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17 discussion posts
My web browser, Opera, has been merging the tabbar with the application title bar in recent betas, and this will continue to the future release. This means that Display Fusion now interferes with it if I enable the middle-click move to monitor option: middle-clicking a tab in Opera should close it, but Display Fusion now intercepts that click instead.

If possible, please add a per-app compatibility option to disable the middle-click option.
Feb 24, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am running the latest version of Opera, but I don't see tabs along the top. Which version of Opera are you using? Either way, I will be adding this as a Compatibility option in the next release. Thanks! :)
Feb 24, 2010  • #2
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17 discussion posts
Cool :)

It'll be in Opera 10.5 beta 2, due to be released soon.

If Opera is windowed there is no problem as the tabbar and title bar are separate, but if they're fullscreen the two bars merge.
Feb 24, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I've added support for this into DisplayFusion, and I've also added 2 new Compatibility options: disable middle-click move and disable maximized window drag. Opera seems to be doing some weird stuff with it's tabs compared to the other browsers. Unfortunately DisplayFusion can't anticipate this like it can with Google Chrome, so you'll need to use these 2 new Compatibility settings, or maybe Opera will work properly once out of beta. :)
Feb 24, 2010  • #4
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