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Konraden's profile on
One of the reasons I made the plunge and purchased DisplayFusion (software is great, guys!) is for the added login-screen background edit ability. However, many of the images I'd like to use for my login-screen are hindered by the fact that there is a giant picture and password entry box in the way. Is there any way for Binary Fortress to make it so we can remove these elements, shrink them, move them around the screen, or change the position of entry boxes?

Because nerdy crap like this

Really make me want to find a way to do it. Normally that kind of image would be ruined by the Windows 7 profile image being in the way.

P.S. I performed a search through the forums and didn't see any specific feature requests to this subject.
Jun 13, 2011 (modified Jul 17, 2011)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I don't believe it's possible to do that, but I've added it to our feature request list and we'll investigate further.

Jun 13, 2011  • #2
Konraden's profile on
I was looking around last night for a program that did it and I did find one, but the UI was clunky and I had a lot of trouble figuring it out. I'd like to consolidate any customization options into one program like DisplayFusion. I'll link to what I saw when I get off work.
Jun 13, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, sounds good!
Jun 13, 2011  • #4
Konraden's profile on
After tremendous ado, I present to you--Logon WorkShop.

The UI is entirely too complex or perhaps "dumb" for me to make any use of it. I'll see what I can do about finding the original reg-hacks that lead me to this program in the first place.
Jul 12, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks! We don't have any plans to implement it just yet, but we'll keep this info handy.
Jul 12, 2011  • #6
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