1 discussion post
I have the same problem. It works like a charm most of the time, but now and again it stops working when I boot up, and I'm running Vista Ultimate on a laptop.
One of the things I think is common with all of my crashes is that it only stops working during times when I don't have an immediate network connection. For example, if I turn my laptop on at work after running it at home, it takes a few minutes for my wireless card to switch to the new network and during that time it stops working. However, when I connect to the network and restart Display Fusion, no issues.
Maybe others can confirm that it only crashes when no connectivity is present and that might help identify the issue.
5 discussion posts
It does seem to be a bit hit and miss.
Display fusion has not worked since the day I have posted this, but worked today for the first time since??
I have Vista Ultimate machine with a wired network.
I have recommended the software to a mate, and he has had no problems. He is running Vista Home.
Maybe it's an Ultimate bug?
I use Vista Ultimate to do most of my Vista testing and haven't run into this issue yet. However, most of the time I have an active internet connection. I will have to try out Vista with a wireless connection, and boot up with it disabled and see what happens. Do you have any other software installed that could affect Displayfusion's startup? Like anti-spyware or anti-virus software? I have seen cases where applications won't start until the A/V software has started up.
1 discussion post
I too have the same problem which appears to be caused by the lack of internet connection at startup. However, the program still seems to work OK but just with the annoying message at startup. Sometimes a message says 'Cannot resolve the name BinaryFortress.com' and then Windows says it has stopped working and sometimes it's just the Windows message.
Josh: Thanks for the heads-up. I haven't been able to track down this issue, but this seems like a good possibility. I'll investigate this further and see what I can find out. Unfortunately, I have to have the executable code-signed otherwise DisplayFusion can't manage other program's windows properly. (like moving them between monitors)