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2 discussion posts
Hey all,

I'm trying to figure out if its possible to full screen within a split monitor? I have a vertical monitor that's split in half. When I watch Youtube, I want to full screen the video, but have it stay just within the split, and not fullscreen the entire monitor.

Is this possible and is there an option for this?


ps: will keep searching in the meantime
Aug 23, 2014  • #1
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2 discussion posts
After seeing a couple other threads, I realize this probably isn't possible, yet.

Is there an update to when it might be possible? This is something I am really missing.
Aug 23, 2014  • #2
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Rob Nijlaan
3 discussion posts
This was the only function i hoped for when buying this.

The only reason i need to go out of surround, is when i want to watch a movie full screen.
Because the video elsewhise overlaps on my other 2 monitors...
Aug 25, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately we don't have an ETA yet on when we'll be able to implement this. Splitting full screen video is much trickier than normal windows :(

We'll definitely post an update here when we are able to implement it though!

Aug 25, 2014  • #4
jerone's profile on
Subscribing to this post. Hoping this would be possible with Powerpoint and a browser.
Jan 14, 2015  • #5
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1 discussion post
For the time being, you can make use of the "Pop Out" feature for many popular online video sites and then maximize the popout window to one of your splits.

For YouTube, there is a "pop out" extension available for most browsers, like Chrome:
Feb 22, 2015  • #6
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1 discussion post
Any news on this request? Any new ETA? This is something I would REALLY like to use.
Mar 15, 2015  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry. We will post an update if we are able to make this work.
Mar 16, 2015  • #8
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Michael Francis
1 discussion post
Also been waiting on this feature for a long time, any word on this and can you give us information on if this is a priority?
May 20, 2015  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's one of those things that will take an enormous amount of effort just to see if it's even possible, so it wasn't a priority. However, we are planning to have a look at this later this year to see if it's doable, and if all goes well, we will definitely post an update when it's available.

May 21, 2015  • #10
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16 discussion posts
where can I monitor a thread where I know when this feature will become available? i really need this. Thanks!
Nov 21, 2015  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We will post an update in this thread if/when it's available :)

Nov 24, 2015  • #12
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Nov 27, 2015  • #13
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Dec 6, 2015  • #14
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205 discussion posts
Just a potential avenue for exploration. don't eyefinity/surround displays allow for video to span?
If so finding a way to enable it conditionally (In this case when a movie is maximized, but it would also be nice if it ran with certain games/executables automatically)
This wouldn't cover all users, but it would blanket 90-95% (and I believe there may be an install-able alternative for users with intel/misc cards
Dec 7, 2015  • #15
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1 discussion post
I would also like this feature. The pop-out works for now so thanks for that work-around, but it would be nice to not need that. I recently upgraded to a 4K monitor and I have it split into four windows. I am thinking of adding another for a total of 8 "screens." I LOVE displayfusion and it makes using a 4K monitor as four monitors actually usable. I am very happy with my switch. I upgraded to the 8.x beta hoping for this feature, but it isn't in there yet. Popout works for YouTube. I need to see if I can get the same for Vimeo, Amazon, and other websites which I may watch in the corner while doing other work. If you can eventually add this natively, that would be great. Thanks for making an awesome product!
Dec 14, 2015  • #16
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1 discussion post
Any update on this?
I want to split my screen in two sections and run a Powerpoint presentation in one split and display an image in the other

Apr 15, 2016  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No update yet, sorry!
Apr 15, 2016  • #18
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Dean Sorenson765519
2 discussion posts
I'm assuming this hasn't been implemented yet? It would be a killer feature. Maybe even something to add to promotional video?
Aug 20, 2016 (modified Aug 20, 2016)  • #19
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Aaron Preslin
2 discussion posts
I was thinking about buying a 4k 55" TV to split up use as quad 27" monitors. I downloaded the trial of displayfusion. The inability to fullscreen any app (YouTube, VLC, Slingplayer, Time Warner streaming video, and another app I use to view a PTZ camera) in a quadrant without workarounds is a dealbreaker. Bummer, the software looks pretty nice otherwise. :-[
Sep 10, 2016 (modified Sep 15, 2016)  • #20
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1 discussion post
Virtual Display Manager does this exact thing. You can fullscreen a video from like youtube or netflix and it will stay in your smaller window. be careful with thier support cuz im still waiting for a lic after 2 weeks however when i was using it in trial mode it worked great for videos.

