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David H Voelker
10 discussion posts
I use DisplayFusion Pro with a three-monitor setup. I can share a screen using the Zoom meetings app fine, but I can’t exit screen sharing. A tab appears on my Taskbar, and if I hover my cursor over it I can see a miniature screen containing a horizontal bar with the Zoom screen sharing controls, but nothing happens when I click on it. I can’t get that bar to display on any of my monitors. Zoom’s keyboard command to stop screen sharing (Alt-S) has no effect either. Nor can I leave the meeting or exit Zoom; I have to terminate its process in Task Manager. Can anyone advise? I’m wondering if there’s a compatibility issue with the Zoom app. Windows 10.
Jun 13, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you exit DisplayFusion does the issue still happen?

I believe the hotkey to show that bar is Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H as well.
Jun 14, 2024  • #2
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