, "Vertical Offset" [frmSettingsTitleBarButton_Controls] btnDefault, "Default" lblTitleBarButton, "TitleBar Button &Image:" lblTitleBarButtonImageSet, "TitleBar Button Image &Set:" [frmSettingsTitleBarButton_Strings] PathNotFound, "Could not find titlebar images path:" PleaseSelectItems, "Please select a TitleBar Button image." SelectButton, "Select a Button Image" TitleEdit, "Edit TitleBar Button" TitleNew, "Add TitleBar Button" [frmSettingsWindowLocationEdit_Controls] btnHotKeyAdd, "&Add Function" btnHotKeyEdit, "&Edit Function" btnSelectApplication, "Select Application" cboMode_DoNothing, "Do Nothing" cboMode_KeepOnMonitor, "Keep on Same Monitor" cboMode_MouseCursorMonitor, "Move to Current Monitor" cboMode_SelectedMonitor, "Move to Selected Monitor" lblApplication, "Application:" lblCommandLine, "Command Line:" lblDelay, "Delay: (sec)" lblHotKey, "Function:" lblMode, "Move Window:" lblMoveMode, "Window Location Mode:" lblWindowSize, "Window Size:" [frmSettingsWindowLocationEdit_Strings] Mode_AllWindows, "All Windows" Mode_FirstWindowOnly, "First Window Only" SelectHotKeyMessage, "Please select a Function from the list and try again." WindowType_CentreOnMonitor, "Centre" WindowType_Maximize, "Maximize" WindowType_Minimize, "Minimize" WindowType_OriginalSize, "Original Size" WindowType_RunHotKey, "Run Selected Function on the Window" WindowType_Span, "Span" [frmSettings_Functions] btnFunctionClearHotKeys, "Clear All Key Combinations" btnFunctionDownload, "Download Scripted" btnFunctionDownloadTT, "Browse and download pre-made Scripted Functions that the DisplayFusion community has created." btnFunctionEditCode, "Add Scripted" btnFunctionEditCodeTT, "Create a Scripted Function using C# or Visual Basic that can do anything you can imagine." btnHotKeyToggleJumpList, "Toggle in Jump List" btnHotKeyToggleTitleBarButton, "Toggle TitleBar Button" btnKeyAdd, "Add Custom" btnKeyAddTT, "Create a Custom Function by selecting preset DisplayFusion functions." btnKeyReset, "Reset All Functions" btnTitleBarButtonDelete, "Delete TitleBar Button" btnTitleBarButtonEdit, "Edit TitleBar Button" btnTitleBarButtonSepAdd, "Add Separator (right-side)" btnTitleBarButtonSepDelete, "Delete Separator (right-side)" chkHotKeysEnabled, "Enable Key Combinations" chkTitleBarButtons, "Enable TitleBar Buttons (show these buttons on each window)" colHotKeyKeys, "Key Combination" colHotKeyName, "Name" colTaskbarJumpList, "Show in Jump Lists" colTitleBarButtons, "Show in TitleBar Buttons" colWindowLocation, "Used by Window Location" FunctionSameNamePrompt, "An existing Scripted Function with the same name has been found.\n\nWould you like to replace the existing Scripted Function or create a duplicate Scripted Function with the same name?" HotKeyClearPrompt, "Are you sure you want to clear all Key Combinations?" HotKeyGroup_AudioFunctions, "Audio Devices" HotKeyGroup_Custom, "Custom Functions" HotKeyGroup_DesktopIconsFunctions, "Desktop Icons" HotKeyGroup_DisplayFusionFunctions, "DisplayFusion Functions" HotKeyGroup_MirroringFunctions, "Mirroring" HotKeyGroup_MonitorFunctions, "Monitor Configuration" HotKeyGroup_MouseCursorFunctions, "Mouse Cursor" HotKeyGroup_ScriptedFunctions, "Scripted Functions" HotKeyGroup_SystemFunctions, "System Functions" HotKeyGroup_WallpaperFunctions, "Wallpaper" HotKeyGroup_WindowManagementFunctions, "Window Management" HotKeyGroup_WindowMoveSizeFunctions, "Window Move/Size" lblFunctionsDragReorder, "Drag the TitleBar Buttons to re-order them" tabFunctions, "Functions" TitleBarAllHotKeysUsed, "All of the Functions have already been assigned to TitleBar Buttons." [frmSettings_Options] btnMonitorConfig, "Monitor Configuration" btnRestoreNVidiaFiles, "Restore nVidia Files" btnShowWelcomeWizard, "Show Welcome Wizard" btnWallpaper, "Desktop Wallpaper" chkAutoStart, "Start with Windows" chkShowInWindowsContextMenu, "Show in Windows desktop context menu" gbAeroColours, "Aero Colour Settings (Windows 7 and higher)" lblTrayIconAction, "Tray Icon Double-Click Action:" [frmSettings_OptionsAeroColour] rdoAeroColourCurrentWindow, "Change the Aero colour based on the current application window" rdoAeroColourDefault, "Don't change the Aero colour" rdoAeroColourWallpaper, "Change the Aero colour based on the current wallpaper image" [frmSettings_ScreenSaver] btnScreenSaverBrowse, "Browse" btnScreenSaverConfig, "Settings" btnScreenSaverPreview, "Preview" chkScreenSaverEnabled, "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Screen Saver" chkScreenSaverLock, "Require password after screen saver" chkScreenSaverSpan, "Span Screen Saver across all monitors" chkScreenSaverUsePreview, "Use Preview Mode for this screen saver (recommended for most screen savers)" gbScreenSaverLogin, "Screen Saver at Windows Login Screen" gbScreenSaverSettings, "Screen Saver Settings" lblScreenSaverIssues, "The selected Screen Saver may not work correctly with DisplayFusion!" lblScreenSaverTimeout, "Timeout (minutes):" NoScreenSaver, "No Screen Saver" tabScreenSaver, "Screen Saver" [frmSettings_Strings] ErrorSavingAutoStart, "An error has occurred while saving your "Start with Windows" setting." HooksDisabledError, "Your Global Application Hooks are currently disabled.\nDisabling these hooks will affect these DisplayFusion Features:\n - TitleBar Buttons: Will function normally, but updating will be slow\n - Taskbar Buttons: Will function normally, but updating will be slow\n - Taskbar Start Button: Won't work in Windows 7\n - Window Snapping: Won't work at all\n - Maximized Window Dragging: Won't work at all\n - Middle-click Window Moving: Won't work at all" HotKeyRemoveWarn_InUseMany, "This Function is currently in use by these features:" HotKeyRemoveWarn_InUseOne, "This Function is currently in use by this feature:" HotKeyRemoveWarn_JumpList, "Jump Lists" HotKeyRemoveWarn_NotCustom, "Sorry, you can only remove Custom or Scripted Functions." HotKeyRemoveWarn_TitleBarButton, "TitleBar Buttons" HotKeyRemoveWarn_WindowLocation, "Window Location" HotKeyReset, "Are you sure you want to reset all Functions?\nThis will reset the key combinations, TitleBar Buttons and Jump Lists." MustSaveScreenSaverSettings, "You must save your Screen Saver settings first.\nWould you like to do this now?" NeedReboot, "You will need to reboot your computer for these system changes to take effect." NVidiaFilesRestored, "nVidia files have been successfully restored.\nYou need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect." ScreenSaverNotWork10Monitors, "Sorry, the selected Screen Saver doesn't work with 10 or more monitors.