Yes, you can run a full screen on a split-screen. Example have one monitor split into 4 equal screens. your using the top left screen for Chrome anime.

. If you select full screen on that anime video playing on chrome browser, It will full screen in just that one upper left screen. You can do this you Youtube or anyother app or browser that has a full screen tab or funtions.
However, Display Fusion does not have this capability.
I use the VDM Manager. I originally needed split-screen software for work. I purchased both DisplayFusion and VDM Manager from ishadow.
Honestly, Display Fusion has more functions then VDM. However, VDM has the functions you need. I use VDM Manage from iShadow as my daily driver. It just works great, can't do everything display Fusion does, But it can do everything one might want from a display manager software.