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Robert Fassbender1
4 discussion posts
I am new to this discussion group, and would like to say Hello to everybody.

Hi, I just downloaded the trial version of Display Fusion, I like what I see so far. My question is, Can I change how often the wallpaper images change? I am running Windows 7 Pro, SP1, AMD 64x2 Dual core Processor, with 4GB of Ram. I was wondering if I can change the length of time each image is displayed on my monitors, like for instance each image will change every 20 minutes or so depending on the length of time that is set for each image. I have Display Fusion set to show different image on each monitor. I would like the image on each monitor to change about every 15-20 minutes, Is that possible or not.
Dec 8, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You sure can! In the Wallpaper settings, just set the Interval in the "Interval (minutes)" box that's below the Sizing drop-down.

Hope that helps!
Dec 10, 2013  • #2
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Robert Fassbender1
4 discussion posts
Thank you Keith, do I have to do that for each photo? I am thinking I have to. I appreciate your response to my question, I have the program open on my other monitor, on the screen i have open I see the sizing drop down box but I don't see the interval box you are speaking of. I am including the image of the program as an attachment. Could you please tell me how? Am I missing something? Thanks again.
• Attachment [protected]: Desktop Wallpaper Image.png [560,566 bytes]
Dec 11, 2013 (modified Dec 11, 2013)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the screenshot, and nice wallpapers by the way!

You just need to enable the "Load random images" checkbox that's below the "Source" drop-down. After that, you can add the folder that contains the images, and set the interval. You only need to set the interval once, and then the images will change on that interval.

Hope that helps!
Dec 11, 2013  • #4
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Robert Fassbender1
4 discussion posts
Thank you, Keith, That really helped alot. I followed what you said, and that was exactly what I wanted. Thanks again, you were a lot of help. Sorry I didn't get back sooner but things have been really busy around due to the weather. I hope you have a nice christmas. Oh, glad you liked the wallpapers, I am a car guy and I like hot rods and classics.
Dec 13, 2013 (modified Dec 13, 2013)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear it!
Dec 13, 2013  • #6
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
A follow up question, is there a minimum amount of time that can be set for the interval?

I have mine set to 5 minutes, to automatically load images from InterfaceLIFT (awesome feature by the way, to pull from 3rd party sites, really makes DisplayFusion shine), but it is never changing the wallpaper.

Some assistance is highly appreciated!
Dec 28, 2013  • #7
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Robert Fassbender1
4 discussion posts
Hi Shane C, I looked and I think that the minimum time is 10 seconds. I am not sure. Sorry I can't be more help, as I am new to this forum.
Dec 28, 2013  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The minimum is 0.1 minutes, so 5 minutes definitely should work. Do other image providers work?
Dec 31, 2013  • #9
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
Sorry for the long delay to reply, I assumed I'd get an email notifying me a reply had been made on my comment. but alas I didn't.

I tried InterfaceLift as another provider, and right away they came back with an error, as seen here:
Jan 12, 2014 (modified Jan 12, 2014)  • #10
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
I've set the provider to Google Images, tossed in some basic search criteria, have the update set to 5 minutes, and it is still not changing. Any other ideas?
Jan 12, 2014  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, could you do the following to help troubleshoot further?
  • Set the wallpaper change to 1 minute for troubleshooting
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab (set it to Logging: Important Only) and click Apply
  • Restart DisplayFusion
  • Wait 5 minutes or so (please note the time so I'll know where to look in the log file)
  • Attach the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file to this topic (can be found by clicking the 'Open Log' button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending me the log

Jan 13, 2014  • #12
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
Log has been uploaded and attached.

Thank you.
• Attachment: DisplayFusion.log [568,776 bytes]
Jan 15, 2014  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! Are you behind a proxy or any sort of web filter on your network?
Jan 16, 2014  • #14
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
I am on a personal home network. No proxy has been setup. Is there an IP address I should test connecting to? I can get to Google Image's website fine, so you'd think DisplayFusion should be able to reach Google Images as well!
Jan 18, 2014  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We proxy the Google Image searches through our server so that we can return more results (otherwise it only returns around 10 images or so, which is fairly useless).

Could you try pinging this IP?

Jan 20, 2014  • #16
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
Ping works.

I have the following options set, perhaps you could try to reproduce with my settings:
Jan 21, 2014  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Tested those settings here, they seem to work fine for me. Are you able to access in a web browser?
Jan 21, 2014 (modified Jan 22, 2014)  • #18
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Shane C
7 discussion posts
Yes that works fine.

Is there a certain file that controls the auto changing of wallpapers? Maybe it got corrupt?
Jan 22, 2014  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No, not really. The log definitely indicates a connection issue from your machine to our API. Could you do another test for me? On the DisplayFusion Settings > Options tab, could you try logging in on the DisplayFusion Online section and see if you can load the "My Licenses" view?
Jan 22, 2014  • #20
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