Hi all,
I've created a custom function that looks like this:
The function is added as a titlebar button and it works if I click on it to trigger it manually. However, if I set it to trigger automatically, it just doesn't do anything. The trigger is simply just when an app is launched, then run the function. I'm also using a built in "maximize window" function and that works fine. It's just the custom function that I've created that doesn't run automatically.
That's really strange! Everything looks like it's configured correctly. If you try to use that custom function in a Trigger for a different application, does it work?
It doesn't work for other apps either.
Here you go.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [51,342 bytes]
Thanks! The log isn't showing that the Trigger fired at all. Which app did you open for this debug log?
Sorry, have uploaded new log. The app is Devolutions RDM and the custom function is called "Work RDP'.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [51,342 bytes]
I'm still not seeing anything related to Devolutions RDM in the log. Are you restoring it from the system tray, or launching it fresh?
I enabled logging as per your instructions.
I then opened Devolutions RDM and took an export of the log.
You can do a test by downloading Devolutions RDM (there's a free version).
Ok, but did you open RDM using the system tray icon, or launching it from the Start menu/desktop?
I launched it from the start menu.
It's all good, I've got it sorted now. The issue was the wait time was set to 10000 ms (10 seconds) instead of 1 second. I've also modified the trigger to fire when the Windows Text matches the keyword I specified.