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Andreas Schrogl
4 discussion posts

i can install DF 4.2, Icons showing up, context Menu Icons showing up, but that's it. I can't start it or it won't start. I can't open the setup nor is a process running. With Win 7 everthing works fine, upgraded to 8 and nothing works any more.

I removed it and reinstalled it twice, also removed all settings, nothing help me. Any help ?
Oct 27, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Does DisplayFusion.exe show up on the Details tab in the Windows 8 Task Manager?
Oct 29, 2012  • #2
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Andreas Schrogl
4 discussion posts
Nope it's not showing up, it's not starting in any way it tried it. I have installed it in the default location. I also can't find any information at the windows logfiles.

It's installed under: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion (But i'm using Win8Pro 64Bit Version)

When i try to start it as Administator i get immediate an Windows Exeption Error
Stopped working
Oct 29, 2012 (modified Oct 29, 2012)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, it sounds like there might be an issue with the .NET Framework on your system, possibly due to the upgrade from Windows 7. Could you try the instructions in the following article to repair the .NET Framework? The article is for Vista, but the same instructions should apply to Windows 7 and 8.

Please let me know how that works out.

Oct 30, 2012  • #4
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Andreas Schrogl
4 discussion posts

bad news, doesn't help me out. It runs a while and fixed some broken things but Display Fusion still won't start. :(

I also have Catalyst Controll Center installed, but this is using .NET 4.0 this is running without any problem.

SWTOR Launcher also runs with .NET this is also working fine.

Beta 4.3 is also not starting.
Oct 30, 2012 (modified Oct 30, 2012)  • #5
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Andreas Schrogl
4 discussion posts
Okay Update - I was able to fix it - OMG

After the Upgrade only .NET 4.5 was installed, so i have installed .NET 3.5 over Windows Feature active and now the 4.3 Beta1 starting without problem.
Oct 30, 2012 (modified Oct 30, 2012)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent! Glad to hear you were able to get it working, and thank you for posting the solution!
Oct 31, 2012  • #7
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