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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
I have 3 monitors: two 27" 1080's, and one 65" 4K (this is the Primary).
- About 45% of the time, I boot with just the two 1080's (if someone is watching TV on the 4k).
- About 45% of the time, I boot with just the one 4K.
- About 10% of the time, I boot with all three monitors.

With Windows, if the Primary monitor is not available, one of the other monitors automatically becomes Primary (thus, the login screen is available, as well as the primary Task Bar). With Display Fusion, I get neither the login screen, nor the Primary Taskbar.

NOTE: FYI - I am trying to avoid unchecking "Start with Windows."

Possible Fix 1) Auto Switch Default Primary Monitor on Bootup
With Display Fusion, is there a way to make a different monitor automatically become the default monitor when booting the computer (if the Primary is not available)?

Possible Fix 2) Disable Monitor Profiles on Bootup
Is there a way to disable all monitor profiles on bootup? In other words, is there a way to make Windows Display Settings load on boot, and only load DF Monitor Profiles when called?

Possibly Related Threads:
Aug 22, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
1) This isn't something we support, the primary monitor should already be decided well before DisplayFusion has started

2) The monitor profiles will only launch on startup if you have a trigger to launch them when DisplayFusion starts, otherwise it should just be Windows that's deciding it, yep.
Aug 22, 2023  • #2
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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
Thank you. So the only option is to uncheck "Start with Windows"?
Aug 22, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah I believe so
Aug 23, 2023  • #4
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