\nPlease select a different Screen Saver." SelectScreenSaver, "Please select a Screen Saver first." TaskbarResetConfirm, "This will reset all of your DisplayFusion Taskbars to the default settings.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" TitleBarUpgradeToPro, "Please upgrade to DisplayFusion Pro to use more than 1 TitleBar Button.\nTo add a new button, first remove the existing button from the list." WindowsLogonImageLength0, "Please select an image to use as the Windows Logon Background or un-check the 'Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Windows Logon Background' option." WindowsLogonImageNotFound, "The image you have selected for the Windows Logon Background could not be found, please select a different image." [frmSettings_Taskbar] btnTaskbarsEnable, "Enable All Taskbars" btnTaskbarShortcuts, "Taskbar Shortcuts" btnTaskbarsReset, "Reset All Taskbars" chkTaskbarFocusWindowOnDragOver, "Focus window when mouse is dragged over Taskbar button" chkTaskbarsAllowReloadingWhenFullScreen, "Allow taskbar reloading while full screen applications are running" chkTaskbarsDisableTransparency, "Disable transparency on all taskbars (Win7+)" chkTaskbarsEnable, "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars (show a taskbar on each monitor)" chkTaskbarShowOverFullScreen, "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" chkTaskbarStartMenuOpenOnMonitor, "Launch Start Menu shortcuts on current monitor (New Start Menu style only)" chkTaskbarUseJumpLists, "Use Jump Lists" lblTaskbarMiddleClickMode, "Taskbar Button Middle-Click (or Shift + Left-Click) Behaviour:" lblTaskbarMode, "Taskbar Mode:" lblTaskbarOpacity, "Taskbar Opacity (1 - 100%)" lblTaskbarsSM, "DisplayFusion supports these excellent Start Menu replacements:" lblTaskbarsSM_Detected, "Detected!" lblTaskbarsSM_Download, "Download Now" lblTaskbarTip, "Tip: Adjust per-taskbar settings by right-clicking on the taskbar you want to change!" lblTaskbarWindowPreviewStyle, "Window Preview Style:" rdoTaskbarsMode_WindowsAll_DisplayFusionAll, "All taskbars show all windows" rdoTaskbarsMode_WindowsAll_DisplayFusionRelevant, "Windows taskbar shows all windows, DisplayFusion shows relevant windows" rdoTaskbarsMode_WindowsNone_DisplayFusionAll, "Windows taskbar shows no windows, DisplayFusion shows all windows" rdoTaskbarsMode_WindowsRelevant_DisplayFusionRelevant, "All taskbars show relevant windows" tabTaskbar, "Taskbar" TaskbarMiddleClick_CloseInstance, "Close application" TaskbarMiddleClick_Disabled, "Do nothing" TaskbarMiddleClick_MoveToNextMonitor, "Move to next monitor" TaskbarMiddleClick_MoveToPreviousMonitor, "Move to previous monitor" TaskbarMiddleClick_OpenNewInstance, "Open a new instance" TaskbarWindowPreviewStyle_DisabledGroupList, "Previews disabled, show group list on hover" TaskbarWindowPreviewStyle_DisabledToolTips, "Previews disabled, show tooltip on hover" TaskbarWindowPreviewStyle_Vista, "Windows Vista style" TaskbarWindowPreviewStyle_Win7, "Windows 7 style" [frmSettings_Win8] bfHotKeyMetroFrameWindow, "Set HotKey" btnWin8_BorderSizeDefaults, "Defaults" chkWin8_BypassStartScreen, "Bypass the Windows Start Screen" chkWin8_EnableMouseStickyCorners, "Enable mouse sticky corners (catches mouse on monitor corners)" chkWin8_HideLockScreen, "Hide Windows Lock Screen" chkWin8_MoveWinX, "Move the Power User Menu (Win + X) to the mouse cursor position" chkWin8_StartScreenMove, "Use mini Start Screen and open on current monitor:" lblWin8_BorderSize, "Adjust the window border size:" lblWin8_BorderSizeBorder, "Border:" lblWin8_BorderSizePadding, "Padding:" lblWin8_LockScreenTimeout, "Lock Screen monitor timeout (mins):" lblWin8_StartScreenHeight, "Height:" lblWin8_StartScreenWidth, "Width:" [frmSettings_WindowLocation] chkWindowLocationEnabled, "Enable Window Location (force application windows to open on specified monitor)" colWLCommandLine, "Command Line" colWLMode, "Move Window" colWLMoveMode, "Mode" colWLPath, "Application" colWLWindowType, "Window Size" tabWindowLocation, "Window Location" [frmSettings_WindowManagement] AltTabMode_AllMonitorsMirrored, "Show on All Monitors, Show All Windows" AltTabMode_CurrentMonitorAllWindows, "Show on Current Monitor Only, Show All Windows" AltTabMode_CurrentMonitorCurrentWindows, "Show on Current Monitor Only, Show Current Windows Only" AltTabMode_Disabled, "Disabled" AltTabMode_PrimaryMonitorOnly, "Show on Primary Monitor Only, Show All Windows" chkAltTabShowDesktopWindow, "Show the Desktop window" chkAltTabShowWindowText, "Show window text below each Alt+Tab item" chkMouseWrapMultipleMonitorsOnly, "Only wrap mouse cursor when more than one monitor is connected" chkMouseWrapNoSnag, "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" chkMouseWrapX, "Wrap mouse cursor around left/right monitor edges" chkMouseWrapY, "Wrap mouse cursor around top/bottom monitor edges" chkMoveChildWindows, "Centre child windows over the parent window" chkMoveChildWindowsCentre, "Move child windows that are on the same monitor as the parent window" chkMoveChildWindowsModalOnly, "Move only modal windows (windows that block input)" chkWindowDragging, "Enable maximized window dragging between monitors" chkWindowDraggingOverlay, "Show monitor selector while dragging" chkWindowManagementAeroShake, "Enable Aero Shake (shake a window to minimize all other windows)" chkWindowManagement_WinMHelper, "Allow DisplayFusion to help minimize all windows when Win + M is pressed" chkWindowMouseWheelScrolling, "Allow the mouse wheel to scroll windows under the mouse cursor that are not in focus" chkWindowMoveMiddleClick, "Enable window caption bar middle-clicking to move windows to the next monitor (hold shift to move to previous monitor)" chkWindowMoveSizeToolTips, "Show a ToolTip when moving or re-sizing a window to display location and size" gbWindowManagementAltTab, "Alt+Tab Handler" gbWindowManagementMouseCursor, "Mouse Management" gbWindowManagementWindows, "Window Management" lblWindowFullDragWarning, "Please enable the 'Show window contents while dragging' in Windows to take full advantage of this feature." tabWindowManagement, "Window Management" [frmSettings_WindowsLogon] btnLoadFrom, "Load From..." btnWindowsLoginReset, "Reset to Default" chkWindowsLogonEnabled, "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Windows Logon Background" chkWindowsLogonUseWallpaper, "Use the current Desktop Wallpaper image for the Windows Logon Background" FileNotFound, "Your Windows Logon Background image could not be found." lblWindowsLogonUnsupportedOS, "Sorry, this