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85 discussion posts
Hey hey :)

I've got a couple of feature requests regarding the DisplayFusion behaviour on Windows 8.

I like the idea of an alternative startmenu, even tho I also like the "Modern UI" (formerly known as Metro), but:
- What really annoys me is that you can't change the hotkey (Windows-Key) to open the alternative startmenu. You should also be able to unbind any hotkeys that open the alternative startmenu.
- Is it possible to inject the startmenu in the default Windows taskbar?

- Is it possible to (optional) include the "show desktop" button in the default Windows taskbar?

- Is it possible to automatically open "Modern UI" on the current/focused screen? You can kinda "force" "Modern UI" to open on a specific screen by hovering over the bottom left corner. Maybe you can abuse that behaviour?

- Is it possible to (optional) disable the (I think they're called) action areas (all four corners)?

- The searchbox of the alternative startmenu should have focus when opening the startmenu to match the behaviour of "Modern UI", Windows 7's and Vista's startmenu

- Rightclicking the alternative taskbar should have the same contextmenu that will be opened by WIN+X

Btw. is there any ETA on Beta 15? :)
Aug 15, 2012 (modified Aug 15, 2012)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feature requests! We've actually just released the final version of DisplayFusion 4.1 :)

I'll review these requests and post an update later this week.
Aug 15, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, here we go!
  • You can unbind the Win key from the alt Start menu by using the "Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu" Advanced Setting.
  • We're currently investigating whether we can reliably add the DF Start Button to the Windows taskbar.
  • The "Show Desktop" button can be enabled on the Windows taskbar by right-clicking it, choosing Properties, then enabling the "Use Peek to preview the desktop…" option.
  • We're also investigating whether or not we can force the Start screen can be forced to open on the monitor that had the mouse when the Win key was pressed.
  • As far as we know, it's not possible to disable the Hot Corners.
  • I definitely agree that the search box on the alt Start menu should automatically get focus, but unfortunately we haven't been able to make that work :(
  • It's not really the right-click on the taskbar that brings up the Win+X menu, but actually right-clicking the lower-left Hot Corner. When I move my mouse to the lower-left corner on the secondary screen, and the Start screen Hot Corner pops up, right-clicking does indeed bring up the Win+X menu. Is that not working for you?
Aug 31, 2012  • #3
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85 discussion posts
Ok, here we go!
  • You can unbind the Win key from the alt Start menu by using the "Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu" Advanced Setting.
  • We're currently investigating whether we can reliably add the DF Start Button to the Windows taskbar.
  • The "Show Desktop" button can be enabled on the Windows taskbar by right-clicking it, choosing Properties, then enabling the "Use Peek to preview the desktop…" option.
  • We're also investigating whether or not we can force the Start screen can be forced to open on the monitor that had the mouse when the Win key was pressed.
  • As far as we know, it's not possible to disable the Hot Corners.
  • I definitely agree that the search box on the alt Start menu should automatically get focus, but unfortunately we haven't been able to make that work :(
  • It's not really the right-click on the taskbar that brings up the Win+X menu, but actually right-clicking the lower-left Hot Corner. When I move my mouse to the lower-left corner on the secondary screen, and the Start screen Hot Corner pops up, right-clicking does indeed bring up the Win+X menu. Is that not working for you?

1) Awesome, thanks! :)

2) Good Luck! :)

3) Yes, you're right. I just couldn't see the native Aero Peek button. I just recognized him on the DF-Taskbars in the older versions where the button had a nice little effect.

4) That would be more than awesome if you can manage to get it working!

5) I've found a tool or a registry path which can be used to disable them globally :/ However, maybe it helps you in your further investigations :)

6) Sad :/ This is the main-issues which forces me to disable the alternative startmenu and use Metro to quickly find what I'm looking for.

7) On any DF supported screen I don't have a lower-left Hot Corner. Doesn't matter whether the alternative startmenu is enabled or not.
Sep 1, 2012  • #4
Wolverine1977's profile on
I found this tool that can disable the Hot corners individually -

Possibly you could contact Happy Bulldozer - the author and he could share the info so it could be built into your UI rather than incorporating the tool ?
Sep 1, 2012  • #5
madLyfe's profile on
also i found that start8 can get rid of the corners and load the desktop and not start on win logon.
Sep 3, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Cool stuff, thanks for the info guys! I'll be sure to post an update once we've had a chance to work on it further.
Sep 11, 2012  • #7
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39 discussion posts
Ok, here we go!
  • We're currently investigating whether we can reliably add the DF Start Button to the Windows taskbar.

Hiya Keith! I'm a former problem child user (I previously had some issues with regard to memory usage that you have fixed) with (now) a new computer and some new small feature request issues.

The above is definitely one of the issues that I'd love to see fixed. I'm using Win8x64 Pro on a new machine and 3 displays now, along with the latest DF beta. I'd love to have the Start menu/button/whatever available on the "main display". If that is something that I ought to be seeing, I'm not and I've not had any luck getting it there, aside from the "TaskbarsAllMonitors" advanced setting (which doesn't help at all here). What I have had success with is using the actual current release of Classic Start Menu, which places a Start menu/button on my main display, with DF placing it's custom Start menu/button on the other 2 displays.

Secondly, I'd *love* to have the ability for Alt-Tab to do any or all of 3 things:
1) Show an Alt-Tab popup on my main display, showing all windows from every display.
2) Show an Alt-Tab popup on the display where my cursor currently is, showing all windows from every display.
3) Show an Alt-Tab popup on the display where my cursor currently is, showing ONLY windows from the current display.

I know these things are possible in previous versions of Windows via 3rd party tools (see: NTWind's VistaSwitcher and TaskSwitchXP I know that the current VistaSwitcher has some issues with Win8, and I'm doubtful that TaskSwitchXP works any better on it. At any rate, those are 2 tools that have done it previously.. Just hoping that you might be able to pull some more tricks out of your sleeve and do something similar for Win8- The existing code must be attempting to do *something*, because when DF is running, the Alt-Tab popup only shows on the main display and only shows windows from the main display- If I exit DF, the Alt-Tab popup displays shows up on the main display and shows windows from all the displays.

Sep 29, 2012  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@mlatin: I've added your votes to your Alt + Tab requests and the above requests as well :)
Oct 1, 2012  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick follow-up, in DisplayFusion 5.0 Beta 4 and higher, you should now be able to have the Start screen open on whichever monitor the WIN key was pressed on by enabling the mini Start Screen option on the Settings > Windows 8 tab.

Dec 5, 2012  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and there are now some new Alt-Tab options on the Window Management tab, one of which is an option to show Alt-Tab only on the current monitor :)

Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Jun 8, 2014  • #11
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