so yeah go to this site. It works.

i bought a 4k tv and have it setup with 6 virtual monitors and i can open up netflix small so that i can continue to work on other stuff while i watch tv.
Sep 18, 2016  • #21
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Aaron Preslin
2 discussion posts
Great tip turkey415! I too tested that virtual display manager software and was successful running applications as fullscreen in their respective configured quadrants. So it looks like it it possible, display fusion looks to be missing the boat here.

Sep 18, 2016 (modified Sep 18, 2016)  • #22
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Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
Virtual Display Manager does this exact thing. You can fullscreen a video from like youtube or netflix and it will stay in your smaller window. be careful with thier support cuz im still waiting for a lic after 2 weeks however when i was using it in trial mode it worked great for videos.

so yeah go to this site. It works.

i bought a 4k tv and have it setup with 6 virtual monitors and i can open up netflix small so that i can continue to work on other stuff while i watch tv.

Do you know if this is compatible with DisplayFusion running at the same time?

I will be re-doing my multi-monitor setup before Christmas, switching from 3 1600x1050 displays to 1 40" 4K display & 2 of my older 1600x1050 displays and display splitting is pretty much a make or break element of using a large 4k display, and ideally the splits should work nearly as identically as possible to the physical version of the split monitors -- "full screen" only being full screen within a split region.

I've used the DF version of splitting a little bit (it's only truly useful for me on low res monitors with text-mode debugging sessions) and I know it will handle the minimum basics of window zooming being locked to split regions, but the lack of respect for splits by app windows for "full screen" video modes is kind of an irritant. With my planned layout I can use my older displays for full screen video rather than split regions, so its ultimately not a deal breaker.

One thing I can't figure out is how display card makers like nVidia are dealing with large, 4k (and soon 5k or 8k) displays. IMHO, much of this problem would be "solved" if the display adapter had configuration options for display splitting and presented the operating system with virtual physical monitors.

This way "full screen" and other window manager features in the operating system would work unmodified since the OS would simply think it was displaying on N physical monitors. This should even allow for altering a split region's resolution as can be done now with a physical multi-monitor setup, since to Windows it would be a physical display.

This would even be useful on smaller 2k/4k resolution displays (like high end laptops), where a split could be at panel native resolution and the other side at a better working resolution.
Oct 10, 2016  • #23
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Mohammad Saim21273
3 discussion posts

I was running the same problem but I would like to share what just happened recently. I use 3 1050p monitors with Nvidia surround. I tried every setting but the movies on VLC and Youtube stretch across 3 screens making it very unpleasant to watch. But here is something to ponder upon; last night I bought an HDTV to go on top of the 3 surround screens. I was waiting for the technician to mount the TV when I started plugging and unplugging display port/HDMi cables. Guess what? I was just passing time and played a video on Youtube. It MAXIMIZED to ONE SCREEN ONLY! But when I connected the TV and configured everything again, the problem was back.

Its hard to believe, but the problem DID go away. I have been trying to fix it again but can't find the solution.

I was searching the net for a solution and found this thread. I immediately created an account on this forum to share my experience, and just to let you all know that the problem can be fixed using display fusion, but the solution/setting is hidden somewhere.

If anyone does find the solution, please let me know. THE SOLUTION IS POSSIBLE.

I use Display Fusion 8.0 pro
Oct 16, 2016  • #24
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2 discussion posts
Virtual Display Manager does this exact thing. You can fullscreen a video from like youtube or netflix and it will stay in your smaller window. be careful with thier support cuz im still waiting for a lic after 2 weeks however when i was using it in trial mode it worked great for videos.

so yeah go to this site. It works.

i bought a 4k tv and have it setup with 6 virtual monitors and i can open up netflix small so that i can continue to work on other stuff while i watch tv.

This does the exact same thing DF does. When you fullscreen slingbox, it still overlays all quadrants and ignores the boundaries set by DF or WDM for "Full Video" mode. Subscribed.

