Awesome program, thought this very tiny problem is making me have a very bad experience with it! =\
I'm running nvidia surround with 3 monitors at 8060x1600 (with bezel), I can't find bezel settings anywhere in the program so I'm assuming no support as of yet.
My idea was (not sure how hard it is to program), but I noticed the "Horizontal/Vertical" splits, and I'm assuming it divides the resolution by the number of splits and calculates accordingly...
My idea was: with 3 monitors, I put 3 horizontal splits, but this work HORRIBLY with bezel, so instead I would put 5 horizontal splits, then I manually move the splits to where the bezels are, or even better make it automatically, since each screen is 2560x1600, and the full resolution is 8060x1600, (8060 - (2560x3))/2= 190, so the length of the bezels in between the screens is 190 pixels (I know I have big bezels) >.>;
So what we do next is the first horizontal split will be at exactly 2560, the next one will be at 2560+190, the next will be at 2560+190+2560, etc...
This way we will have 5 areas in total. Lets mark them 1 to 5 from left to right, now monitor 1,3 and 5 are the actual monitors, while 2 and 4 are the bezel compensation areas only, so what is left to do is to mark these 2 areas as non-functional, so there won't be any wallpapers or taskbars activities in them, also you will not be able to put windows/programs in them.
Please make it happen! >.< I haaaaaaaaaaaate playing without bezel compensation! >.<
Also, I noticed a check box in the monitor configuration page that says "Auto-split Eyefinity and Surround monitors" but it doesn't do anything, I have 2 GTX TITANs in SLI~