feature isn't currently supported for your version of Windows." PromptDisableWindowsLogon, "Are you sure you want to restore your Windows Logon image to default?" tabWindowsLogon, "Windows Logon" [frmSettings_WindowSnapping] cboSnapMode_Always, "Always snap windows" cboSnapMode_OnlyWithModifier, "Only snap when modifier key is held down" cboSnapMode_OnlyWithoutModifier, "Always snap except when modifier key is held down" chkSnap, "Enable Window Edge Snapping to edges of Monitors" chkSnapOtherApplications, "Enable Window Edge Snapping to edges of other Application Windows" chkSnapStickyMode, "Use Sticky Snapping (snap before the mouse button is released)" lblSnapMode, "Snapping Mode:" lblSnapModifier, "Snapping Modifier Key:" lblSnapPixels, "Window Snap Distance (Pixels):" tabSnap, "Window Snapping" [frmTaskbarShortcutsEditFolder_Controls] btnBrowse, "&Browse" chkForceMonitor, "Force folder to open on same monitor as Taskbar" lblFolder, "Folder:" [frmTaskbarShortcutsEditFolder_Strings] ErrorSelectFolder, "Please select a Folder." [frmTaskbarShortcutsEditURL_Controls] chkForceMonitor, "Force web browser to start on same monitor as Taskbar (opens a new browser instance)" lblURL, "Website URL:" [frmTaskbarShortcutsEditURL_Strings] ErrorInvalidURL, "This website URL appears to be invalid." [frmTaskbarShortcutsEdit_Controls] btnSelectApplication, "Select Application" chkForceMonitor, "Force application to start on same monitor as Taskbar" chkLaunchAdmin, "Launch application as Administrator" lblApplication, "Application:" lblArgs, "Command Line Arguments:" [frmTaskbarShortcutsEdit_Strings] TitleEdit, "Edit Taskbar Shortcut" TitleNew, "New Taskbar Shortcut" [frmTaskbarShortcutsName_Controls] lblName, "Name:" [frmTaskbarShortcutsName_Strings] Title, "Shortcut Name" [frmTaskbarShortcuts_Controls] btnAddApplication, "Add Application" btnAddFile, "Add File" btnAddFolder, "Add Folder" btnAddURL, "Add Website" btnCopyTo, "Copy To..." btnCustomIcon, "Icon" btnCustomName, "Name" btnMoveDown, "Move Down" btnMoveUp, "Move Up" btnSave, "Save" colArgs, "Command Line" colMonitorStartup, "Force Monitor" colName, "Custom Name" colPath, "Path" colType, "Type" mniCustomIconAdd, "Set Custom Icon" mniCustomIconRemove, "Remove Custom Icon" mniCustomNameClear, "Clear Custom Name" mniCustomNameSet, "Set Custom Name" [frmTaskbarShortcuts_Strings] CopySuccess, "The selected Shortcuts have been successfully copied to Monitor #{0}." MetroEditNotAllowed, "Windows Store Application shortcuts can't be edited because they are auto-generated.\nTo update this shortcut, please delete it and re-add it." Title, "Taskbar Shortcuts" Type_Application, "Application" Type_File, "File" Type_Folder, "Folder" Type_Website, "Website" [frmTaskbarSize_Controls] lblSize, "&Taskbar Size: (pixels)" [frmTaskbarSize_Strings] Title, "Taskbar Size" [frmWallpaperApply_Strings] Title, "Applying Wallpaper Settings" [frmWallpaperInfoFont_Controls] btnColorFore, "Text Colour" btnColourStroke, "Outline Colour" btnDefault, "Default" chkStyleBold, "Bold" chkStyleItalic, "Italic" chkStyleStrikeout, "Strikeout" chkStyleUnderline, "Underline" gbFontColours, "Font Colours" gbFontStyle, "Font Styles" lblColourStroke, "Outline Size:" lblFontFamily, "Font Family:" lblFontSize, "Size:" [frmWallpaperInfoFont_Strings] Title, "Wallpaper Info Font Settings" [frmWallpaperOpenURL_Controls] lblURL, "Image URL:" [frmWallpaperOpenURL_Strings] ErrorInvalidURL, "This image URL appears to be invalid." Title, "Load from Image URL" [frmWallpaperProfileName_Controls] lblProfileName, "Wallpaper Profile Name:" [frmWallpaperProfileName_Strings] DuplicateName, "This profile name is already in use, please try again." PleaseEnterName, "Please enter a profile name." TitleDuplicate, "Save Wallpaper Profile As" TitleNew, "New Wallpaper Profile" TitleRename, "Rename Wallpaper Profile" [frmWallpaperSettings_Controls] chkCheckWallpaper, "Warn me if my wallpaper needs adjusting" chkCheckWallpaperNoPrompt, "Fix my wallpaper without prompting" chkCleanImageFolders, "Remove unused temporary image files automatically" chkIgnoreRDPChanges, "Pause wallpaper changes while in a remote desktop session (RDP)" chkWallpaperAutoRotate, "Rotate wallpaper images automatically using JPEG EXIF information" chkWallpaperIgnoreHiddenFiles, "Random wallpaper changer ignores hidden files and folders" chkWallpaperPauseBattery, "Pause wallpaper changes while computer is running on battery power" chkWallpaperPauseWhenFullScreen, "Pause wallpaper changes while a full screen application is running" chkWallpaperUseTransitions, "Use transitions when changing wallpaper (Windows 7 and higher)" [frmWallpaperSettings_Strings] Title, "Desktop Wallpaper Settings" [frmWallpaper_Controls] btnAddFile, "Add File" btnAddFolder, "Add Folder" btnAdjustReset, "R&eset" btnImageSourcePluginClearSettings, "Clear Settings" btnImageSourcePluginGetSettings, "Get Settings" btnInfoFontSettings, "Font Settings" btnInfoTags, "Add Info Tag" btnLoadImage, "Load Image" btnLoadImageURL, "Load from URL" btnLocalAddLibrary, "Add Library" btnProfileCopy, "Save As" btnProfileDelete, "Delete" btnProfileNew, "New Profile" btnProfileRename, "Rename" btnResetAll, "&Use Default Options" btnWallpaperSettings, "&Wallpaper Settings" chkAdjustFlipH, "Flip image horizontally (mirrored)" chkAdjustFlipV, "Flip image vertically (mirrored)" chkGradientBackground, "Use Background Gradient" chkImageSourceIsRandom, "Load random images" chkInfoEnabled, "Show info on this Monitor" chkSizeNoStretch, "Don't stretch smaller images" chkWallpaperLocalAlphaOrder, "Show in alphabetical order" chkWallpaperLocalAlphaOrderTT, "Warning: Large image collections can cause memory issues when this option is selected" gbMonitor, "Monitor Settings" gbSource, "Wallpaper Source" gbType, "&Background Mode" ImageModeLoadFromURL, "Load From URL" ImageModeSingle, "My Computer" ImageModeSolidColour, "Solid Colour" lblAdjustMoveH, "Move Horizontal (pixels):" lblAdjustMoveV, "Move Vertical (pixels):" lblAdjustRotate, "Rotation (degrees):" lblAdjustScale, "Scale (percent):" lblColour, "Bac&kground Colour:" lblColourMode, "Co&lour Mode:" lblGradientAngle, "Gradient Angle (degrees):" lblImageBrowse, "Image:" lblImageMode, "&Source:" lblRotateMinutes, "Interval (minutes):" lblSizeMode, "Si&zing:" lblWallpaperInfoNotice, "Select a monitor corner where the wallpaper info text will appear" lblWarningLowInterval, "Warning: Setting your wallpaper change interval to less than 1 minute may cause frequent disk usage" mniCombineWith, "Combine