Any update on this DF? Its been years...
Nov 27, 2016  • #25
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Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
This does the exact same thing DF does. When you fullscreen slingbox, it still overlays all quadrants and ignores the boundaries set by DF or WDM for "Full Video" mode. Subscribed.

Any update on this DF? Its been years...

I doubt this is something that DF can "fix" easily.

The ideal solution, IMHO, is for video cards to manage the display splitting in hardware. If you split a 4k display into 4 1920x1080 displays, the operating system would then see it as if you had 4 physical displays connected and treat each one like it does unique monitors now, including limiting full screen video to the individual (but virtual) display.

Another (albeit less desirable) technique would be for the *monitor* to handle display splitting. I think this would work with DisplayPort, which allows daisy-chaining. The display would simply tell the display adapter how many virtual screens you had but display them in the split layout chosen.

With 4k and higher displays becoming common, I would also kind of expect Windows itself to come up with some kind of solution as well for managing display splitting. But considering how clumsy Windows has handled scaling up to this point, I won't hold my breath.
Nov 28, 2016  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hey guys, we are planning to revisit this for the next version of DisplayFusion. As Shawn mentioned, it's unlikely that we'll be able to constrain full screen software, due to the way it renders directly to the full display, but we are going to have a quick look into it again to see if anything's changed since the last time we tried it out.

Nov 29, 2016  • #27
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1 discussion post
Please do this. I bought the humble bundle just for this software to set my ultrawide in portrait and split it in 4 and full screen each.
Dec 3, 2016  • #28
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46 discussion posts

Would be quite useful, but no idea if it's actually feasible at the software level as opposed to hardware or OS level.

Popout extensions are useful for popular video sites like Youtube and Vimeo, but there are lots of sites that stream video but aren't supported by the popout extensions.

For Adobe flash player videos, there is a popout extension in Chrome: Popup Flash Video -

Seems you have to turn on some experimental settings in Chrome to get it to work, which I didn't want to mess with on my 'production' computer.
Jan 6, 2017 (modified Jan 6, 2017)  • #29
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Guy Montag
1 discussion post
Does this same thing apply to Fullscreen video games?

I'd really like to be able to use Display Fusion to split an ultra-wide display into an area on the left for a 3d game, and an area on the right for a browser.

It would be fine if I could run the game in full-screen windowed mode. Actually that is ideal as it would allow me to quickly move between screens.
Jan 12, 2017  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Guy: It wouldn't be possible for games, no. Full screen videos still behave somewhat like normal windows, but games are different beasts that are much less flexible. DirectX and OpenGL basically just force render themselves to the full primary monitor when a game is set to full screen. Sorry!
Jan 12, 2017  • #31
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1 discussion post
Full screen video being partitioned to one corner (1080p) is possible. As another user has mentioned, Virtual Display Manager does this. As you can see, I have youtube playing in the bottom left corner full screen, another video playing full screen in the top left, and a browser window taking up the remaining right half of the screen. This post is not to advertise for another product, but to show that it is, in fact, possible. I hope that this feature comes to DF soon.
• Attachment: split.jpg [524,891 bytes]
Feb 25, 2017 (modified Feb 25, 2017)  • #32
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@ScootDiggity: Thanks for the heads up, that's good to know!
Feb 28, 2017  • #33
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1 discussion post
Looking forward to any update on this essential feature
Apr 10, 2017  • #34
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1 discussion post
I too am waiting for full screen video to be fixed.
Apr 17, 2017  • #35
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No updates at the moment, sorry!
Apr 20, 2017  • #36
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1 discussion post
Any progress on this?
Jul 28, 2017  • #37
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Mohammad Saim21273
3 discussion posts
I don't think so. :(
And am still waiting for it.
Jul 28, 2017  • #38
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1 discussion post
I also just had to uninstall DF and buy Virtual Display Manager solely for this feature. I watch a lot of MOOCs like Coursera and the default video in-browser is unusable because it's too small to be able to read the small text. Fullscreen works, but I need to be able to take notes and play with examples at the same time. Virtually splitting the monitor allows me to "fullscreen" to half the monitor which makes text very legible on my hiDIP display.
Jul 31, 2017  • #39
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Allen Lundgren
21 discussion posts
just ran in too!
Oct 4, 2017  • #40
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Jathan Harper
3 discussion posts
@Keith Lammers
Another resource that might be helpful while working on this feature is the Vivaldi browser. I know the underlying tech is probably different, but Vivaldi natively supports tiling windows and using the "fullscreen" option of various video players to fill just that tile. Youtube doesn't like to let you fullscreen more than one video at a time, but I've been able to fullscreen (fill up one tile) a video on Youtube and Twitch simultaneously (top left corner and bottom left corner) while working on something else on a 3rd tile (right half of screen) rather successfully. Perhaps looking into this might help.
Oct 23, 2017 (modified Oct 23, 2017)  • #41
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's good to know, thanks for the heads up!
Oct 24, 2017  • #42
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1 discussion post
That's good to know, thanks for the heads up!

