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15 discussion posts
I noticed that on my Win7 machine, DF seems to perpetually use 10-40% CPU usage even when the system is otherwise idle. I know there's been some discussion of high CPU usage in prior threads but they all referenced older versions of DF and have all been moved under "Archived/Locked topics", so I assume those ones are considered resolved. I'm using DF Pro v3.1.4, and I use it exclusively for its multimonitor taskbar capabilities (no desktop wallpaper stuff or anything like that).

Is this a known issue? Something that's being looked into? Something we just have to live with? :) I can provide further system info/etc. if needed. Just seems a tad high for the simple privilege of having a taskbar on my second monitor. :)
Oct 10, 2009  • #1
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I am also using W7 with DisplayFusion.
My setup is a x64 version of the OS with 8GB RAM.
The CPU is a Q6600 running at stock speed (2,4GHz I believe)

I DO use DF ( with all of its bells and whistles (Including resizing, rendering and autoreplacing of dual screen wallpapers.)

I have not experienced any CPU impact in the magnitude you describe.
At most I get 1-2 percent for a fraction of a second before it drops back to zero.
This happens once per second or once per 10 seconds. It varies.
This is by the internal taskmanager of Windows7.
I have not studied this in more detail by 3rd party tools.
Oct 12, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@helmutjd: The only thing I can think of that will cause DisplayFusion to have high CPU usage is when it is processing a new wallpaper (resizing, cropping... etc). Are you using the random wallpaper changer?
Oct 13, 2009  • #3
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Hi Jon,

Nope, per my original message I don't use it for anything other than its taskbar functionality. I always have enough windows open that I can never see my desktop anyway, so wallpaper is pointless for me. :)

Actually, hold on -- I lied. I also use the TitleBar buttons.

I checked it again just now and it's much lower at the moment, but still hovering between 3-6%... and while I wouldn't have complained if it had always been that low, clearly it fluctuates. :) After manually going through many of the settings (including turning off both hook settings on the Troubleshooting tab) with no effect, I figured out that turning off the "Enable TitleBar buttons" feature causes DF to drop to 0% CPU usage.

I did notice that my system seems to have problems in general with the titlebar buttons feature -- the buttons never quite seem to be able to keep up as you drag windows around the screen, and most of the time you have to wait a second or so before they'll catch up -- although that may be unrelated.

For now I've just turned them off, but they're a rather neat feature and it'd be nice to have 'em enabled if it was possible to do so without the resource-consumption issues. Also FYI my system is no powerhouse but it's not exactly a dog either -- Intel C2D 6300, 4GB RAM, dual-head ATI Radeon X1650, running Win7 32-bit.
Oct 13, 2009  • #4
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I use an old 3.4ghz HT CPU but still can manage gams and windows 7 and what happens to me is very similar.

if I monitor DF exe on the task manager is always jumping from 03% to 15% even when not changing wallpapers or doing anything. I have it also run as a low priority. and also sometimes jump to 30-40% also when not changing anything.

Maybe the problem es that Jon test all what he does on a high end computer and cant see what is happening with slower systems. Also with that small square window that appear to me sometimes that sayd hooks or smth (I already post that issue) sometimes when cpu is way loaded the window stay longer so means that the fact of the wndows being abble to be seen is cpu related. Mby in the first place Jon can see the issue cus requires a slow or very loaded cpu to notice.

I hope Jon can use this feedback, thx Jon.
Oct 13, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
My main development machine is quite powerful, but my test machines are horribly slow. I always make sure to test on a range of hardware to make sure any performance issues will jump out. It's too late to change anything before the 3.1.5 release, but before I release 3.2 I'll be doing more performance profiling to nail down some of these CPU usage spikes. Thanks for the feedback! :)
Oct 14, 2009  • #6
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Quick question: whas that flashing square window fixed on 3.1.5?
Oct 14, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Yes, it is fixed. You can try out the beta if you would like to test it on your system. Any feedback on the issue is much appreciated.

Oct 14, 2009  • #8
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I just want to reiterate. I have the exact same configuration as helmutjd Windows 7 64bit. Use the software only for the multiple taskbar feature and facing the same problem.

I have version 3.1.5

The software is always using at 3-4% of the CPU with constant bursts to 30 and 40%. Dual Core machine with 4GB of RAM
Oct 15, 2009  • #9
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Hey Jon I realise that we cant set DF affinity, If you code so we can set the core or thread for DF those cpu spikes will almost dont mind cus we can just ser DF to work on another core, also as some application I've seen you can set and option to alter the .ini file so we can set the core or else in the settings. its just an idea :P
Oct 15, 2009  • #10
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Hi Jon I want to give this thread bump cus since v3.1.5 Im having even bigger cpu spikes, sometimes even up to 50% of my HT single core CPU, and just to see if is smth else i just kill the DF app on the task manager and then the system goes normal then I open DF again and gets normal, but sometimes it repeat again after a while. I dont know whats going on, If i can give you some help to test or provide any other feedback, just let me know Im glad to help.