With..." mniCopySettingsFrom, "Copy Settings From..." mniImageLoadImage, "Load Image" mniImagePaste, "Paste Image from Clipboard" mniLoadFromLocal, "My Computer" mniLoadFromURL, "Image URL" mniShowImageExplorer, "Show Image in Explorer" mniSwapSettingsWith, "Swap Settings With..." numRotateMinutesTT, "The interval time in minutes" pageAdjustments, "Adjustments" pageColour, "Colour" pageInfo, "Info" rdoImageColourGreyscale, "Greyscale" rdoImageColourInvert, "Inverted" rdoImageColourNormal, "Normal" rdoImageColourSepia, "Sepia Tone" rdoInfoBottomLeft, "Bottom-Left Corner" rdoInfoBottomMiddle, "Bottom-Middle Side" rdoInfoBottomRight, "Bottom-Right Corner" rdoInfoMiddleLeft, "Middle-Left Side" rdoInfoMiddleMiddle, "Centre" rdoInfoMiddleRight, "Middle-Right Side" rdoInfoTopLeft, "Top-Left Corner" rdoInfoTopMiddle, "Top-Middle Side" rdoInfoTopRight, "Top-Right Corner" rdoWallpaperMany, "Use a different Image for each Monitor" rdoWallpaperSameImage, "Use the same Image on each Monitor" rdoWallpaperSpan, "Span an Image across all Monitors" [frmWallpaper_Strings] BrowseFolderDescription, "Please select a Folder.\nSub-folders will be included automatically." cboImageMode_CombinedWithMonitorNumber, "Combined with Monitor #{0}" cboImageMode_GroupColours, "My Images and Colours" cboImageMode_GroupCombined, "Combine with Monitors" cboImageMode_GroupOnlineImageProviders, "Online Image Providers" cboImageMode_GroupOnlineImageSearch, "Online Image Search" cboImageMode_GroupOnlineSocialMedia, "Online Social Media Images" cboImageMode_GroupOnlineSpecialityProviders, "Online Speciality Providers" ClearSettings, "Are you sure you want to clear these settings?" ClipboardFailedToLoad, "Failed to load the Image from the Clipboard." ClipboardInvalidImage, "Invalid Image File on the Clipboard or the File is currently in use." ClipboardNoImage, "There is currently no Image on the Clipboard." ClipboardTooMany, "There are too many files referenced on the Clipboard.\nPlease select just 1 Image and try again." ConfirmApply, "Do you want to apply these Wallpaper settings now?" Error, "An error has occurred." ErrorApplyLocalRandomNoPaths, "You have selected 'Randomly change using Images from my computer' for monitor #{0} but didn't select any files/folders." ErrorApplyLocalRandomNotAllowedPaths, "One of your selected wallpaper files/folders is not allowed by your Administrator.\nThese are the allowed image folders:" ErrorApplyLocalSingleFileNotFound, "You have selected 'Single Image' for monitor #{0} but the image file you selected does not exist.\nPlease choose a new image for monitor #{0}." ErrorApplyLocalSingleNoFile, "You have selected 'Single Image' for monitor #{0} but didn't select an image file." ErrorApplyPluginSettings, "You have selected 'Randomly load from: {0}' for monitor #{1} but didn't enter any settings.\nPlease enter settings for '{0}' or select a different Image Mode." ErrorEnterValidURL, "You have selected 'Load From URL' for monitor #{0} but didn't enter a URL." ErrorLoadingColour, "An error has occurred while setting this colour." ErrorLoadingImage, "An error has occurred while trying to load this Image:" ErrorLoadingSettings, "An error has occurred while loading the Wallpaper Settings." ErrorSavingSettings, "Your new Wallpaper has been set, but an error occurred while saving your settings for next time." ErrorUpdatingPreview, "An error has occurred while updating the preview." InfoTag_General, "General" InfoTag_General_generated, "Date/Time Generated" InfoTag_General_generatedutc, "Date/Time Generated UTC" InfoTag_System, "System" InfoTag_System_boottime, "Startup Date/Time" InfoTag_System_cpu, "CPU Type" InfoTag_System_cpucount, "CPU Count" InfoTag_System_hostname, "Computer Name" InfoTag_System_memory, "Total Physical Memory" InfoTag_System_networkinfo, "Network Information" InfoTag_System_osname, "Windows Version Name" InfoTag_System_osversion, "Windows Version" InfoTag_System_servicepack, "Windows Service Pack" InfoTag_System_userdomain, "Domain Name" InfoTag_System_userfullname, "User Full Name" InfoTag_System_username, "User Name" InfoTag_Wallpaper, "Wallpaper" InfoTag_Wallpaper_attributionsource, "Attribution Source URL" InfoTag_Wallpaper_description, "Description" InfoTag_Wallpaper_exif_cameramaker, "EXIF: Camera Maker" InfoTag_Wallpaper_exif_cameramodel, "EXIF: Camera Model" InfoTag_Wallpaper_exif_datetaken, "EXIF: Date Taken" InfoTag_Wallpaper_exif_exposure, "EXIF: Exposure" InfoTag_Wallpaper_exif_iso, "EXIF: ISO" InfoTag_Wallpaper_filedatecreated, "File Date Created" InfoTag_Wallpaper_filedatemodified, "File Date Modified" InfoTag_Wallpaper_fileextension, "File Extension" InfoTag_Wallpaper_filename, "File Name" InfoTag_Wallpaper_filepath, "File Path" InfoTag_Wallpaper_profilename, "Profile Name" InfoTag_Wallpaper_source, "Image Source" InfoTag_Wallpaper_title, "Title" InfoTag_Wallpaper_weather, "Current Weather ('Current Weather' Provider Only)" RemoveFilesFolders, "Are you sure you want to remove these files/folders?" SizeMode0, "Centre" SizeMode1, "Stretch" SizeMode2, "Fit Best and maintain Aspect Ratio (No Clipping)" SizeMode3, "Fit Best and maintain Aspect Ratio (Clip Edges)" SizeMode4, "Fit Width and maintain Aspect Ratio" SizeMode5, "Fit Height and maintain Aspect Ratio" SizeMode6, "Tile" WallpaperProfileDelete, "Are you sure you want to delete this Wallpaper Profile?" WallpaperProfileDeleteInUse, "This Wallpaper Profile is currently being used by a Monitor Profile.\nAre you sure you want to delete this Wallpaper Profile?" WallpaperProfileNoDelete, "You can't delete your last Wallpaper Profile." WallpaperProfileSaveBeforeChange, "You need to save your Wallpaper Profile to avoid losing any changes.\nDo you want to save now?" WallpaperReset, "Are you sure you want to reset your Wallpaper settings back to the defaults?" [Functions_Strings] LastModifiedTT, "Last Modified:" WindowsLogon_NoWindowsXPWelcome, "Changing the Windows XP Welcome Screen background is not supported." WindowsLogon_QualityTooLow, "Image too large, please use a lower quality image." WindowsLogon_UnsupportedWindowsVersion, "This version of Windows isn't currently supported for changing the Logon Background." [General_Strings] AnotherInstanceRunningPrompt, "Sorry, another instance of DisplayFusion is already running.