Sorry for the delay. I appreciate your direct support.
It is a problem, at least for me, with any windows store apps since they don't launch directly by their listed exe link/shortcut. Windows doesn't even allow making shortcuts from windows store apps by default. I can open a list of all my apps from powershell and make shortcuts to the desktop and move them to wherever from there. Then I can reference that shortcut in order to launch the app as a workaround.
Focusing on the apps doesn't work by their Application ~ exe so scripts and code snippets that focus and operate on apps by exe don't work.
and even BFS.Application.GetMainWindowByAppID fails to work on some of them (more details below).
So I have to resort to focusing on them by text name which isn't as quick and is potentially more buggy at times, using
It seems odd that the DisplayFusion taskbar shortcuts for windows store/metro style apps works to launch them just fine, and for some like the zTwitch version Keith replied with, the "Metro (Universal) App ID" works (for launching, not for focusing.. focusing ~ BFS.Get by file doesn't work)
For example the code Keith replied to me with here works to launch some types of windows store apps:
uint appID = BFS.Application.Start("C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe", "shell:appsFolder\\76Chococode.Twitch.tvforWindows10_crad18n2hztbr!App");
But for some, the Metro(Universal)App ID is listed as "ApplicationFrameHost.exe" so it still doesn't work.
The application heading itself shows the program path and exe, but for the windows store metro apps, pointing to that location doesn't work directly.
For example, when I look up (choose edit) on the DisplayFusion taksbar item for the FooIRC app from the windows store,
it lists this in the application line:
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\62199Synfron.FooIRC_3.11.4.0_x64__f5vwe4t7vzxt6\FooIRC.UWP.exe
and this in the Metro(Universal) App ID: