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3 discussion posts
First of all I want to say how great it is to see that there's more multiple monitor software out there.
I found out last week about DF. I'm trying the pro version now.
But I have a question.There is an error message I get.
I get the message after I close World of Warcraft. It says: "Failed to load hook".

What is wrong?
Edit: Forgot to mention, my OS is windows 7 x64 and I play WoW in full screen mode.
Dec 10, 2009  • #1
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3 discussion posts
Hmm, now I had the error message while using the W7 snipping tool in my browser (FF 3.55).
Nobody else has these error messages?

Dec 11, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
It sounds like these might actually be 2 separate issues. I have fixed the snipping tool issue for the next release (3.1.7), and to fix the WoW issue I would suggest re-downloading and re-installing DisplayFusion 3.1.6:

There was a packaging issue with the original release that caused some problems with one of the hook DLLs. Just re-download and re-install it and it should work perfectly. Also, you can try unchecking the "Pause system hooks when a fullscreen application is detected". This is really needed as much anymore, now that DisplayFusion doesn't use any global mouse hooks. :)
Dec 13, 2009  • #3
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3 discussion posts
Thank you Jon.
I downloaded the second release and it was indeed different (in size) then the one I downloaded before. Installed it and it seems the error message after closing WoW is gone.

But I had a new one. Besides the snipping tool error I also get this error after viewing a picture in full screen in Directory Opus. Could this be related to the snipping tool error?

When I uncheck "pause system hooks when fullscreen application is detected" I don't get any error messages.
Can I leave this unchecked? I'm sorry but I don't know exactly what this mouse hook thing does.
Dec 29, 2009  • #4
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1 discussion post
I am also getting this Failed to Load Hook whenever I have a Remote Desktop Connection in Windows 7 open to another computer.
Seems like when I minimize the Remote Desktop window the error message will pop up

need any other information, let me know.

Dec 30, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@tsetsefly: Can you give the new beta a try:

Dec 30, 2009  • #6
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16 discussion posts
Hi Jon. I was having the same problem with RDC windows.
Installed beta and the problem is fixed, thanks. :-D
Jan 11, 2010  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, thanks for letting me know. :)
Jan 11, 2010  • #8
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