\nWould you like to close the existing instance and use this one instead?" FailedFindOtherProcess, "Failed to find the other DisplayFusion process." FailedListOtherProcesses, "Failed to list other processes." FailedProcessRequest, "Failed to process this request." [HookProcessOverlay_Strings] ClickToClose, "click to close..." [HotKeys_HotKeyNames] AudioPlaybackCOMNext, "Set Next Playback Communications Device as Default" AudioPlaybackCOMPrevious, "Set Previous Playback Communications Device as Default" AudioPlaybackMMNext, "Set Next Playback Device as Default" AudioPlaybackMMPrevious, "Set Previous Playback Device as Default" AudioRecordingCOMNext, "Set Next Recording Communications Device as Default" AudioRecordingCOMPrevious, "Set Previous Recording Communications Device as Default" AudioRecordingMMNext, "Set Next Recording Device as Default" AudioRecordingMMPrevious, "Set Previous Recording Device as Default" CentreWindow, "Move Window to Centre of Monitor" CentreWindowSize, "Move Window to Centre of Monitor and Size to 75%" ChangeRandomWallpaperAll, "Load Next Random Wallpaper Image" DisableScreenSaver, "Disable Screen Saver" EnableScreenSaver, "Enable Screen Saver" HighlightWindow, "Highlight Window" HighlightWindowDisableAll, "Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights" LaunchApplication, "Launch Application" LoadDesktopIconsProfilePrefix, "Load Desktop Icon Profile:" LoadMonitorProfilePrefix, "Load Monitor Profile:" LoadNextMonitorProfileAlpha, "Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" LoadPreviousMonitorProfileAlpha, "Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" LoadWallpaperProfilePrefix, "Load Wallpaper Profile:" LockDesktop, "Lock Desktop" LockMouseCursorToFocusedWindow, "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window" LockMouseCursorToMonitor, "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor" MaximizeWindow, "Maximize Window" MaximizeWindowIgnoreSplits, "Maximize Window (ignore monitor splits)" MetroWindowFrame, "Send Windows Store (Metro) app to desktop window" MinimizeAllWindowsExceptCurrentWindowAllMonitors, "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)" MinimizeAllWindowsExceptCurrentWindowCurrentMonitor, "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)" MinimizeWindow, "Minimize Window" MinimizeWindowToSystemTray, "Minimize Window To System Tray" MirrorMonitor, "Mirror Monitor" MirrorWindow, "Mirror Window" MouseCursorCentreActiveWindow, "Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Active Window" MouseCursorCentreCurrentMonitor, "Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Current Monitor" MouseCursorCentreDifferentMonitor, "Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)" MouseCursorCentreMonitorX, "Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Monitor #X" MouseCursorCentreMonitorXValue, "Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Monitor #{0}" MouseCursorMoveNextMonitor, "Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor" MouseCursorMovePreviousMonitor, "Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor" MouseCursorMoveXY, "Move Mouse Cursor to Specified Location" MoveAllWindowsToCurrentMonitor, "Move All Windows to Current Monitor" MoveMonitor, "Move Window to Next Monitor" MoveMonitorMaximize, "Move Window to Next Monitor and Maximize" MoveMonitorMinimize, "Move Window to Next Monitor and Minimize" MoveMonitorSize, "Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally" MoveWindowBottomLeft, "Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%" MoveWindowBottomRight, "Move Window to Bottom-Right Corner and Size 50%" MoveWindowToCurrentMonitor, "Move Window to Current Monitor" MoveWindowToCurrentMonitorMaximize, "Move Window to Current Monitor and Maximize" MoveWindowToCurrentMonitorMinimize, "Move Window to Current Monitor and Minimize" MoveWindowToCurrentMonitorResize, "Move Window to Current Monitor and Size Proportionally" MoveWindowTopLeft, "Move Window to Top-Left Corner and Size 50%" MoveWindowTopRight, "Move Window to Top-Right Corner and Size 50%" MoveWindowToPrimaryMonitor, "Move Window to Primary Monitor" MoveWindowToPrimaryMonitorMaximize, "Move Window to Primary Monitor and Maximize" MoveWindowToPrimaryMonitorMinimize, "Move Window to Primary Monitor and Minimize" MoveWindowToPrimaryMonitorResize, "Move Window to Primary Monitor and Size Proportionally" OpenDFWindowMonitorConfig, "Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration" OpenDFWindowSettings, "Open DisplayFusion Settings" OpenDFWindowWallpaper, "Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper" PrevMonitor, "Move Window to Previous Monitor" PrevMonitorMaximize, "Move Window to Previous Monitor and Maximize" PrevMonitorMinimize, "Move Window to Previous Monitor and Minimize" PrevMonitorSize, "Move Window to Previous Monitor and Size Proportionally" RestoreWindow, "Restore Window" SendWindowToBack, "Send Window to Back" ShowMonitorSelector, "Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)" SizeBottom, "Size and Move Window to Bottom Side of Monitor" SizeLeft, "Size and Move Window to Left Side of Monitor" SizeRight, "Size and Move Window to Right Side of Monitor" SizeSpan, "Span Window Across all Monitors" SizeTop, "Size and Move Window to Top Side of Monitor" StartScreenSaver, "Start Screen Saver" ToggleFreezeWallpaperImages, "Toggle Pause Current Wallpaper Images" ToggleHotKeys, "Toggle Key Combinations" TogglePreventWindowDeactivation, "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)" ToggleTaskbars, "Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar" ToggleTitleBarButtons, "Toggle TitleBar Buttons" ToggleWindowAlwaysOnTop, "Toggle Window Always on Top" ToggleWindowLocation, "Toggle Window Location" ToggleWindowSnapping, "Toggle Window Snapping" ToggleWindowTransparency, "Toggle Window Transparency" WindowPositionsLoad, "Restore Window Positions From Last Save" WindowPositionsSave, "Save Window Positions" WindowRollupHat, "Rollup Window to Hat" WindowRollupIcon, "Rollup Window to Icon" WindowRollupTitleBar, "Rollup Window to TitleBar" [HotKeys_MonitorChange] MoveAllToX, "Move all windows to monitor #X" MoveAllToXValue, "Move all windows to monitor #{0}" MoveMonitor, "Move window to next monitor" MoveToLocation, "Move window to specified location" MoveToX, "Move window to monitor #X" MoveToXMaximize, "Move window to monitor #X and maximize" MoveToXMaximizeValue, "Move window to monitor #{0} and maximize" MoveToXMinimize, "Move window to monitor #X and minimize" MoveToXMinimizeValue, "Move window to monitor #{0} and minimize" MoveToXResize, "Move window to monitor #X and size proportionally" MoveToXResizeValue, "Move window to monitor #{0} and size proportionally" MoveToXValue, "Move window to monitor #{0}" MoveWindowToCurrentMonitor, "Move window to