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2 discussion posts
I'm needing to have two monitors on my PC. Monitor #1 would face me and I can see all programs and windows running. Monitor #2 I would like to have facing my customer however I do not want them to be able to view all of my other programs running.

We use a design program where we customize a customer's item in front of them on the PC. I'd like to be able to edit the design on my screen and fix it where the only thing they can see on their screen would be the specific program/app. If I were to check my email or have another customer's information pulled on my screen, I dont want that information showing on their side. Is that possible with DisplayFusion?

11 days ago (modified 11 days ago)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We have a "Mirror Window" function that you can use to just mirror the window you want them to see, and put that on the second monitor.
11 days ago  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Perfect, thats exactly what I need. Thank you!
10 days ago  • #3
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