2 discussion posts
Hi all! I did a search but didn't find anything relevant (maybe I missed something). I have 3 displays total. Two are on my desk and part of the "Desk" profile. The other is my "TV" profile. I set up the keyboard shortcuts which works well but the inner sloth in me wonders if there's a way to automatically switch profiles based on detected outputs. For example, if I turn my TV on and switch to HDMI2 (input from my PC), it'd be great if DF could automatically switch to the TV profile and switch back if I change inputs/turn the TV off. Is that possible? I know Windows doesn't see the HDMI audio output unless it's turned on and has that input selection, so I'm hoping that's an actionable event from DF's perspective.
Thanks either way!
I don't think this is possible, as we can detect when a monitor is plugged in, but we can't always reliably detect which monitor is plugged in. Some times they just show up as a "Generic PnP Monitor."
At any rate, we'll do some investigating, and if we're able to implement something like this, I'll be sure to let you know!
2 discussion posts
Thanks for checking, Keith! Key combination shortcuts are already plenty convenient.
In case it helps, I checked devmgmt and my monitors do show up as "Generic PnP Monitor" but under Details -> Hardware Ids (or Device instance path) -> Value they have unique HWIDs & UUIDs.