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27 discussion posts
DisplayFusion 3.3.1 Beta 15
Windows 7 x64 SP1

When I launch a full screen application (games mostly) on my primary monitor, a few different things happen, either

1) Taskbar on second monitor disappears completely, exiting out of the full screen application on the primary will cause it to appear again. However the behavior suggests the taskbar was closed, then opened again because the windows move to adjust.


2) Taskbar remains on second monitor, but the taskbar on the primary will flash in the full screen application.

Regardless of which scenario occurs, performance seems to be much slower transitioning in and out of the application. This was not present in Beta 8 or 10.
May 9, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me the info from the Troubleshooting tab in DisplayFusion? Please email it to and I'll check it out.

May 9, 2011  • #2
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thanks for the reply,

i sent the text from the troubleshooting tab via email, i hope it helps!
May 10, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Got it! Nothing in the troubleshooting info looked out of the ordinary, so on to the next step :)

Can you enable debug logging, produce the issue, and then email me the debug log?

Follow the steps below to enable debug logging in DisplayFusion:

  • Open the DisplayFusion settings
  • Click the Troubleshooting tab
  • Check the “Enable debug logging” box and click Apply
  • Produce the issue
  • Click the “Open Log Location” button
  • Email the “DisplayFusion.log” text file to

May 10, 2011  • #4
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I've been having trouble recreating the "blinking primary taskbar" in a fullscreen application, but I did get the "disappearing taskbar" on the secondary monitor when entering a full screen application. When I alt tab out of the full screen application, the taskbar reappears on the second monitor and the taskbar icons move back to their relevant taskbars (per the setting "Taskbar Mode"- All taskbars show relevant windows)

I emailed the log and its contents. Thank you for your time and effort!
May 10, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks! I'll review the logs and get back to you as soon as can.
May 10, 2011  • #6
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Okay I tried again and I managed to recreate the "blinking taskbar"

It happens when I play Warcraft III and I am in game- maybe a DirectX conflict? I emailed the log again, don't know if there's a difference.
May 10, 2011  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Cool, got the log.

Can you try closing DisplayFusion (right-click the system tray icon and choose Exit) and then try out Warcraft III again? Just want to confirm that it's a DisplayFusion problem as there seems to be a lot of reports of Warcraft III flickering issues in Windows 7.

See this forum post for an example:

As for the DisplayFusion Taskbar dissapearing, I'm still looking into it :)
May 10, 2011  • #8
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When I exit out of DisplayFusion everything is okay.
Which is strange. Warcraft III, DisplayFusion, and Windows 7 have been holding hands nicely for almost a year. Only recently it started with Beta 15 I believe, but it might have been before that too. (Beta 8 confirmed to work fine).

This is the general order of events:

1) Go into Warcraft III / Bioshock / etc. by either alt tab or launching.
2) Taskbar on secondary disappears and all icons in taskbar move to primary taskbar (as if DisplayFusion closed). Main taskbar begins to flicker through Warcraft III
3) When Warcraft III loses focus, either alt tab or exit, DisplayFusion appears to reinitialize and the second taskbar appears / icons move accordingly.

It doesn't' happen every time, but I'd say well over 45% of the time.
May 10, 2011  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released 3.3.1 Beta 17 which fixes an issue with a timer that was causing some flickering in other applications as well. Could you update to Beta 17 and let me know if the flickering issue is resolved for you?
May 11, 2011  • #10
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Just updated to Beta 17.

Unfortunately the issue is not gone.
However, the drop in performance / speed when switching in and out of full screen applications I mentioned does not appear to exist anymore so thats great! The taskbar on the secondary screen still disappears when entering a full screen application on the primary (albeit it disappears faster) and reappears with shifting taskbar icons after leaving the full screen application.

The most annoying taskbar flicker does occur less, I can say that much. from 45% to maybe 25% of the time.

Is there any place where I can download Beta 10 or earlier? I foolishly deleted the file after installing Beta 14, and I wanted to go back and make sure it wasn't some other change.

Thanks Mr. Lammers for your constant feedback and attention you have given this matter.
May 11, 2011  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good to know it's gotten better at least :)

After talking with Jon, I found out that the DisplayFusion taskbar disappearing is by design, to avoid other compatibility issues. The DisplayFusion taskbar will disappear when a full screen application is launched and that application changes the screen resolutions.

As for trying out an older version, I've emailed Beta 14 to you. Let me know how it goes!