Oct 22, 2009  • #11
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Hi, Same thing is happening to me. CPU meter spiking to over 50% constantly. Been using DF for two years or more and has never happened before. Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you.
Oct 22, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
To everyone who is seeing CPU spikes: Are you using the random image changer? Can you try disabling various features to see which one is causing the CPU spikes so I can narrow down my troubleshooting? Thanks!
Oct 23, 2009  • #13
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As mentioned previously I am not using anything other than the Multi Taskbar. I even used to have the TitleBar Buttons but now disabled them to see if it the cause of the CPU Spikes but to no use.
Oct 23, 2009  • #14
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Well Im using the random wallpaper change but i have it in alphabetical order, so it really dont calculate any ramdom just change to the next one. I will try to stay with one and see if it that, what other features you want us to try?. Also to spacify how the cpu spikes work: is not all the sudden spike and then go away, no, is that in some time all the sudden the cpu spikes starts and stay spiking and almost freezing my pc if Im watching HD video or playing, after terminate the DF process and start it again is when comes to normal.
Oct 23, 2009  • #15
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Cylon: How many images are in your random image folders?

@bleedingedge: What features do you have enabled while seeing the spikes?
Oct 29, 2009  • #16
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33 for the main (1280x1024) and 32 for the secondary (1024x768), both plays diferent pics folders, all jpg not big. most of them are 1024x768 pics.
Oct 29, 2009  • #17
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I too have the same problem. Display Fusion uses around 40-50% CPU. Using Display Fusion Pro 3.1.5 on Core 2Duo 8600 system with 4GB RAM running Vista 64 Business.

Using a single wallpaper stretched across 2 monitors (no random wallpaper) and Multi-Monitor taskbar. Not using TitleBar buttons.

Would be happy to provide any more data required to solve this problem .
Nov 6, 2009  • #18
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Had the same problem here. CPU spikes at 40-50% and it would freeze other windows for 2-3 seconds
It went away went I disabled the multi-monitor taskbar

Running Core2Duo 2.4 / 4GB Ram / Windows7 x64
Nov 9, 2009  • #19
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm working on this issue for version 3.1.6, I'll let you know when a beta version is ready for testing. Does the high CPU usage happen consistently, or just occasionally?
Nov 9, 2009  • #20
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Still goes up and down the same, esporadicly, or mby is really constant but i really only notice it when I run some hd video or smth that damands CPu so then i see df spike up to 45%
Nov 9, 2009  • #21
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i can verify that after disabling the Title Bar buttons the CPU spikes go away. This is the only other feature other than multi monitor feature that I use. I enabled it two days ago and today I have had higher CPU spikes than usual
Nov 18, 2009  • #22
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i can verify that after disabling the Title Bar buttons the CPU spikes go away. This is the only other feature other than multi monitor feature that I use. I enabled it two days ago and today I have had higher CPU spikes than usual

I confirm this, I have tested this for 2 days and yes... no cpu spikes if the tittle buttons are desabled, and is a shame cus I like the "Move window to next monitor" button.
Nov 21, 2009  • #23
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have put together a special build to try and tackle these CPU issues. Now that I know that it is related to the TitleBar Buttons, I was able to focus my attention there. Please install the attached DisplayFusion build, and enable debug logging after you install it. After you see a CPU spike from DisplayFusion, please submit the Debug.log file here as an attachment (it will be quite large) and I'll take a look through to see what I can find. Thanks! :)

Update: Build removed.
Nov 21, 2009  • #24
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I have put together a special build to try and tackle these CPU issues. Now that I know that it is related to the TitleBar Buttons, I was able to focus my attention there. Please install the attached DisplayFusion build, and enable debug logging after you install it. After you see a CPU spike from DisplayFusion, please submit the Debug.log file here as an attachment (it will be quite large) and I'll take a look through to see what I can find. Thanks! :)

Ok I just had a spike lapse and as always when I was watching some 720p video. I attached the debug file here as you requested.
• Attachment: DisplayFusion.rar [160,750 bytes]
Nov 22, 2009  • #25
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Cylon: Thank you for posting the debug log, it is very helpful. Can I ask how you know it was DisplayFusion causing the spike, and what was happening at the time? Did you click anything, or were you just watching the video?
Nov 23, 2009  • #26
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OK, I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard (Lcd), and normaly cus I have a poor old cpu (3.4E HT). I usualy have the lcd on the CPU/Ram applet, so I can easily watch my cpu load. when I watch movies normaly I use wmp for SD video and MPC for HD video (using DXVA) so I can avoid have my cpu loaded.

When I have tittle buttons activated (we already know this is the trigger) sometimes I can see my cpu spiking in the lcd applet and I go and watch using the task manager and see that DF is spiking too high like 40-60 % as a pulsing spike mby in a frequency of 1 sec cming and going the cou usage spike. and sometimes if I leave it alone for some time (mins) comes to normal but sometimes I just close the df process and start again DF. and stays normal cpu load.

