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6 discussion posts
Just got the trial of DF Pro on Windows 7 64bit. It's great but the minimised icons on the DF taskbar when you minimise and maximise them you see the animation go to the taskbar from the default windows taskbar. Can this be fixed?

I am currently running DF from the executable. Not installed it yet because when I try to run the installer I get the following error:

error#: 0001:000-4

How can this be fixed so I can install it properly for when I purchase it after the trial expires!
Jun 4, 2009  • #1
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1 discussion post
I too, am using the Pro version in Windows 7 RC1 64-bit, and it is working magnificently... I am also running into the same animation going to the windows task bar as opposed to the one from DF...

Another thing, is it possible to move the position of the task bar independently of the windows task bar? I like my windows bar on the left, but would rather have the DF one on the bottom....

edit: may it be noted I'm using version 3.0.6
Jun 5, 2009  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Wou;D it also be possible to have an option to put another "Show Desktop" glass slab at the end of the DF taskbar?
Jun 5, 2009  • #3
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6 discussion posts
Any updates here at all?
Jun 8, 2009  • #4
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343 discussion posts
Just got the trial of DF Pro on Windows 7 64bit. It's great but the minimised icons on the DF taskbar when you minimise and maximise them you see the animation go to the taskbar from the default windows taskbar. Can this be fixed?

I am currently running DF from the executable. Not installed it yet because when I try to run the installer I get the following error:

error#: 0001:000-4

How can this be fixed so I can install it properly for when I purchase it after the trial expires!

I think Jon has this slated for the 3.1 release. :-)
Jun 8, 2009  • #5
John L. Galt's profile on
Interestingly enough, I am running DF Pro on W7 64bit RC1 without a hitch.

Are you trying to install DF while it is running already?
I am I.
Jun 8, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the delay, I was traveling all weekend. The "Show Desktop" is something I am thinking of adding in version 3.1. That installation error is probably because of your anti-virus software falsely detecting the temp files. :( It is a VERY annoying error that I am not sure how to work around unless I switch installer software. The window animations is something I am working on, but as it's purely a cosmetic issue it currently has a lower priority. :) Thanks!
Jun 9, 2009  • #7
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6 discussion posts
So the show desktop and the window animation should both be fixed in 3.1 then?

Any idea when it will be available? - I just wish to have an idea as I am running the trial and want to keep trying it as a trial until I know everything works as I need before I purchase it.


Jun 9, 2009  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The show desktop feature may be included in 3.1, but the window animation won't be fixed in 3.1. The next version (3.1) already has an enormous to-do list, and I'm afraid I won't get a chance to correct the cosmetic animation issues. :( I am not planning on releasing the next version for a couple more months, so your trial will expire before then unfortunately. If you are unhappy with the DisplayFusion without these 2 things I would hold off on buying it until you are happy. :)
Jun 9, 2009  • #9
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