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5 discussion posts

I was evaluating DF the last week and just today it started using 100% CPU.
It's still "working", so the process is still responsive in a way, very slow, but it's there.
In Process Explorer I can see the memory usage going up and up, way over a Gigabyte and then dropping again, this loops forever.

As I said. It was running well over the last week.
I'm on Win7 64 Ultimate.
Mar 21, 2010  • #1
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5 discussion posts
reinstalling didn't help btw
Mar 21, 2010  • #2
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Odd. Does going back to an older version help at all? I believe the DLs are around here somewhere. Are you using any other theme or window changing software?
Mar 22, 2010  • #3
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18 discussion posts
I too have been seeing a 100% CPU Utilization. I only encounter this though when I close my laptop while connected with an external monitor. This puts my laptop to sleep and when I bring my laptop back up when I get home without the second monitor I see the issue. This does not happen every time but it does happen quite often. When I finally get to task manager/Process explorer the culprit is the DisplayFuson.exe. I have been able to kill the process and the system return to normal but yesterday the CPU dropped to 50%. Looking in Process Explorer I saw DPCs (Delayed Procedure Calls) consuming the CPU.

I have noticed this with v3.1.7 also. Here are my specs:

HP 8510W
4GB Ram
Windows 7 RTM x64
ATI Mobility FireGL v5600 (Driver 8.632.1.3000)

I am still using the default Windows 7 Background so nothing fancy there but I do use the title bar buttons. I have not done any troubleshooting yet such as disabling the title bar buttons. I will try that tonight.

I typically move all of my applications back to my Laptop screen prior to putting it to sleep but I keep the Second Task bar loaded. I would be more than happy to get a memory dump if needed or any other trubleshooting steps if you all need.

Thank you,

Mar 23, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@MCrank, @mumpi: Does DisplayFusion still respond when it is using all of your CPU, or is it frozen? If it's not hung, can you post the info from the Troubleshooting tab while it's consuming the CPU? Also, can you enable the Debug logging option on the Troubleshooting tab as well? The next time it happens can you post the log here, or send it to me directly? Thanks!
Mar 23, 2010  • #5
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18 discussion posts
Will do.

My machine pretty much becomes unresponsive. I can do things but it is very slow. The mouse becomse choppy and cumbersome to navigate any thing within the GUI.
Mar 23, 2010  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@MCrank: Ethier the debug log of the Troubleshooting info when this happens would be extremely helpful. Without it, I'm just guessing in the dark. Thanks! :)
Mar 23, 2010  • #7
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5 discussion posts
Before my initital post I uninstalled DF, reinstalled it now and it's not happening.
I will notify you once it happens again.

But as I said, when it happened, DF was still there, but very slow, I could click around in the menus, but with a delay of something like 3-5 seconds.
Mar 23, 2010  • #8
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18 discussion posts
Screenshot and log file sent to your E-mail.

Thanks for your time Jon!

ps. Sorry I spelled your name John in teh e-mail.
Mar 24, 2010  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@MCrank: Thanks, I received your email. Unfortunately there isn't anything unusual in the log file, but your mention about the battery is very interesting. This problem only happens for you when on battery, and the problem disappeared once you plugged back into AC, is this correct?
Mar 24, 2010  • #10
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18 discussion posts
That is correct. When I plugged the machine into AC power the problem went away.
Mar 24, 2010  • #11
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40 discussion posts
Just a side note, no problem with CPU load on my Win7 x64 system (but then again it is a desktop).
Mar 27, 2010  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@MCrank: Can you let me know if the new beta takes care of this CPU usage issue:
Mar 27, 2010  • #13
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18 discussion posts

Interestingly enough the problem still exists but I have discovered another odd twist. As mentioned in one of my previous posts the problem goes away when I plug the laptop into AC power. Last night I plugged in AC power so I could get control of the machine and exited DisplayFusion but when I unplugged the AC and went back to battery I immediately experienced the problem again. I am not sure if the problem occurs and the stuck thread hangs around and doesnt really close even though I closed DF or if this is not really a Display Fusion problem at all. I think I may uninstall DF and see if I can reproduce it tonight. I can pretty much reproduce it at will. Hopefully removing DF will let me know where the problem lies. I will follow up with more information later tonight.

Thank you
Mar 30, 2010  • #14
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18 discussion posts

Okay I uninstalled DF prior to putting my machine to sleep tonight. I got home and had the issue so at this point I am leaning away from DF as the issue of my CPU. Looking in Process Explorer my CPU time is being consumed by DPCs so I am suspecting a faulty driver/power state issue. I am going to start digging in to this problem to see if I can resolve my issue. Again thank you for your time!

Mar 31, 2010  • #15
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm going to mark this topic as "Complete" for now, but please let me know if I need to re-open it in the future. Thanks! :)
Mar 31, 2010  • #16
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