16 discussion posts
I am currently setup so that when I launch Path of Exile it launchs two quality of life programs for the game. This works fine. My goal is to be able to close these two programs when I close Path of Exile. I have tested with other games/programs and I can get these programs to trigger my AutoHotKey scripts that close my QoL programs.
So far I've tried both the Window Destroyed and Process Ended triggers.
I've tried using the process name/path, the window name, window class, and process command line parameters to trigger the function both alone and in conjunction with each other.
I've had to do a few different workarounds to get triggers to work for me the way I need them to for my odd setups, but I can't figure out a way around this one.
EDIT: For now I am using an AHK script as an .exe thats only function is to listen for PoE closing and when that closes DisplayFusion detects the AHK script closing. That triggers DisplayFusion launching 2 more AHK scripts to close my QoL programs. I'd much rather not have to do it this way, but it works for now.
Also, in all of this is there a way to integrate closing applications into the trigger/function system or is this a problem with Windows?
Jan 9, 2018 (modified Jan 9, 2018)
16 discussion posts
Thank you for the script. It's working for one of my programs (that runs through Java), but it doesn't work for my other one which is an AHK script compiled as an .exe. Is there a script to close a process by .exe name instead of a window? In Task Manager the PoeTradeMacro.exe runs as a background process.
Here are the triggers for now. The launch trigger works flawlessly, but the close trigger doesn't work. The 3rd screenshot is the function that I am using to close the programs when Path of Exile closes by detecting a different program closing.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2018-01-09_14-40-04.png [32,556 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2018-01-09_14-40-37.png [31,732 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2018-01-09_15-17-56.png [30,124 bytes]
No worries, glad that helped!