The way to change the active signal resolution in Windows 10 is as follows.
Right-clicking the desktop, and choosing "Display Properties", and changing the display resolution in this window
doesn't work. Instead, scroll further down in this window (down toward the bottom) and click "Advanced display setting". Now, on this new page/window, click "Display adapter properties", and a new window will open. On the "Adapter" tab, click the button "List All Modes", and a new window will open again. In this new window, scroll and click the resolution you want, then click ok (that window will close). Now, on the previous window, click apply. This will change the active signal resolution as well.
One glitch to be aware of... This happened to me... If you've already tried changing the resolution from 4k (3840x2160) to 1920x1080 (for example) the way I mentioned above that
doesn't work, then when you first load up the window that lists all the display modes in the adapter settings, it will show 1920x1080 (or whatever resolution you chose in the normal display properties window). However, in order to make it change the active resolution to this, you will need to choose a differnt resolution from the "List All Modes" window, apply it, then go back into the "List All Modes" window, choose the resolution you want, and apply it. Now, the active signal resolution will change as well. Hopefully that makes sense, seems like a long description to describe a simple problem... lol
My recommendation is to never change the resolution in the normal display properties window. Instead, you should always just change the resolution through the Display Adapter properties Window through the advanced display settings, and the desktop resolution and active signal resolution will both always change and be in sync.
Hopefully this is helpful to someone.