May 11, 2011  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Actually forget going back to Beta 14. It will definitely work, but we've found the issue and it will be fixed in Beta 18 which should be out shortly. After Beta 18 is released, please update and let me know how it goes.

May 11, 2011  • #13
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The issue was found?! Thats awesome!

I swear that the taskbar never disappeared before in my applications, but I hope that Beta 18 will be my Messiah!

UPDATE: Beta 18 did not fix it :(
May 11, 2011  • #14
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you please send in your Troubleshooting information and debug log again so we can take another look while you are using beta 18? Thanks!
May 11, 2011  • #15
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I sent the Troubleshooting text as the email body, and attached the debug log after I recreated the taskbar blinking.
I took your suggestion with Beta 14 and the stable and here were my findings:

  • Beta 14 does have this issue. Worse than Beta 18, but similar to Beta 15, 16, and 17.
  • Stable 3.3.0 does not have this issue. The taskbar on my secondary display does not disappear and the icons stay where they are supposed to. Leaving the fullscreen application does not incur a delay and there is no time period where the behavior suggests DisplayFusion is reinitializing.

The DisplayFusion taskbar will disappear when a full screen application is launched and that application changes the screen resolutions.

Understood- however in my case the resolution used is the native and does not change from the desktop resolution.
May 12, 2011  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, it's not just on resolution changes. There are a bunch of conditions which cause the DisplayFusion taskbar to reload itself, and when that happens, if there's a full screen application running, it won't reload itself until the full screen application loses focus. So, as long as the taskbar comes back after you exit or ALT-Tab out, it's working as expected.

So, let's focus on the issue of the Windows taskbar blinking behind the game window. I'll outline my assumptions so that you can confirm that I'm understanding them correctly before we move on :)

- In 3.3.0 Stable, the Windows taskbar does not flash behind the game window
- In 3.3.1 Beta 14, 15, 16, and 17, the Windows taskbar flashes rapidly behind the game window
- In 3.3.1 Beta 18, the Windows taskbar flashes behind the game window, but not as frequently

Does that sound about right?

May 12, 2011  • #17
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Ok, it's not just on resolution changes. There are a bunch of conditions which cause the DisplayFusion taskbar to reload itself, and when that happens, if there's a full screen application running, it won't reload itself until the full screen application loses focus. So, as long as the taskbar comes back after you exit or ALT-Tab out, it's working as expected.

So, let's focus on the issue of the Windows taskbar blinking behind the game window. I'll outline my assumptions so that you can confirm that I'm understanding them correctly before we move on :)

Got it.

- In 3.3.0 Stable, the Windows taskbar does not flash behind the game window
- In 3.3.1 Beta 14, 15, 16, and 17, the Windows taskbar flashes rapidly behind the game window
- In 3.3.1 Beta 18, the Windows taskbar flashes behind the game window, but not as frequently

Does that sound about right?

This does sound right, although please note that I have not conducted an extensive test with statistically significant data. With only about roughly 10 alt tab cycles it might be misleading to say it flashes less frequently in Beta 18. What I can say for certain is that 3.3.0 Stable works flawlessly.

Hope it helps!
May 12, 2011  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok cool :)

I've installed the WarCraft III demo but can't seem to duplicate the issue. After a certain number of alt-tabs in and out of the game, does the Windows taskbar just constantly flicker in the game window?

Would it be possible for you to record the issue using Fraps?
May 12, 2011  • #19
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After a certain number of alt-tabs in and out of the game, does the Windows taskbar just constantly flicker in the game window?

Yes, it flickers in non-aero form (no transparency or colors) and will continue indefinitely until a successful alt-tab cycle gets rid of it. Not only that, I have an application called RocketDock- whose setting is set to "auto-hide". Whenever the taskbar flickers in-game I am able to call the application from hide by moving my cursor over the target area (on the primary monitor), making it seem like I'm not in the fullscreen application at all- although I am still able to relay keyboard / mouse input to the fullscreen game.

For the record, I exited out of all said applications during testing, and I am still able to replicate the issue. The auto-hide was just added to support my suspicion that there is a full screen detection error.

Would it be possible for you to record the issue using Fraps?

I have actually began to use FRAPS to capture the issue- however if the option "Monitor Aero" is ticked, I do not get any recording of in-game, and vice versa if the option is unticked. My recording only shows the taskbar start button very briefly though the game and I cannot manage to record the actual flickering with FRAPS (possibly because of Aero / DirectX / FRAPS conflicts).
May 12, 2011  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! Does the issue occur if you disable the DisplayFusion taskbar, but leave DisplayFusion running?
May 12, 2011  • #21
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Does the issue occur if you disable the DisplayFusion taskbar, but leave DisplayFusion running?

