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95 discussion posts
Marvelous work on display of icons in the DF Taskbar 'Tray' in 3.the 50 Beta 2! Very nice that these icons are horizontally arrayed by default.

Might it be possible to add a control to also optionally array the shortcut icons at the opposite end of DF Taskbar horizontally? I do understand that Windows 'pins' shortcuts vertically . . . but I must say that after decades of the Quick Launch bar and the 3rd party 'True Launch Bar' utility in Vista and 7, horizontal layout seems more space-efficient and even intuitive.

Always grateful for the superb ongoing development of DisplayFusion and the exemplary responsiveness of Jon and Keith to this forum and the beta program.
Feb 5, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! Glad to hear you like the system tray icons :)

Which side of the monitor do you have your DisplayFusion taskbar on?
Feb 6, 2012  • #2
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95 discussion posts
Keith: Vertically arrayed, LEFT side.

P.S. In case you have never seen 'True Launch Bar' I have included a screen shot of my Windows Taskbar. It resembles the old Quick Launch Bar but is 100% stable, which QLB never was and is totally customizable (down to menus with cascading sub-menus), with skins, plugins, etc.

I don't what is going to happen to desktops in the age of 'Metro', but the ultimate ultimate would be a fusion of DisplayFusion + True Launch Bar … for total Taskbar control.
• Attachment: DF Taskbar_Monitor 2.jpg [124,774 bytes]
DF Taskbar_Monitor 2.jpg
DF Taskbar_Monitor 2.jpg
• Attachment: Windows Taskbar with True Launch Bar.jpg [182,298 bytes]
Windows Taskbar with True Launch Bar.jpg
Windows Taskbar with True Launch Bar.jpg
Feb 6, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks for posting the screenshots! I'll add the shortcut arrangement request to our list.

Feb 9, 2012  • #4
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