128 discussion posts
As per title, is it possible to customize the text in the tooltip that appears on the DF icon when a function is used?
Currently I am using the application "Audio Switcher" to switch between my main speakers, a cabled headset and a wifi headset. The application has a nice feature that shows the audio playback device icon as tray icon so I know which device is currently active.
Now I have decided to clean up my traybar which contains way too many icons and using a custom DF function to switch audio device would help cut down this one I mentioned above. The problem is that when I run the function with the assigned shortcut the tooltip on the DF tray icon simply says the script being run. Is there any way we can manipulate the message that appears?
For example I would like it to say: "Switched to audio device: XXX" where XXX is the chosen audio device. I have had a look around at all the functions but I haven't seen any that would help me. Did I miss something or there is no way to do that right now?
There isn't, unfortunately. You could use BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageInfo to show a dialog box with the name of the audio device as a workaround though.
Oh! That gave me an idea. If you create three separate functions, then create a fourth script to load the audio device using one of those functions, you should get a notification for the "loader" script, as well as the specific script that switches to the specified audio device.
128 discussion posts
Hmm, I have not looked much at all the functions available and the audio one I'm using is downloaded from the user submitted list.
Which function should I use to run another saved function from within a function?
Excellent, glad it worked for you!