This is a good suggestion that I have not tried. I have only exited out of DisplayFusion (which does fix it) but I never thought about disabling the secondary taskbar.

Unfortunately, I just packed up my main machine to bring back home (hurrah for summer!). This will be the first thing I will try next Tuesday when I get back on it. Sorry for putting this developing situation on hold, but I look forward to any updates!
May 12, 2011  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, thanks for all of your help with troubleshooting the issue so far. Just let me know how it goes when you get a chance to try it out.


P.S. Hurrah for summer, indeed!
May 12, 2011  • #23
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I got a chance to test out Beta 20 and unfortunately the flickering problem still exists in full screen applications.

If I disable multi-monitors it does fix the problem, I also played around with "Window Preview Style", "Show taskbar...", and "Focus window...", but didn't get any luck fixing the problem. If there is anything I need to do, just say the word!
May 18, 2011  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, good to know! How quickly is the Windows taskbar blinking? Is it possible to time it to see if it's every 1 second, or every 5 seconds, etc? This way we can try to narrow it down to a specific timer that might be causing the issue.

May 18, 2011  • #25
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In regards to how fast it blinks, I would say it blinks as fast as possible without being solid, easily more than three times a second. In fact if I use FRAPs to record it, it appears solid for a brief moment before disappearing.
May 18, 2011  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I removed my previous 3 posts as I have a new follow-up. Jon and I talked again, and we figured out that the DisplayFusion taskbar actually shouldn't be disappearing when a full-screen application causes Windows to switch to Aero Basic. We're going to get that issue fixed up for 3.3.1 Beta 21, and hopefully since both issues cropped up at same time, they will both be fixed :)

I'll post another follow-up when Beta 21 is released so that you can test it out.
May 18, 2011  • #27
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Beta 21 should be out in 3 or 4 hours. Can you try it out and let me know if you still have the flickering taskbar issue?

May 18, 2011  • #28
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I definitely will-
"Fixed: Windows 7 rendering mode detection is now improved when re-adding the taskbars" looks very promising! :-D
May 18, 2011  • #29
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Just installed Beta 21: Huge improvements.
  • Went through two dozen alt tab cycles back to back to try and replicate the problems and the flickering taskbar never reared its head once.
  • About 6% of the time (3/20) the taskbar on the secondary disappeared, but the reinitialization was quick and non-intrusive (unlike previous Betas).
  • Overall transition speed is slower than 3.30 stable, but its really not an issue and when compared to previous Betas its refreshing.

Phenomenal job, thanks so much!
May 19, 2011  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks a million for all of your help and patience in getting this issue resolved!
May 19, 2011  • #31
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Uh oh,

I just managed to recreate the blinking taskbar. It happened randomly so I was caught off-guard for a second. It definitely happens less often (only once so far) but I wanted to make sure you were aware.

Thanks so far though!
May 20, 2011  • #32
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for the follow-up.

Right now it's unfortunately a compromise for being able to update the taskbar as soon as the desktop composition switches (i.e. from Aero Glass to Aero Basic), but we are planning on tweaking it a bit more to see if we can make it work perfectly.

Please let me know if you run into any more issues, especially if the flickering gets worse again.

May 20, 2011  • #33
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After 3.3.1 installation I have experienced worse flickering than Beta 21.

On a happier if somewhat unrelated note, I am pleased to have purchased a DisplayFusion Pro license primarily because of the superb communication I have received from you guys- thanks for putting so much time and effort into this!
May 24, 2011  • #34
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks for your purchase! Regarding the taskbar blinking, we'll continue to work with you to see if we can resolve it for good in the 3.3.2 betas. Is WarCraft III the only game that shows the issue? If not, could you provide me with a list of other games/fullscreen applications that show the same symptoms?

May 24, 2011  • #35
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I think it has something to do with DirectX and its interaction with Aero Basic / Aero.
Most of the other games I play do not automatically cause Windows to switch to Aero Basic. In fact I have noticed something interesting.

Fullscreen DX10 games do not initialize Aero Basic (there will be a prompt if resources are low) and do not cause the blinking taskbar. Usually the secondary screen is filled with a blank black screen. DX10 games have a little trouble alt-tabbing. It is a little slow and sometimes it turns games into windowed mode / unlocks mouse when tabbing back in. This is most noticeable in Bioshock and Crysis.

