You can actually load a Monitor Profile in a script, so you could have your script load the profile, then do all of the other things after the profile is applied. Would that work for you?
3 discussion posts
I'm really looking for it to be automated, like the way profiles are done. Seems incredibly useful to automatically run a script at the same time--customization possibilities would be endless.
40 discussion posts
Are you looking for something that automatically triggers when you switch monitor profiles? Or something that switches your monitor profiles and icon profiles automatically when you plug in?
I have a basic working version of the first one.
Side note: how willing are you to code a little bit?
Edit: I now have both finished just let me know if you want one. You do need to run it at least once after start up of course.
Dec 22, 2014 (modified Dec 22, 2014)
Collin Chaffin
69 discussion posts
Hey solaris can you publish them to the macro/function library? I would also be interested! Thanks!