Barney Cockell
5 discussion posts
I have been running it on Win 7 for ages and it works fine. On Win 8 same image on both monitors and span image across both work fine. TRying to use a a different image on both monitors only puts the image on monitor 1. Mnitor 2 is black.
Also, as I have just discovered, the problem submission form doesnt work either. Just flashes on and off and the cursor jumps around.
When you set the Background Mode to "Use a different Image for each Monitor," make sure to select each monitor in the wallpaper preview, and set the "Source" drop-down and corresponding options for each one.
Regarding the Support Form, I was able to submit it successfully. Could you try again to see if the issue still exists?
Please let me know if you still run into any trouble at all.
Barney Cockell
5 discussion posts
Thanks. Both problems solved.