current monitor" MoveWindowToPrimaryMonitor, "Move window to primary monitor" None, "Keep window on same monitor" NoneMaximize, "Keep window on same monitor and maximize" PrevMonitor, "Move window to previous monitor" [HotKeys_PositionChange] Bottom, "Move window to bottom-middle side of monitor" BottomLeft, "Move window to bottom-left corner of monitor" BottomRight, "Move window to bottom-right corner of monitor" Centre, "Move window to centre of monitor" Left, "Move window to left-middle side of monitor" None, "Don't move the window" Right, "Move window to right-middle side of monitor" Top, "Move window to top-middle side of monitor" TopLeft, "Move window to top-left corner of monitor" TopRight, "Move window to top-right corner of monitor" [HotKeys_SizeHeight] None, "Don't change window height" Percent, "Change window height to specified percentage" Pixel, "Change window height to specified pixel value" [HotKeys_SizeWidth] None, "Don't change window width" Percent, "Change window width to specified percentage" Pixel, "Change window width to specified pixel value" [LicenseValidate_Strings] ExpiredPrompt, "Sorry, your DisplayFusion Trial License Key has expired.\nIf you have already purchased a license, please enter it in the DisplayFusion Settings window.\n\nWould you like more information about purchasing DisplayFusion Pro?" Invalid, "Sorry, your License Key is invalid." InvalidReseller, "Sorry, your License Key is only valid with DisplayFusion provided by your Reseller.\nPlease contact your Reseller for more information." LicenseProcessPro, "Thank You for Registering!" LicenseProcessProRestoreSettingsPrompt, "An automatic backup of your Pro settings has been detected.\nThis backup file is {0} days old.\nWould you like to import your Pro settings? All of your current settings will be overridden with the settings in the backup." LicenseProcessRemoved, "Your License Key has been removed." LicenseProcessTrial, "Thank You for trying DisplayFusion Pro!\nYour license will expire on {0:D}." TrialAlmostDonePrompt, "Your trial license will expire soon.\nIf you have already purchased a license, please enter it in the DisplayFusion Settings window.\n\nWould you like more information about purchasing DisplayFusion Pro?" [MonitorConfig_Mode] Disabled, "Disabled" Enabled, "Enabled" EnabledClonedWithMonitor, "Enabled and Cloned with Monitor #{0}" [MonitorConfig_Orientation] Landscape, "Landscape" LandscapeFlipped, "Landscape (flipped)" Portrait, "Portrait" PortraitFlipped, "Portrait (flipped)" [PluginWallpaper500px_Controls] lblNote, "Images downloaded from 500px are limited to 900x500 or 500x900 resolution.\nThis is a limitation of the 500px API." lblSearchSort, "Sort:" lblSearchSort_CommentsCount, "Comments Count" lblSearchSort_CreatedAt, "Created At" lblSearchSort_FavouritesCount, "Favourites Count" lblSearchSort_Rating, "Rating" lblSearchSort_TakenAt, "Taken At" lblSearchSort_TimesViewed, "Times Viewed" lblSearchSort_VoteCount, "Votes Count" lblSearchText, "Text:" [PluginWallpaperAPOD_Controls] chkOnlyNewest, "Only Load the Newest Image" [PluginWallpaperBase_Controls] btnLogin, "Login" btnLogout, "Logout" btnMyAccount, "My Account" btnRegister, "Register" btnSearchNext, "&Load More Images" btnSearchReset, "&Reset" btnSearchStart, "&Search" btnSearchStop, "Stop" btnUseSettings, "&Use These Settings" lblLocation, "Location:" lblPassword, "Password:" lblSearchAspectRatio, "Aspect Ratio:" lblSearchCategory, "Category:" lblSearchMode, "Search Mode:" lblSearchSize, "Image Size:" lblSearchSortOrder, "Sort Order:" lblSearchText, "Search Text:" lblUsername, "Username:" lblWebsiteWPF, "Powered by WallpaperFusion" mniUseImage, "Use this Image" mniViewWeb, "Preview Image" [PluginWallpaperBase_Strings] Authenticate, "Authenticate" CheckServiceTitle, "Check Service:" CouldNotLoadFull, "Could not load the full size version of this image." DownloadingImage, "Downloading Image..." EnterSearchCriteria, "Please enter at least 1 search criteria." ErrorEnterPassword, "Please enter your password and try again." ErrorEnterUsername, "Please enter your username and try again." ErrorGettingImageURL, "An error occurred while getting the URL for this image." ErrorInvalidUsernamePassword, "Your username or password appears to be invalid.\nPlease check your credentials and try again." ErrorLoadingFromAPI, "An error has occurred while loading settings from the server." ErrorLoadingFullSize, "An error occurred while loading the full size version of this image." ErrorLoadingImages, "An error has occurred while loading the Images." ErrorLogin, "An error has occurred while logging in." FailHTMLFileTryAgain, "Not a valid image file, please try again." FailReadFileTryAgain, "Failed to read image file, please try again." FindingRandomImage, "Finding Random Image..." NoImagesMatch, "There are no Images that match your search criteria." SearchResults, "Images Found: {0}" Special, "Special:" TitleLoadImage, "Load Image from {0}" TitleRandomSettings, "Get Settings for {0}" URLNotFound, "The full size image URL could not be found for this image." [PluginWallpaperBingImageSearch_Controls] lblSearchSafety, "Safety:" [PluginWallpaperBingImageSearch_Strings] AspectRatio_Any, "Any Aspect Ratio" AspectRatio_Square, "Square" AspectRatio_Tall, "Tall (Portrait)" AspectRatio_Wide, "Wide (Landscape)" SafetyLevel_Moderate, "Moderate" SafetyLevel_Off, "No Filtering" SafetyLevel_Strict, "Strict" Size_Any, "Any Size" Size_Large, "Large" Size_Medium, "Medium" Size_Small, "Small" [PluginWallpaperDeviantArtAPI_Controls] chkAllowMatureContent, "Allow mature content" lblSearchMaxAge, "Added Within:" lblSearchPerson, "Uploaded By:" [PluginWallpaperDeviantArtAPI_Strings] Categories_Any, "Any Category" MaxAge_1Day, "1 Day" MaxAge_1Month, "1 Month" MaxAge_1Week, "1 Week" MaxAge_2Days, "2 Days" MaxAge_2Months, "2 Months" MaxAge_2Weeks, "2 Weeks" MaxAge_3Days, "3 Days" MaxAge_Any, "All Time" SortOrder_DateAdded, "Date Added" SortOrder_Popular, "Most Popular" [PluginWallpaperDeviantArtRSS_Controls] lblSearchRSSURL, "RSS Feed URL:" [PluginWallpaperFacebook_Controls] btnLogout, "Logout" lblAlbums, "Albums:" lblExpiry, "Expiry: {0:D}" lblFriends, "Friends who use DisplayFusion:" lblMoreFriends, "Want to see more friends listed here?\nClick here for more information." [PluginWallpaperFacebook_Strings] Album, "Album:" AuthTokenInvalid, "Your Facebook login token has expired.