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1 discussion post
DisplayFusion is bugging out mouse movement in GTA V to the point that the game is completely unplayable.

When DisplayFusion v10+ is installed, whenever you move the mouse in GTA, it will instantly reposition the mouse in the opposite direction on its own for some reason, and it goes on and on forever until you move the mouse again. So basically, the game character will continously turn 180 degress non-stop when DisplayFusion is installed.

Please see this recorded video:

There are 3 input methods in the game:
- Raw
- DirectInput
- Windows
The bug happens with Raw and DirectInput but not Windows.

And yes, this is 100% reproducible and caused by DisplayFusion. My tested version is DisplayFusion v10.1.2.

- If I exit DisplayFusion completely then start the game, bug doesn't exist.

- The bug does NOT happen with v9. Tested versions: v9.7.1 and v9.9

- The bug does not happen in game menus, only when you have control of the game character.

Spent the better half of past two days testing all sorts of stuff before I found out it's caused by DisplayFusion. Pretty tired and annoyed so I did not test every version of 10, only v10.1.2 but it's probably safe to assume everything after v9.9 causes this bug.
12 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
In the DisplayFusion Settings > Mouse Management tab, do you have "Prevent mouse cursor from stickng in Sticky Corners" enabled?
12 days ago  • #2
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