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Keegan Bear
3 discussion posts
Does anyone have like a registry hack or know how to change the time delay for advancing photos in the built in photo screen saver? (C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr) I tried serveral other screen savers but this is the only one that will allow different image folders for each monitor.

My company wants to use this software & its screensaver for several workstations we have setup to display information across four monitors on each PC. Right now, we use powerpoint but updating is time consuming.

I found that the included photo screen saver works great! We can just update a jpg and the image automatically Updates! It just switches too fast to read the info on the screen.

Funny thing is, I installed it on my worksation here and now I don't want to take it off! LOL! I only installed it for the screen saver deal but this software works great!

Jun 1, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're going to hopefully add this setting for the next Beta version. Since we've been corresponding via email, we'll follow up with you there when it's available.

Jun 1, 2012  • #2
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Keegan Bear
3 discussion posts
That's cool. I'm not used to companies actually using their own message boards and responding! By the way, I have shown them your email stating you're upding it soon and what the product does, and they are really happy with it!
Jun 4, 2012  • #3
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