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19 discussion posts
I am using 11.1.1 but I think this problem started in the last the 11 beta days.

I am seeing random icons on my desktop just disappear, but I'm not sure DisplayFusion is the cause but I was hoping it would be able to fix it. I can't not tell which icons have dispearred until I notice, so then I try to restore the icon layout (via load saved desktop icon profile option) just in case they got moved offscreen on one of my 3 monitors but they are still gone.

I was hoping that DisplayFusion would at least alert me with a message, icon's restored but the following X Y Z are missing so their position was not restored. That would at least help me know which ones are gone.

I've been recreating the icons, and then updating my profiles but I use no other apps to manage my icons other than whatever Win11 does automatically, so I was wondering if somehow DF was zapping them. I don't think so, but bringing this up since I know it has happened at least 6+ times in the last 6 months.

They are not in my recycle bin, i looked there also.

Anyone else experienced disappearing desktop icons?
4 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Our icon profiles will only move already existing icons, it won't bring back deleted one's unfortunately.

You can try running without DisplayFusion for a few days and see if they keep disappearing though.
3 days ago  • #2
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19 discussion posts
Thanks for the feedback Owen. Unfortunately the dispearring icons are happening maybe 1-2 times a month, and I have not found a pattern yet. The last round all appear to be icons I manually dragged a file to create a shortcut, not icons from an application creating it on desktop during their install routine.

If the restore icon profile had a debug option to warning/list if icons were missing that would clue me in faster, but otherwise I'm doubting it is DF involved, but it is my only 3rd party app that touches icon/desktop layout.

It is probably some other Win 11 oddity, but I've yet to be able to track it down on my own so far.

3 days ago (modified 3 days ago)  • #3
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