Have you guys gave up on this? been watching this for awhile. Ive been using the ishadow version only because it allows fullscreen to be constrain to the virtual screens you determine but I hate the UI of it and the entire thing I would perfer to use DisplayFusion, I am on a trail version right now and lvoe it except it cant do that fullscreen feature that ishadow virtual display manger can.

So I guess my question is its been 2 years have you guys just not gave it a solid once over yet or just dont think their enough demand to even attempt it?
Feb 9, 2018  • #43
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've given it a go but weren't able to get anywhere on it. Which full screen windows are you able to constrain with VDM? The last time I tested it, it didn't constrain full screen games or video.
Feb 13, 2018  • #44
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François Beauvais
20 discussion posts
Hi, I've just purchased DisplayFusion last week and I have to say I'm very impressed at all that it can do. I'm using it to split a 55" 4k monitor into multiple virtual displays for a more flexible workflow. It's very promising but this particular full screen issue is something that would make a world of difference in our workflows.

I'm a music composer for films and video games. My main software is Cubase 9.5 and unfortunately, it's top header cannot be docked in the virtual displays. I also would love if Cubase's video player could dock or open in full screen inside virtual displays but again it cannot. It is a real shame that your software is so close to perfection. Please keep it up and try to make that very important upgrade.

4k monitors are more and more affordable so this spiting concept will no doubt gain a lot of popularity in the years to come.

Please keep your efforts to make this happen,

Mar 26, 2018  • #45
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback, Francois! It's much appreciated :)

Thank you for your purchase as well, and if we're able to make improvements on those areas, we will be sure to let you know.
Mar 28, 2018  • #46
scottphilip's profile on
Jun 4, 2018  • #47
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Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
Does anyone that really pays attention to video card makers/software know if they looking at addressing the "screens splitting" issue closer to the hardware driver level?

What I'm thinking is that the video card could potentially manage the "splitting" by reporting to the OS that split regions are actually physical displays so that operating system treats a split region as a physical monitor. Since it's not really, the display hardware/driver just renders it all to the single actual display.

I would think that as more and more 4k+ large displays become available, there's going to be more and more demand for improved workspace management beyond what can be done with add-on software.

I'm not knocking DP monitor splitting, but there's just too many OS window management hooks/calls and ways of manipulating a display by applications, and at some point the display driver has to take over to make display management work.
Jun 4, 2018  • #48
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2 discussion posts
I recently purchased DisplayFusion and would like to help as much as possible to allow fullscreen mode for games and the like.
So here are my findings, maybe you guys can try to copy the feature from a competitor.

In #44 Keith asked which types of software VDM (Virtual Display Manager) from iShadow can handle in fake fullscreen mode. I did some testing and here are my results (Windows 10 x64 Version 10.0.17134.165):

Youtube (Chrome)
Netflix (Chrome)
Maxdome (Chrome) (Chrome)
Steam Big Screen (although it goes to the leftmost virtual screen instead of the one in which the Steam window resides)

Not working:
Windows 10 Films & PC App
Windows 10 Fotos App
Windows 10 Microsoft Solitaire Collection
All games I tried (presumably because they set their own resolution within the game and do not "resize to fullscreen")

Despite some stuff not working adding this level of support would be a huge benefit for me and presumably many other Ultra Widescreen owners.

