I purchased DF Pro and really like it, however the clock size for taskbar 2 doesn't seem to work on my Win 7 x64 with 2 monitors. Using the advanced settings button I change 'Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #2)' to 200 or any number, restart DF and find there is no change.
Also I'd like ask for an option I use from a program called WorldClock, http://www.carefile.com/WorldClock/. It has exactly the same clock text specifiers as DF but for Windows main clock and 1 additional specifier.
"ddd, m / d\n"OH" h:nn tt\n"CA" td-3h:nn tt" produces the following.
Mon, 2 / 4
OH 12:46 PM
CA 9:46 AM
Notice the td-3 in the last clock specifier, it allows the hour to be offset in this case by 3.
Sorry, this option has been updated and works with the new version 3.3, scheduled for release Tuesday Feb 15th. Download the new 3.3 tomorrow and give it another try.