Fullscreen DX9 games do not initialize Aero Basic (there will be a prompt if resources are low) and do not cause the blinking taskbar. Quick alt-tab, very responsive.

Warcraft III is DX8.1, and it does initialize Aero Basic right away- causing the possibility of the blinking taskbar.

OpenGL does not initialize Aero Basic and works very well.

Here is a list of games confirmed to not cause the blinking taskbar. They are all DX9, except the ones with an asterick which are DX10
[list type=decimal]
  • Mass Effect
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • Arkham Asylum
  • **Bioshock
  • **Bioshock 2
  • **Resident Evil 5
  • **Crysis
  • Crysis 2
  • [/ul]
    May 26, 2011  • #36
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Ok, good to know! I think it's just a timing issue that needs to be worked out when fullscreen applications cause Windows to revert to Aero Basic. We'll keep you posted!
    May 31, 2011  • #37
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    When you get a chance, could you update to 3.4.0 Beta 2 and create a compatibility rule for Warcraft III that has the "Pause Multi-Monitor Taskbars While This Application is Running" option enabled? Just curious as to how that will work out with the games switching to Aero.

    Jun 15, 2011  • #38
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    When you get a chance, could you update to 3.4.0 Beta 2 and create a compatibility rule for Warcraft III that has the "Pause Multi-Monitor Taskbars While This Application is Running" option enabled? Just curious as to how that will work out with the games switching to Aero.


    I've been looking at the 3.4 changelogs and I am very excited. Unfortunately I am out of town and I won't be with my desktop till mid-August (very painful). If possible, I will try to walk my brother through the process and see what the results are. Keep me posted!
    Jun 30, 2011  • #39
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Awesome, sounds good! We just released 3.4.0 Beta 5 which has some more taskbar improvements, so maybe try it with and without the Compatibility rules and see how it works out. No rush though, enjoy your summer holidays!
    Jun 30, 2011  • #40
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    Thanks- but seriously can DisplayFusion get any more awesome? These changelogs are like early Christmas. :laugh:
    Jun 30, 2011  • #41
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Hehe, we'll do our best!
    Jun 30, 2011  • #42
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    One more month and I can finally test out DisplayFusion 3.4 Beta- from the changelogs I expect this rapid blinking / disappearing taskbar and the accompanied lag to have been long fixed.

    What's your take on it? Also, has anyone else reported similar problems as I have?
    Jul 14, 2011  • #43
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Cool sounds good.

    Nobody else has reported it, but definitely let me know how it goes when you get a chance to test it.

    Jul 14, 2011  • #44
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    Hello, i have the same problem (secondary monitor taskbar often don't reappear after desktop mode switching).
    It occurs when i launch a game with compatibility mode enable > "Disable desktop composition" like described here : .

    It seems to be the case with all the games I launch that way, sometimes the secondary taskbar reappear correctly, sometimes it does not.
    I did not have this problem v3.3.0, it appeared with 3.3.1 version, i'm curently testing the v3.4.0 beta 9 but the behavior is still the same.
    I have bypassed this problem with a Titlebar button to quickly force disable/re-enable Multi-Monitor Taskbar, but it's not really handy.

    Thanks for this good software and i hope it will help you (sorry if my post is not understandable, i don't speak english very well).
    Jul 24, 2011 (modified Jul 24, 2011)  • #45
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    @Tipunch: What issue are you have specifically? Does the taskbar fail to disappear, or does it not re-appear correctly? Is it in the wrong place, or just not there at all?
    Jul 26, 2011  • #46
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    @Tipunch: What issue are you have specifically? Does the taskbar fail to disappear, or does it not re-appear correctly? Is it in the wrong place, or just not there at all?

    The taskbar disappear, but sometimes it does not re-appear correctly (not there at all), and i have to disable and enable secondary taskbar to see it back again.
    Jul 26, 2011 (modified Jul 26, 2011)  • #47
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Ok, just to clarify to make sure I've got your issue correct since I'll take over this again for Jon:

    When launching a game that disables Desktop Composition, the taskbar disappears and doesn't come back, and even after ALT+Tabbing or minimizing the game window, it doesn't come back until you disable/re-enable the taskbar?

    Aug 2, 2011  • #48
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    Ok, just to clarify to make sure I've got your issue correct since I'll take over this again for Jon:

    When launching a game that disables Desktop Composition, the taskbar disappears and doesn't come back, and even after ALT+Tabbing or minimizing the game window, it doesn't come back until you disable/re-enable the taskbar?