For games, you should look into what the tool "Windowed borderless gaming" ( does, it allows me to x/y-offset a game and send it to fake fullscreen (Team Fortress 2 mostly in my case).

It might also be worth to look into what the open source program does behind the scenes although I have not personally tried it yet. If you need a beta tester for something, let me know, I am a developer myself and could help give proper feedback.
Jul 21, 2018 (modified Jul 21, 2018)  • #49
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Zak! We'll check into that stuff further and if we have any updates, we'll definitely let you know.
Jul 25, 2018  • #50
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Jan P
1 discussion post
Just wanted to add my name to the list. I would really appreciate the option to fullscreen videos etc on a split monitor :)
Jul 28, 2018  • #51
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Shawn V77881
2 discussion posts
I just purchased Display Fusion solely for the purpose of splitting my monitors and using web browsers in full screen mode. Extremely disappointed I spent $34.99 on this software!
Aug 1, 2018  • #52
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Shawn: If that's the only thing you needed it for, we can easily refund your purchase if you're not happy. If you'd like to do that, please contact us.
Aug 1, 2018  • #53
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Shawn V77881
2 discussion posts
@Shawn: If that's the only thing you needed it for, we can easily refund your purchase if you're not happy. If you'd like to do that, please contact us.

Thanks for the offer, I'm committed at this point... Hopefully it's still something being looked at. Although, with this thread being 4 years old I'm doubting it.
Aug 2, 2018  • #54
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Sean Murphy50384
1 discussion post
This is not a feature that's innate into the software, and I came across this a while ago and was kind of bummed out it didn't exist. But if you're just using this for web video there is a google chrome extension that lets you pop a targeted element on the page out to it's own window, it's been working fine for me. Just called Separate Window. Install it restart your browser, and then it's two clicks to make your target.
Dec 16, 2018  • #55
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Allen Lundgren
21 discussion posts
Enhancer for Youtube works this purpose for all browsers.
Jan 13, 2019  • #56
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1 discussion post
Ugh. I just bought this today thinking I could go from a 4x to a single fullscreen for video (plex and YT) but the only full screen seems to be to span the two monitors. Is this possible or did I buy the wrong software?
Jan 17, 2019  • #57
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1 discussion post
Any news on this topic? In particular, allowing a browser/youtube fullscreen on a splitted display would be quite usefull for me as well.
May 6, 2019  • #58
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No updates on that at this time, sorry.
May 7, 2019  • #59
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Mohammad Saim21273
3 discussion posts
It's been so many years lol. I had to turn off the Nvidia Surround to have the videos play fullscreen in one screen.
May 9, 2019  • #60
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François Beauvais
20 discussion posts
For those that want this feature with YouTube, there are chrome extensions one called YouTube Windowed FullScreen and one called YouTube Full Windowed that will at least make it full screen inside a chome window that can be maximized to the Display fusion split screens. You can hide bookmark bars and get better experiance. I would still love this to work with Cubase's video window but at least there is a work around for YouTube. Hope this helps.
May 9, 2019 (modified May 9, 2019)  • #61
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1 discussion post
I only created an account to express my disappointment with this software and that it does not have this feature.

