3 discussion posts
Hello !
I have 3 monitors, 1 my principal monitor on displayport, 2 on dvi, and 3 on another computer on vga.
To the second computer I have a capture card connected on HDMI in my principal comptuer, I duplicated my principal (and only him) monitor to this capture card with displayfusion. It's works!
But when I play a game in full screen, mu cursor is higher, my desktops icon's changes place (I see in my second monitor my icon's moves on this one), on some game I can not move my cursor over the entire screen, like invisible walls.
Everything becomes normal after closing the game, but it's embarrassing, how?
Does the game change the screen resolution? If so, can you try setting it to the same resolution as the desktop to see if that makes any difference?
3 discussion posts
Nope, the game don't change the resolution.
If you exit DisplayFusion before you launch the game, does that make any difference?
Ok, the icons might be moving if the taskbar is getting unloaded or reloaded. If you disable the DisplayFusion taskbar but leave DisplayFusion running, do the icons still move?