    Exactly !
    I have to disable/re-enable the taskbar (or close the game so desktop composition is automatically switched to on) and the bar come back :)
    Aug 2, 2011 (modified Aug 2, 2011)  • #49
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Ok, do you have any compatibility rules to pause the taskbar while a certain application is running?
    Aug 3, 2011  • #50
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    No, the only rule i have is to disable TitlebarButton for Steam (and Steam is not runnning when i have the issue with the taskbar)
    Aug 3, 2011 (modified Aug 3, 2011)  • #51
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Ok, could you do the following?

    - On the Troubleshooting tab in DisplayFusion, enable Debug Logging and apply the settings
    - Click the "Open Log Location" button
    - Reproduce the issue and note the time
    - Email the DisplayFusion.log file along with the info from the Troubleshooting tab, and the time that you reproduced the issue to me at

    Aug 4, 2011  • #52
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    When i check "Enable debug logging" and click on "apply", the checkbox is automatically un-checked, and the button "Open log" pop a windows that say : "Debug log file not found. Please make sure you have enabled the debug logging option".

    Can i just copy the content of the log that is in the Troubleshooting tab or the DisplayFusion.log file contains more information ?

    I have search the DisplayFusion.log file, the only file i found is named DisplayFusionSetup.log that contains install's information only.

    (I use the last beta 11)
    Aug 4, 2011  • #53
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Woops! Looks like there's a bit of a bug in regards to changing the Debug Logging setting.

    So, you'll have to enable it manually via the registry. To do this:

    - Exit out of DisplayFusion completely
    - Go to Start > Run
    - Type in "regedit" and click OK
    - Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion
    - Set the LogDebug value to 1
    - Start DisplayFusion and check the Troubleshooting tab to make sure Debug Logging is enabled
    Aug 4, 2011  • #54
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    Done !
    DisplayFusion.log sent :)
    Aug 4, 2011  • #55
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Got it thanks! It seems like it did try to add the taskbar back but there aren't any errors recorded in the log. I'm going to review this some more and do some more testing and try to get back to you early next week.

    Aug 4, 2011  • #56
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    Thank you. I hope the log file will help you solve the only problem I had so far with Displayfusion :)
    Aug 4, 2011 (modified Aug 4, 2011)  • #57
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    No problem, I hope so too!
    Aug 4, 2011  • #58
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    got a chance to run 3.4.0 beta 12-

    the rapid blinking issue is mitigated greatly, most of the time there is no problem. however, i was able to replicate the blinking primary taskbar after maybe 15 continuous tries- which is fine by me.

    i can also confirm the disappearing taskbar on the secondary display: however it is not like the older issue where it went away then reinitialized. the new issue is a little different- when the secondary taskbar goes away it retains its physical presence (windows will accomodate for the space taken by the taskbar), but is completely black- this issue is probably a 1/10 occurrence or fewer.
    Aug 18, 2011  • #59
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Good to know! We may actually not even need to reload the taskbar any more when switching from Aero Glass to Aero Basic and back. We still need to look into it some more, but if that's the case, then we'll include it in one of the beta updates, and that should take care of this issue :)
    Aug 19, 2011  • #60
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    Good news ! :)
    Aug 19, 2011  • #61
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    3.4.0 (Beta 14) ~ In Development...

    Fixed: Taskbars are no longer reloaded when switching between Aero/Basic modes in Windows 7

    Aug 26, 2011  • #62
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    Great :)
    Aug 26, 2011  • #63
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Hey guys! Beta 14 is out now. Could you give it a try when you get a chance?

    Sep 1, 2011  • #64
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    All is OK for me, no more bug, thank you :)
    Sep 1, 2011  • #65
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Awesome, glad to hear it!
    Sep 1, 2011  • #66
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    I did a strenuous ALT-TAB loop with Warcraft III (initializes Aero Basic) and I am pleased to say that everything is perfect. None of my complaints that I have detailed exist any longer. There is no slowdown, there is no re initializing of the taskbar, no blinking taskbar behind the full screen application.

    It also seems that ALT-TAB performance for DX9/DX10/DX11 (do not automatically start Aero Basic) has improved as well.

    I'm not sure what you guys did, but IT'S AMAZING.

    Thank you!
    Sep 2, 2011  • #67
    Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
    Awesome, thanks for following up, and thanks for all of your help and patience in troubleshooting the issue!
    Sep 2, 2011  • #68
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