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Chris Charles
5 discussion posts
I've got an interesting one:
User of DF for years, and I'm a huge fan.

Non-DisplayFusion environment:
    A) Due to customer privacy Personal Information (PI) data >
    B) Window (Application = Remote Desktop) running on Monitor #2
    C) Window needs to be locked to Monitor #2
    D) Window cannot be displayed on Monitor #1

With DisplayFusion would like to:
    1) Force Window (Application = Remote Desktop) to always run on Monitor #2
    2) Not allow Window to be moved to Monitor #1
    3) IF Monitor #2 is disconnected = close window / shutdown application

Reading from previous discussion posts, this may be possible with a mix-mash of Monitor Profiles + Scripted Function.

Any thoughts of a DisplayFusion recipe that could accomplish this?
Jan 1, 2025 (modified Jan 2, 2025)  • #1
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Chris Charles
5 discussion posts
Thought I post an update of what I have kinda working >

1) Create 2 Monitor Profiles:

a) Profile A [Single display]
b) Profile B [Dual displays]

2) Create a new custom Scripted Function to close a window (found in other discussions):

a) Scripted Function name = "Close Remote Desktop" >>>


using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
    public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        windowHandle = BFS.Window.GetWindowByText("*Remote Desktop*");

3) Create a new Trigger:

a) Event: " Monitor Profile Changed "
b) Monitor Profile: " Profile A "
c) Run Function: "Close Remote Desktop"

So this actually does WORK, but there is a timing issue.

When Monitor #2 is disconnected, the time it takes DisplayFusion to have Monitor Profile = "Profile A", kick in...
The window moves to Monitor #1, and is displayed there until the Monitor profile kicks in.

Is there a way, or an alternative, to speed this up, or to kill the "Windows Remote Desktop" application faster?

Thanks :laugh:
Jan 2, 2025 (modified Jan 2, 2025)  • #2
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Chris Charles
5 discussion posts

Small change to #2 above >>>

I switched from a:
  • Scripted Funtion
  • Custom Funtion

Call a Windows Batch Script instead, to KILL the application (Remote Desktop).
Executable for Remote Desktop = "mstsc.exe":


taskkill /im mstsc.exe /t /f

This ends up working a little faster, but still, the Window moves to Monitor #1, is visible for a few seconds, before the Batch File is executed and kills the process + window.

Any ideas to NOT have window move to Monitor #1 - is greatly appreciated! 8)
Jan 2, 2025  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
That's not something we support, interesting work around you found to get it close though!
Jan 2, 2025  • #4
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