The program is working fine expect the settings. Every time I click on the settings options, the loading banner appears, but no window is open. Simple nothing happens. I already reinstalled the program, but the problem remains.
I need to modify some triggers and can't do it now...
Still the same
I could remove completely and the install again. See if works.
The only problem is that I did save my configurations (Triggers, Functions and etc.)
I really don't want to do all those things again :/
I will put the log with the 9.4 installed.
Doing a full uninstall won't likely help. It sounds like the process is just dying for some reason. Does the Windows Event Viewer > Application log show any errors after trying to launch the Settings window?
If you try these commands at an elevated command prompt, they should try to repair any issues with the Windows system files. Can you see if that helps?
I updated the Windows to 1809 version, and now is working normally again.
Thanks for all the attention and care. I hope the problem doesn't appear again.