I dont know why is when I see video, mby is has nothing to do with it and Im just more vigilant of my cpu load cus is video and Im in front of the pc, but I notice that it dosent happen whan Im playing, I playing Mass Effect and other games and I dont see or notice any spikes while playing.

Any other help just ask me.

PS: Im still using your beta and and performance mode on.
Nov 23, 2009  • #27
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have put together another build, which you can find here:

Can you please give it a try, and if it doesn't work attach your debug log file again? Thanks!
Nov 23, 2009  • #28
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Using Windows 7 x64 Professional with dual monitors, nVidia 8800 GTX graphics card, and the latest beta build of DisplayFusion.

While monitoring DisplayFusion's CPU activity with SysInternal's Process Explorer, certain desktop gadgets cause DF to become very active. The CPU utilization is not extremely high but the DF activity is frequent. Almost every second DF will register CPU activity. The gadgets that are causing this on my system are Market Monitor and XMRadio from www.buildagadget; WeatherMAN from and All CPU Meter from

If I close down these gadgets, DF is very quiet.

It also appears that DF responds with high CPU utilization when various programs run their silent/hidden updaters. For example, when Program Weather Watcher Live silently downloads its weather data, or Avira updates its security detections, DisplayFusion's CPU utilization jumps to 6-15% for a short period. I think these silent updaters have update windows that are opening/closing in a Hidden state...which may be what DF is responding to. I do have one Title Bar button active to move windows between monitors.

If I turn off the Title Bar button, DF is less active.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Nov 24, 2009  • #29
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I'm trialing DisplayFusion for the potential of licensing it on two different dual monitor systems, each running Windows 7 Professional (1 x86, 1 x64). Thus far, I like what DisplayFusion has to offer. HOWEVER, the continuous CPU activity of DF is most concerning to me. Hopefully this can be corrected.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Nov 25, 2009  • #30
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I've an odd one too, and came to query how much CPU useage DF typically uses, when I saw this thread.

My vista machine is periodically slowing down for around 10-20 seconds at a time. While I don't think it's necessarily down to DF (probably a dodgy windows update :roll:), I did notice that DF's CPU useage is typically hovering around 10% useage.
I'm running a dual-core 3ghz Dell machine that's only around 2 year old so don't think it's the machine

Looking at the threads for the displayfusion.exe process, shows 5 mscorwks.dll, with 1 using the processor.

This was with the title bar buttons on, now with them off the cpu useage is gone, with only the odd fluctuation up to around 5%, which is fine.
{note to self, read full thread before posting :-D}
Nov 26, 2009  • #31
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I've now switched on the second taskbar on the 2nd monitor, and DF is now back up to around 10-20 useage, and i'm seeing period hanging on my machine, and the fans going mental. Odd.
Also, middle clicking the title bars now no longer works, even though it's enabled in the options, and clicking an icon in the 2nd taskbar doesn't open the window, just depresses the icon.
I think I may try reinstalling it and see how it goes.
Nov 26, 2009  • #32
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Griff389: Which version of DisplayFusion are you using? If you're not already using Beta 6, can you give it a try:

Nov 26, 2009  • #33
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On Windows 7 x64 Professional and DF V3.1.5.6 Beta 6

DF has almost constant CPU activity when TitleBar Buttons is selected...even with no program windows open and the system is idle. This CPU utilization surges up to as high as 10% when program windows are opened. When the system is idle, the CPU utilization very frequently ranges from 0.78 to 1.55%. As stated earlier, DF is sensitive to having various Gadgets running...even when the system is idle.

When the TitleBar Buttons is unselected, DF is very quiet.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Nov 27, 2009  • #34
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I've been running DisplayFusion through a performance profiler all afternoon, and I think I've nailed the problem. You can find the new beta here:

The problem (if it works) was that it was unnecessarily querying process information, for all processes not just processes that have TitleBar Buttons. On some systems that resulted in some significant lag and CPU usage. Now, it will only query process information for processes that end up having TitleBar Buttons attached. The result on my system was ~1-2% CPU usage down to nothing. If you have reported an issue in this topic can you give this a try and report back? Thanks!
Nov 28, 2009  • #35
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You have nailed it in V3.1.5.8. DF is now very quiet with the TitleBar button option enabled.

Thanks! :wink:
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Nov 28, 2009  • #36
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, thank you for following-up. I'll mark this topic as complete, but please feel free to re-post in the future if the issue re-appears. :)
Nov 28, 2009  • #37
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Same here, still havent found any cpu spike, or any other glitch.
Nov 29, 2009  • #38
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Cylon: Thanks for the heads-up, glad to hear it's working! :)
Nov 30, 2009  • #39
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Just got prompted to downloaded 3.1.6, and it looks to be fine for me now, with title bar buttons and 2nd task bar too.

Seems the fans going on my dell was down to the latest Kaspersky AV update, not DP. Although the 10% cpu useage was. But it's gone now, so thanks. :)
Dec 8, 2009  • #40
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Griff389: Thanks for following-up. Let me know if you experience any crazy DisplayFusion CPU usage again. :)
Dec 8, 2009  • #41
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