\nPlease open the DisplayFusion Wallpaper window and re-login to Facebook." cboSearchMode_MyAlbums, "My Albums" cboSearchMode_MyPhotos, "My Photos" cboSearchMode_OneFriendAlbum, "A Friend's Album" cboSearchMode_OneFriendPhotos, "A Friend's Photos" cboSearchMode_TaggedPhotos, "Photos I Am In" Friend, "Friend:" InfoLogin, "Login:" InfoLoginInvalid, "Please re-login to Facebook" InfoLoginValid, "Valid" NoAlbums, "No Albums" PermissionError, "Not all permissions were granted.\nPlease login and try again." [PluginWallpaperFlickrFormChooseGroup_Controls] btnSearch, "&Search" colID, "Group ID" colName, "Group Name" lblGroupName, "Flickr Group:" [PluginWallpaperFlickrFormChooseGroup_Strings] ErrorSearching, "An error occurred while searching for this Group." NoGroupsFound, "Sorry, no groups could be found." SelectGroup, "Please select a Flickr Group." Title, "Choose Flickr Group" [PluginWallpaperFlickr_Controls] btnFlickrClearGroup, "C&lear Group" btnFlickrFindGroup, "&Find Group" chkModeInteresting, "Only show Flickr's most interesting recent photos" chkShowMyPhotos, "Only show private photos from my Flickr account" lblFlickrGroupName, "Only show images from this Group:" lblFlickrUser, "Only show images from this Person:" [PluginWallpaperFlickr_Strings] InvalidKey, "The Flickr API Key used is no longer valid.\nPlease check the DisplayFusion webpage for an update." NoMatchesPerson, "Sorry, no one could be found using this username or email address." ServiceUnavailable, "The Flickr service is currently unavailable." SettingNameGroupName, "Group:" SettingNamePerson, "Person:" SettingNameText, "Search Text:" [PluginWallpaperGoogleImageSearch_Controls] lblSearchSafety, "Safety:" lblWarning, "Warning: Downloading more than 1 image per 10 minutes can result in Google temporarily blocking your access" [PluginWallpaperGoogleImageSearch_Strings] SafetyLevel_Moderate, "Moderate" SafetyLevel_Off, "No Filtering" SafetyLevel_Strict, "Strict" Size_Any, "Any Size" Size_ExtraLarge, "Extra-Large" Size_Large, "Large" Size_Medium, "Medium" Size_Small, "Small" [PluginWallpaperGooglePlus] MessageNeedLogin, "You have selected an option that requires a Google+ account, but you aren't currently logged in. Please login to Google+ and try again." Photos_Featured, "Featured Photos" Photos_Public, "All Photos" Visibility, "Visibility:" Visibility_All, "All" Visibility_Private, "Private" Visibility_Public, "Public" [PluginWallpaperImgur] lblAlbumID, "Album ID:" lblSearchWindow, "Time:" lblSubredditName, "Subreddit Name:" Search_Album, "Album" Search_Hot, "Hot" Search_Subreddit, "Subreddit" Search_Text, "Text" Search_User, "Newly Submitted" Sort_Time, "Newest" Sort_Viral, "Trending" Window_All, "All Time" Window_Day, "Today" Window_Month, "This Month" Window_Week, "This Week" Window_Year, "This Year" [PluginWallpaperInstagram] lblLogin, "It is highly recommended that you login to your Instagram account to avoid being limited by the Instagram API." lblSearchTag, "Tag Name:" Search_MyFavourites, "My Favourites" Search_MyFeed, "My Feed" Search_MyImages, "My Images" Search_Tag, "Tag Name" [PluginWallpaperInterfaceLIFT_Controls] chkSortDescending, "Sort the results in descending order (newest first, most downloads first... etc)" lblSearchSort_Comments, "Comments" lblSearchSort_Date, "Date" lblSearchSort_Downloads, "Downloads" lblSearchSort_Favs, "Favourites" [PluginWallpaperSmugmug_Controls] lblUserNickname, "User Nickname:" [PluginWallpaperSmugmug_Strings] cboSearchMode_MyAlbums, "My Albums" cboSearchMode_MyPhotos, "My Photos" cboSearchMode_UserPhotos, "Other User's Photos" LoginError, "An error occurred while logging you in.\nPlease check your internet connection and try again." [PluginWallpaperSpecialTimeOfDay] TimeOfDay_Day, "Time of Day: Daytime" TimeOfDay_Night, "Time of Day: Nighttime" TimeOfDay_Sunrise, "Time of Day: Sunrise" TimeOfDay_Sunset, "Time of Day: Sunset" [PluginWallpaperSpecialWeather] CurrentWeather, "Current Weather:" [PluginWallpaperVladstudio_Controls] lblFilterKeyword, "Keyword:" lblRegistered, "Registered to" [PluginWallpaperVladstudio_Strings] AllKeywords, "All Keywords" [PluginWallpaperWallbase_Controls] chkGeneral, "General" chkHighResolution, "High Resolution" chkMangaAnime, "Anime" chkSFW, "SFW" chkSketchy, "Sketchy" gbBoards, "Boards" gbPurity, "Purity" gbSortOrder, "Sort Order" lblAspectRatio, "Aspect Ratio:" lblColour, "Colour:" lblResolution, "Resolution:" lblSearch, "Search:" rdoAscending, "Ascending" rdoDescending, "Descending" [PluginWallpaperWallbase_Strings] Boards, "Board(s):" cboSortOrder_DateAdded, "Date Added" cboSortOrder_Favourites, "Favourites" cboSortOrder_Random, "Random" cboSortOrder_Revelance, "Relevance" cboSortOrder_Views, "Views" Purity, "Purity:" SortOrder, "Sort Order:" [PluginWallpaperWPF_Controls] chkModeFeatured, "Show WallpaperFusion Featured Search of the Day" chkMyFavs, "Only Show My Favourites" chkSearchTagMode, "Must match all Tags" gbOptions, "Options" gbTagsHide, "Hide Tags" gbTagsShow, "Show Tags" lblSearchMonitorCount, "Monitors:" lblSearchRatingAll, "Community Rating:" lblSearchRatingUser, "My Rating:" lblSearchSortOrder, "Sort By:" lblSearchText, "Text:" [PluginWallpaperWPF_Strings] btnSettings, "Configure" ErrorFailedToFindLocation, "Failed to find entered Location, please try again." ImageMonitors1, "Single-Monitor Images" ImageMonitors2, "Dual-Monitor Images" ImageMonitors3, "Triple-Monitor Images" ImageMonitors4, "Quad-Monitor Images" ImageMonitorsAll, "All Monitors" ImageMonitorsMulti, "Multi-Monitor Images" MessageNeedLogin, "You have selected an option that requires a WallpaperFusion account, but you aren't currently logged in. Please login to WallpaperFusion and try again." Rating1, "1 Star+" Rating2, "2 Stars+" Rating3, "3 Stars+" Rating4, "4 Stars+" Rating5, "5 Stars" RatingAny, "Any Rating" RatingNone, "No Rating" Slogan, "The Best Multi-Monitor Images" SortAgeNewOld, "Age (newest)" SortAgeOldNew, "Age (oldest)" SortDownloadCountHighLow, "Download Count (highest)" SortDownloadCountLowHigh, "Download Count (lowest)" SortPopularityHighLow, "Popularity (highest)" SortPopularityLowHigh, "Popularity (lowest)" SortRatingHighLow, "Rating (highest)" SortRatingLowHigh, "Rating (lowest)" SortVoteCountHighLow, "Vote Count (highest)" SortVoteCountLowHigh, "Vote Count (lowest)" Title, "WallpaperFusion Settings" [PluginWallpaperZenfolio_Strings] cboSearchMode_ImageSearch, "Search Images By Text" cboSearchMode_MyImages, "Show My Images" cboSearchMode_OtherUserImages, "Show Another User's Images" NotLoggedInError, "You need to log in to access your account's images.\nPlease log in and try again." [ProtocolHandler_Strings] SettingsLicenseKey_Confirm, "Another program is attempting to set your License Key.