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2 discussion posts
Is it possible to achieve it?

Btw, other tools like nircmd or MultiMonitorTool don't do it correctly for some reason. But Windows is able to turn on/off my monitor without trouble.

Can I use DisplayFusion for this? Is there command line interface?

I want selected monitors to be turned off when Im away from computer, but I don't want computer to be off. Using standard windows options doesn't achieve what I want because it also turns off my main monitor - this means 15 minutes of showing "lost signal" message sadly, since it is smart Samsung tv.
Jun 1, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can create monitor profiles that disable specific monitors, and load them via a command line. Would that work?

Turning them off similar to pressing the power button isn't something we support.
Jun 3, 2024 (modified Jun 3, 2024)  • #2
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