Christian Ewe
2 discussion posts
I use DF since 2012 with 2 monitors with images divided in folders for left and right (1920x1080).
I select:
- Use different image each computer
- Slideshow: Enable desktop wallpaper slideshow
- Add folder for monitor left (100 left images)
- Add folder for monitor right (100 right images)
- Show in alphabetical order
I can not get the pictures to run synchronously though I choose alphabetical order.
How do I stop the randomly change.
Christian Ewe
2 discussion posts
No one has a simliar problem with images for left and right monitor to run syncron?
How can I get rid of random pressentation?
No hint?
Replied to your email already, but posting here for any other folks that come across this thread as well:
Are you selecting the same folder for both monitors? Or different folders?
If it's different folders, can you try enabling the "Don't Store Image History" option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window, then restart DisplayFusion to see if that helps?