Tom Sullivan793084
2 discussion posts
DF is a nice program and solved some issues for me. However, there is one very irritating thing for which I was not able to find a solution or workaround. I have a program (C#) which, by design, does not repaint its screen. By design, I ignore the Paint event. This makes it faster and simpler. Its nature does not require re-paints; this is admittedly unusual.
However if I use alt-tab, the screen clears as soon as the program is selected (box around its preview). This does not occur for any program for which the paint event in handled. I suppose this may be related to the preview function. Is there a way to turn off preview for specific programs if such is the case? Or is there a fix or workaround here?
Are you referring to the "Aero Peek" preview that happens when you have a program selected in Alt+Tab but don't let go of the key combination?
Tom Sullivan793084
2 discussion posts
Actually, I am using classic view (Windows 2000 style) in Win 7 SP1 pro. It happens whether or not I hold on the preview. In other words, I cannot hit the tab key fast enough to avoid the issue. Sorry for the delay - out of office.