Joel Zimmerebner442139
2 discussion posts
Just installed DF and I am having trouble getting the program to open. I double click on the icon and nothing happens. There isn't an icon on my taskbar either. I tried uninstalling it and restarting the computer and reinstalling it. It still won't open.
If you navigate to Start > All Programs > DisplayFusion Settings, does it open up correctly?
Joel Zimmerebner442139
2 discussion posts
I have Windows 8. There is no start menu.
Ah ok. Can you try right-clicking the desktop and navigating to DisplayFusion > Settings? If that doesn't work either, try right-clicking the DisplayFusion tray icon (next to the clock on the taskbar), or right-click the DisplayFusion taskbar on the second monitor and choose "Settings."
Please let me know if you still run into any trouble at all.