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3 discussion posts
Yesterday I updated to version 11.1 (from 11.0.5). At first, right after the update, seemingly nothing changed. Then after logging out and back into my user account, the desktop icons were all over the place. I restarted the PC, but the icons were still in the incorrect positions.
Now I've noticed that DisplayFusion does no longer remember icon positions at all. If I move my desktop icons (with DisplayFusion enabled), the new positions will be lost upon restarting the PC or just restarting DisplayFusion. Any ideas?
• Attachment [protected]: Troubleshooting_DisplayFusion11.1_clipboard.txt [318,059 bytes]
Jan 29, 2025 (modified Jan 29, 2025)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion doesn't handle anything related to the desktop icons unless you've got a Desktop Icon Profile saved and assigned to a Monitor Profile, so Windows is moving them in response to something else happening, like the desktop workarea changing, possibly when the taskbar is loading.

If you roll back to 11.0.5, does this still happen?
29 days ago  • #2
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3 discussion posts
This is weird. I don't have any Desktop Icon profile (see screenshot), though I'm very certain that previously the icon position were managed by DisplayFusion (DF). Every time I exited DF all my icons were moved to other positions and everytime I started DF the position intended by me were restored. Also every time when logging into a user account the icons were moved at some point in the desktop loading progress. I installed version 11.05 again and the behaviour sadly did not change.
I've conducted some tests and the results are quite confusing to me. When I move icons while DF is running the new positions get lost upon exiting DF (kinda expected?). But also if I move the icons while DF is not running. E.g. I move some desktop icons while DF is closed. Then I start it - the icon positions do not change. However, if I exit DF again the old icon positions are restored. I did not install anything in the past few days, only uninstalled and I seriously doubt there is any connection to that. If I save an icon profile, restoring this profile does work however. I had DF Pro installed for literally years and icons were moved to the intended position upon logon. Now they are always at the same positions (all over the place) even if I tried to move them.
I appreciate any ideas.
• Attachment: Screenshot 2025-01-29 172209.png [15,009 bytes]
Screenshot 2025-01-29 172209.png
Screenshot 2025-01-29 172209.png
29 days ago  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
To confirm that it's Windows moving them due to the work area change from the taskbar, could you try this?

  • Disable the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbars
  • Set the icons where you want them to be
  • Exit DisplayFusion, do the icons move?
  • Start DisplayFusion, do the icons move?

23 days ago  • #4
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3 discussion posts
Thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the delay. I did what you suggested and after disabeling the Multi-Monitor Taskbars the desktop icons are no longer moving upon exiting DF. The icons still move back to their original positions upon logout and re-login or device restart, though. If Multi-Monitor taskbars are enabled again the icons also move when exiting DF, as before.
I did reset all my settings from the Troubleshooting->Advanced tab. This did not change any behavoir. Then I uninstalled DF including all settings and preferences. Now the icons were always staying in the intended place, even upon re-login and restart.
I reinstalled DF and did not enable DF-Taskbars in the Welcome-screen (kept Windows Taskbars). Icons were still working fine. I enabled Multi-Monitor Taskbar (and DF-Taskbars) and the problem reoccured. I disabled Multi-Monitor taskbars and the problem still occured upon re-login or device restart. Enabled Windows taskbars from the windows settings and icons were working as intended again. So my current, a bit unsatisfactory, solution is to keep Windows taskbars enabled. I don't know what the exact issue is, but it has something to do with the DF taskbars I guess.
7 days ago (modified 7 days ago)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, it's Windows moving them around due to the work area changing when loading/unloading the DisplayFusion taskbar. Do you have icons near the bottom of the screen, close to the taskbar?
6 days ago  • #6
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