Want to earn a free DisplayFusion Pro license? We're very excited to announce a new promotion that will run until the end of September. If you submit new images to WallpaperFusion and they get approved, we will send you a DisplayFusion Pro Standard license for free!
The number of images that need to be submitted and approved in order to receive your free license depends on the number of monitors that the images are suitable for:
We will also take into account combinations of different wallpaper sizes. For example, if you submit 5 triple-monitor wallpapers, and 7 dual-monitor wallpapers, you'll still get a free license. Don't worry if you've already submitted images, we'll include all submissions prior to the promotion as well.
Please don't take images from other wallpaper sites! Use only images that are your own, creative commons, share-alike or licensed for sharing. We'll be actively monitoring the submissions, and we will email you once you've submitted enough images to qualify. To get started, just login or register for an account, then start submitting images!
Update #1: A few people have asked what the criteria are for the wallpaper size (single, dual, or triple) classifications. The wallpaper sizes are determined by the aspect ratio. For example, a single-monitor image might be 1280x1024, 1680x1050 or 1920x1080. A dual-monitor image should be at least 2560x1024, 3360x1050 or 3840x1080. A triple-monitor image would be at least 3840x1024, 5040x1050 or 5760x1080. Note that when an image is designed for more monitors the width increases but the height does not. This is considered a wider aspect ratio image.
Update #2: We are not looking for any more single-monitor images, they will not count towards the total for this promotion. We have had too many single-monitor submissions, sorry.
Update #3: We have simplified the promotion rules, learn about the new requirements here: http://www.wallpaperfusion.com/News/2012/09/wallpaperfusion-promotion-updates-and-more/
Update #4: We have extended the promotion, read more about it here: http://www.wallpaperfusion.com/News/2012/09/wallpaperfusion-updates-and-new-features/