\nWould you like to allow this?" SettingsLicenseKey_Invalid, "The given License Key appears to be invalid." [ScreenSaverHelpers_Strings] ErrorSetting, "An error has occurred while setting your Screen Saver." ErrorStarting, "An error has occurred while starting your Screen Saver." [Settings_Strings] ErrorLoadCustomHotKey, "An error has occurred while loading a custom Function." ErrorLoading, "An error has occurred while loading the settings." [Shared_Strings] RemoveConfirmMany, "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?" RemoveConfirmOne, "Are you sure you want to remove the selected item?" SelectAnItem, "Please select an item from the list and try again." SelectAtLeastOneItem, "Please select at least one item from the list and try again." SelectOneItem, "Please select only one item from the list and try again." [TaskbarShowDesktopButton_Strings] ShowDesktop, "Show Desktop" [TaskbarStartButton_Strings] StartButtonText, "Start" [Taskbars_Strings] StartButtonApplicationHooksError, "Global Application Hooks are currently disabled.\nThe DisplayFusion Start Button relies on these hooks and won't work without them.\nPlease re-enable the Global Application Hooks in the Settings > Advanced Settings window." [Taskbar_Strings] CloseWindow, "Close Window" EditPinnedItem, "Edit this Pinned Item" ErrorPinnedPathNotFound, "Failed to launch this application, the path does not exist." JumpListGroupFrequent, "Frequent" JumpListGroupPinned, "Pinned" JumpListGroupRecent, "Recent" JumpListGroupTasks, "Tasks" PinProgram, "Pin this program to Taskbar" ShowWindow, "Show Window" UnpinProgram, "Unpin this program from Taskbar" [Wallpaper_Strings] FailedLoadProfile, "Failed to load this Wallpaper Profile." FailedLoadProfileFromMonitorConfig, "Failed to load the Wallpaper profile associated with this Monitor Profile." FailedToSetWallpaper, "An error has occurred while setting your new Wallpaper." ProviderBlockedByAdministrator, "Sorry, this wallpaper provider has been blocked by your Administrator.\nFor more information please contact your network Administrator." [WindowLauncher_Strings] BlockUI_MonitorConfig, "Sorry, your Administrator has disabled access to the Monitor Configuration window.\nPlease contact your Administrator for more information." BlockUI_Settings, "Sorry, your Administrator has disabled access to the Settings window.\nPlease contact your Administrator for more information." BlockUI_Wallpaper, "Sorry, your Administrator has disabled access to the Desktop Wallpaper window.\nPlease contact your Administrator for more information." [WindowProcess_Strings] LaunchApplicationFailed, "Application failed to start, file not found." WindowPositionsSaveDone, "Window positions saved successfully." [WindowRollup] RestoreTT, "Double-Click to Restore" [Words] Add, "&Add" AdminSettingsLock, "Some settings are managed by your system administrator" Apply, "Apply" Automatic, "Automatic" Bottom, "Bottom" ButtonEnterLicenseKey, "&Enter License Key" ButtonLater, "&Later" ButtonMoreInformation, "&More Information" ButtonUseFreeVersion, "&Use Free Version" Cancel, "&Cancel" Close, "Close" Copy, "&Copy" Cut, "&Cut" Delete, "&Delete" DesktopWallpaper, "Desktop Wallpaper" Disable, "&Disable" Disabled, "Disabled" Duplicate, "&Duplicate" Edit, "&Edit" Enable, "&Enable" Enabled, "Enabled" Error, "Error" ErrorNotAdminUACDisabled, "UAC is disabled, but you are not an Administrator, your requested action will probably fail.\nPlease enable UAC or login as an Administrator and try again.\nIf you have recently disabled UAC, please make sure to restart your computer." Exit, "E&xit" Help, "Help" InvalidImageFile, "This image appears to be corrupt, or unreadable." Left, "Left" Middle, "Middle" MonitorNumber, "Monitor #{0}" NeedProLong, "Upgrade to DisplayFusion Pro to enable this feature!" NeedProQuestion, "You need to upgrade to DisplayFusion Pro to use this feature.\nWould you like more information on upgrading?" NeedsProShort, "Pro Only" Never, "Never" NeverAskAgain, "Never Ask Again" No, "No" None, "None" OK, "&OK" Paste, "&Paste" ProOnlyNotice, "Pro-Only features are highlighted in Blue" Redo, "&Redo" Remove, "&Remove" Replace, "Replace" Right, "Right" SelectAll, "&Select All" Start, "Start" Stop, "Stop" Top, "Top" Undo, "&Undo" Unknown, "Unknown" Yes, "Yes" [Installer] AdditionalIcons, "Additional Icons:" CreateContextMenuItems, "Add to Windows right-click context menu" CurrentUserOnly, "For the current user only" DesktopIcon, "Create a &desktop icon" DotNetDownloadNow, "Would you like to download it now?" DotNetInstallNow, "Would you like to install it now?" DotNetNeededMayNotWork20, "This application may not run correctly without the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0." DotNetRequired20, "This application requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0." DotNetRequired40, "This application requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0." DotNetReRunInstall20, "Please re-run this installation after installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0." ForAllUsers, "For all users" LaunchNow, "Launch Now" LicKeyInvalid, "This License Key appears to be invalid." LicKeyLabel, "License Key:" LicKeySelectOption, "Please select a License Key Option and try again." LicKeyText, "License Key Options:" LicKeyTextAdminLocked, "Your License Key has been set by your Administrator." LicKeyTextChangeFree, "Click 'Change to Free Version' in the Settings window to use the Free version." LicKeyTextEnterOrFree, "Please enter a valid License Key or select 'Use Free Version'." LicKeyTextPaid, "Use this License Key:" LicKeyTextTrial, "Use Trial Version (first time only), reverts to Free Version after" RunAtStartup, "Launch at Windows startup" SteamKeyInvalid, "Your Steam License Key failed to load correctly.\nPlease exit this installer/application and try clicking Install or Launch again from within Steam." TextBefore, "If you have DisplayFusion currently running, please make sure you close it before installing this new version.\n\nVisit http://www.displayfusion.com for updates and support.\n\nVista/Windows 7 Users: You MUST install DisplayFusion into your "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" folder or DisplayFusion won't be able to manage higher privileged windows, like MMC console windows." UninstallRemoveAllData1, "Would you like to completely remove ALL application settings, preferences and temporary files?" UninstallRemoveAllData2, "This is not recommended if you will be installing this application again."