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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Another day, another beta. :) Here is the quick rundown:
- VB6 compatibility
- Better auto-hiding (shouldn't get stuck behind any applications)
- Button preview now has a 250ms delay by default
- Button preview has a 5 second timeout then it disappears
- MUCH better Windows 7 Aero... almost pixel perfect now :)
- Hung application detection, to avoid button preview stalling
- Moved the taskbar item right-click context menu to the mouse cursor position, not button position (more consistent with Windows)
- Chinese is now included as a standard language

We're getting close to release day! Please give any and all feedback. Thanks!
• Attachment: DisplayFusion Beta (May 25, 2009).zip [461,552 bytes]
May 26, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
Man, you are TIRELESS! Running this latest on XP sp3 at work and W7 RC at home..

I had an issue with the last release where I lost the middle click/move to other monitor functionality. I think it was caused by a DOOM2 mod program that screwed with the mouse function, but nothing to loose any sleep over...
May 26, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@benway: Let me know if you think this is a DisplayFusion issue, and how to reproduce it and I'll take a look. I haven't experienced any problems with middle-click moving windows so far... but some applications can be troublesome. :)
May 26, 2009  • #3
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2 discussion posts
I am having problem with Maxthon 2.5.1. When I run it on the second monitor it does not minimize to the task bar. I am ruining Windows 7 RC.
May 26, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@martinasencio: Is Maxthon properly detected and displayed on the DisplayFusion taskbar?
May 26, 2009  • #5
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15 discussion posts
Auto-hide still getting stuck. If I hold my cursor where the taskbar should have popped up, I still get a button preview, but no taskbar visable...
May 26, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@SysWiz: Do you have the Windows taskbar set to auto-hide as well? If so, can you try disabling that and see if the DisplayFusion taskbar starts behaving properly. I think I know what the issue is, I just want to confirm that this is the case. Thanks!
May 26, 2009  • #7
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Yes, Maxthon is detected. See screenshot ..
May 26, 2009  • #8
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Yup. I had it set to auto-hide. I unchecked it. No change in DF taskbar. I restarted DF and it appears to work properly now that I have the main taskbar set to not auto-hide. It looks like you are on the right track...
May 26, 2009  • #9
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343 discussion posts
@benway: Let me know if you think this is a DisplayFusion issue, and how to reproduce it and I'll take a look. I haven't experienced any problems with middle-click moving windows so far... but some applications can be troublesome. :)

Verified the program Doomsday Engine somehow nullifies DF's middle mouse click to scoot windows to the other monitor. It's kind of a DOS window type thing and you have no mouse outside the window while it's running. Seriously, though, this is such an obscure program I wouldn't bother with it. Restarting DF fixes things.

Side note: Doomsday Engine is a cool program, though. It takes the original DOOM2 game and swaps true 3D graphics. A trip!
May 26, 2009  • #10
rpsgc's profile on

Is all I can say after trying to install the latest Opera build. Until the UAC prompt appeared I was getting enormous amounts of system lag including those dreaded mouse freezes. And I still got some more after the UAC prompt until the installer window came up. I've been getting some lag running some software (UAC prompts) but this was nothing like it :-o

And surprise, surprise after I closed DF and ran it again I experienced no such thing. Is my DF haunted? I see I'll have to close it and execute it again every time I login :|
May 27, 2009  • #11
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343 discussion posts

Is all I can say after trying to install the latest Opera build. Until the UAC prompt appeared I was getting enormous amounts of system lag including those dreaded mouse freezes. And I still got some more after the UAC prompt until the installer window came up. I've been getting some lag running some software (UAC prompts) but this was nothing like it :-o

And surprise, surprise after I closed DF and ran it again I experienced no such thing. Is my DF haunted? I see I'll have to close it and execute it again every time I login :|

Are you seeing this only with Opera? Not too many people using it these days, so this problem may not have been seen until now.
May 27, 2009  • #12
rpsgc's profile on
No, I'm seeing it with everything if it involves a UAC prompt or high (+50%) CPU usage, like Virtualization. That was just the worst case so far.
May 27, 2009  • #13
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Running DF beta at my office, XP SP2 (not my choice!), dual monitors. I can confirm that the taskbar item blinking DOES work. Still waiting to see if it'll freeze. I'll give it a week. Sometimes it happens twice a day, sometimes I'll go a couple days without. We shall see!
May 27, 2009  • #14
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to replicate the UAC system lagging. :( Can you try something for me? Install the May 27th beta (after I release it tonight) and enable the setting called "Prevent System Hooks". It is a special debug setting I added to this beta. You can find out more about it here:

If you are still having the problem, can you post your Troubleshooting information from DisplayFusion immediately after you experience some lag? Thanks!
May 28, 2009  • #15
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