I would love to have a feature to have only a specific Monitor faded.
I know, this is allready possible. But what i need is the function that when using the "Fade Non-Current Monitor" Mode.
It´s good how it´s fading all monitors except which one you using. And when clicking the other monitor, it then fades out and fades in the other.
I have 3 Monitors right now. I always need my Main Monitor in the middle, but also always need the second on the left (for the Music Player). The 3rd on the right i would only needed temporarly so it would be good to have the function with the "Auto Fade In/Out" only for a specifc Monitor or only 1 Monitor, in my case for example the right one.
This isn't something we've implemented, but it is still on our feature request list. I've added your vote to it, and bumped it up for us to look into again. We'll be sure to let you know if we have any news on it in the future.