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3 discussion posts
I recenctely started using a 4k 55" to work off of and I really enjoy the extra screen real estate. Unfortunately the main application I need to run does not a good window management system. You can apply the dual screen setting but it forces a window on each monitor. If I force the child window to the primary monitor the application in turn forces the primary window over to the secondary monitor. If I force them both to the primary DisplayFusion and the application fight as fast as possible to undo what the other has done. Is there a way to disable the application from trying to move the window?

Thanks in advance!
Jun 13, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Are you looking to have DisplayFusion stop trying to move it? If so, you can add the app to the compatiblity list in DisplayFusion and turn on "Disable App Hooks" and it should do that for you.
Jun 14, 2024  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Thanks for the reply! No, basically I am a video editor professionally and Davinci Resolve has really awful UI customization. You have the option to use dual monitors but with a 55" TV I don't want to. The application spawns a fullscreen windowless Qwindow that can not be moved with normal operation. The window it spawns on my second monitor is perfect to just put on a tile on my main display. So I would love to be able to figure out a way to get it to reside on the same monitor. Only solution I have found is to run a mirroring program that can actually manipulate the window like a remote desktop. Ironically, instead of disabling the DisplayFusion Hook, I think I need to figure out if I can disable the app from performing the check to see if its on the same monitor as the primary. I attached a screenshot of the window it creates. I really appreciate you taking the time to see if this is possible.
• Attachment [protected]: image_2024-06-14_150801209.png [397,720 bytes]
Jun 14, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah okay, we won't be able to disable that check from our end unfortunately.

Do any of the window movement functions in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab work on that window?
Jun 17, 2024  • #4
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3 discussion posts
Yes, I was able to apply one to each of the windows but then DisplayFusion and Davinci were fighting to put the windows where they wanted them. Super unfortunate that Davinci has such poor UI manipulation. I appreciate your help though.
Jun 17, 2024  • #5
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