205 discussion posts
Have you guys concidered including something similar to Desktop coral http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/desktopcoral/
in your program. aimed at reducing bezel distortion? If you adjust the size/position of your monitor (most monitors have this setting), you can make the desktop size match the size of your screen including your bezel (ofcourse that part will be 'cut off')
Then you throw those coral boundaries in the cut off parts, and Viola, maximized apps maximize properly, and you can drag apps across to other screens without any visual distortion. The only problems are the start menu, and fullscreen programs tend to ignore this program...
(if using classic shell, the start button issue can be fixed by modifying a skin/button to have a blank space on the left side so it remains on screen)
Attached shows you what it looks like when i create a screenshot, and below it is how i physically see it on my screen.

New Bitmap Image.jpg
I had never heard of DesktopCoral before, but it sounds pretty neat! I'll add this to our feature request list, and we'll post an update if we're able to implement it in a future version.
Ah ok, yeah, we wouldn't be able to adjust the actual overscan/underscan or image size on the monitor, as that's a hardware thing. The best we might be able to do is to add the same functionality as DesktopCoral. You're workaround is definitely creative though!
Regarding the monitor IDs, Windows 7 doesn't provide a way to programatically get the monitor ID numbers that match what's shown in the Windows Screen Resolution settings, but I'll see if we can provide some more details on how we got it to work.
As far as I know Windows 8 doesn't have any new monitor configuration APIs, and I haven't seen anything new that would be helpful with the monitor ID's. We're constantly tweaking our monitor ID "guessing" code, so it's not really something I'd like to share, sorry.