I would very much like the option to add a button to my windows that will "move to main screen".
I have a "move to left" and "move to right" (or is it next and previous?) but I cant seem to find a way to move the window to my main screen.
My setup might be a little strange.
I use 3 screens (atm... I do not rule out the possibility of more)
They are located from left to right on a line
I have 1680x1050 as my main screen, and 2x 1280x1024 screens flanking my main.
I use the flanking screens for secondary tasks and for statistics and resource overview for my company network.
When I need to address a problem I usually move that window to the main screen.
Ofcourse there is no problem dragging this window manually...
But I could definately use that extra button (and the hotkey functionality that goes with it)!
When (or IF maybe..) I attach additional screens they will have to go over my existing ones due to workplace real estate.
Then it would be very conventient to mark one of my screens as a main viewer and have a shortcut that will move windows there....