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37 discussion posts
I have a varying mix of wallpapers (Some dual screen, some single screen) and I'd like to be able to tweak the settings for the wallpapers based upon what wallpaper is selected, or folder the wallpaper is pulled from. That way I can have my Dual Screen wallpapers stretch across both monitors while having my single monitor images either be two different ones on two different monitors or be repeated on both monitors, or w/e combination I can think of. This will also allow me to tweak settings for wallpapers that I have that aren't in my native resolution.

If this feature already exists, My mistake. I just haven't been able to find it. If it hasn't been introduced yet.... I'd love to see it :)

EDIT: For this feature, Maybe you can add a toggle to the wallpaper screen that would switch from applying settings to all, or applying settings individually. Users would then be able to switch settings, based upon what file/folder they have selected in the List (See 000001.png attatched).
• Attachment: 000001.png [260,326 bytes]
Oct 28, 2012 (modified Oct 28, 2012)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is something that would be very complicated to implement, but I have an idea as to how you might be able to achieve this functionality using the existing version. I'll need some time to test it out, but I'll hopefully post an update some time this week.

Oct 29, 2012  • #2
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37 discussion posts
No Problem. I completely understand how much work it is to implement some of these features. I'll await the results of your testing :)
Oct 29, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick follow-up: I'm still working on this. I've got something that may work for you, just working out a few kinks :)
Nov 5, 2012  • #4
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37 discussion posts
Just a quick follow-up: I'm still working on this. I've got something that may work for you, just working out a few kinks :)

Good to know. Thanks for the Bump.
Nov 6, 2012  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, so this is a bit complicated to setup, but hopefully it will work for you. Here are the instructions:
  • Create a Wallpaper Profile for the Single Monitor images
  • Create another Wallpaper Profile for the Dual Monitor images
  • Save and extract the attached ZIP file somewhere on your computer
  • Edit it using Notepad: update the profile names in the first section
  • Create a Windows Scheduled Task to run the .vbs file on whatever interval you'd like to have new images loaded
Since both profiles will be set to load random images, this script essentially allows you to load images randomly still, but with different settings. The script loads the profiles randomly, and in turn a new image is picked when the profile is loaded.

It's a bit of a crazy workaround, but should get you the desired result quicker than we'd be able to implement what you're looking to do :)

If you need any help with the steps above, just let me know!

The attachment is no longer available. Please contact us if you need any help with this.
Nov 16, 2012 (modified Jan 24, 2024)  • #6
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37 discussion posts
All right. I'll try it out and let you know how it goes.

Nov 18, 2012  • #7
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