DisplayFusion is miles better than the competition *** that costs 35$, but *** has this feature and DisplayFusion doesnt, and it is vital for me :'(
May 23, 2019  • #62
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Rob Marinella
1 discussion post
Navigate to using the new Edge Chromium beta available at Once the page loads, click the three dot menu in Edge, click apps, click install this site as an app. Click the three dot menu again, click apps, click your new Prime Video app. Voila! A nearly full screen video player. Should work with other sites too. Enjoy.
• Attachment [protected]: Capture.PNG [3,739 bytes]
Aug 30, 2019 (modified Aug 30, 2019)  • #63
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1 discussion post
Any update on this?
Dec 27, 2019  • #64
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Stefan N.
50 discussion posts
Guys, this thread is now over 5 years old. Nothing happened in that time. Do you really think that sth. will happen during the next 5 years? I don't... (unfortunately)
Jan 8, 2020  • #65
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2 discussion posts
What a joke. Unsubscribing from this thread and steering clear of this company's future products.
Jan 8, 2020  • #66
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Greg Brinton14284
1 discussion post
bummer! this was a key feature i was expecting as well!
Apr 20, 2020  • #67
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1 discussion post
Is there ever going to be any progress in this feature?
Jun 11, 2020 (modified Jun 11, 2020)  • #68
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@SunTzu: We're hopeful, but I still can't offer an ETA at this time, sorry!
Jun 11, 2020  • #69
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2 discussion posts
I find it interresting that this feature has been wanted for almost 6 years and that this thread has stayed active the entire time. I think that being able to tell windows that there are 2 screens would probably be quite hard without making complex drivers or actual hardware. If this softawre was able to do this, I think that first of all, it would make this softawre a first pick because of all of the possibilites that this would open to the ultrawide community. It would also be amazing because you could setup monitors easily but use them like you had asmany real monitors as you wanted. IT WOULD BE GREAT! I think that this should be a TOP developement priorty as it would be a major feature.
Jun 17, 2020  • #70
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Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
I find it interresting that this feature has been wanted for almost 6 years and that this thread has stayed active the entire time. I think that being able to tell windows that there are 2 screens would probably be quite hard without making complex drivers or actual hardware. If this softawre was able to do this, I think that first of all, it would make this softawre a first pick because of all of the possibilites that this would open to the ultrawide community. It would also be amazing because you could setup monitors easily but use them like you had asmany real monitors as you wanted. IT WOULD BE GREAT! I think that this should be a TOP developement priorty as it would be a major feature.

IMHO, the "solution" to this is to somehow trick windows into treating a split monitor as a collection of actual physical monitors. So if you had a single 4096x2160 ("4k") display and you split it equally, Windows would think you had 4 physical monitors of the divided resolution plugged into your computer.

Each split region would then gain all the attributes of an actual physical monitor, including full-screen zoom limitated to the region Windows believes is a physical monitor.

This would also allow for some potentially weird but niche useful scenarios -- such as logical layouts that don't match the actual physical display, a virtual monitor of lower resolution than its assigned region (black bars for missing pixels I guess), an overlapping "extra" monitor (say you wanted a large region that consumed 50% of screen space, but in the middle, which was transparent with no windows on it), maybe the ability to declare a virtual monitor as higher or lower resolution than the actual phyiscal display resolution and scaled to match its physical display region pixel dimensions.

My guess is either display adapter vendors implement this to help deal with very high definition monitors or some future build of Windows 10 bakes this concept into the Windows display/window manager. I'd love an experienced display software engineer comment on how this could be achieved.
Jun 17, 2020  • #71
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10 discussion posts

My guess is either display adapter vendors implement this to help deal with very high definition monitors or some future build of Windows 10 bakes this concept into the Windows display/window manager. I'd love an experienced display software engineer comment on how this could be achieved.

I'm no display engineer but my understanding is that the issue could be solved by Windows virtual desktops allowing for desktops that are only a portion of the screen. Unfortunately the virtual desktop API is a poorly documented piece of crap so I don't have high hopes that MS would ever make it actually good and have a feature like this.

I think there have been some attempts at display drivers for handling something similar to this but that is a lot of complex code to maintain as the OS gets updated and with Win 10 you have to deal with signing those drivers with MS etc.

Yet another alternative would be to have a driver that would act as a display device telling Windows you have X monitors with these resolutions but then instead of actually outputting to them it would composite them onto a single screen. Sort of like for example HDMI multiviewer devices do by combining 4 inputs into a grid and then that signal is output to a single target display.

Windows could be reworked with what its concept of "fullscreen" actually means. MS has already made borderless window behave and perform very similar to exclusive fullscreen so maybe it would be possible to harness that somehow to force "fullscreen" content from say YouTube to instead render into a window instead of whatever it is it does now in the browser for that.

All of these are probably complex to write and manage.
Jun 18, 2020  • #72
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Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
Yet another alternative would be to have a driver that would act as a display device telling Windows you have X monitors with these resolutions but then instead of actually outputting to them it would composite them onto a single screen. Sort of like for example HDMI multiviewer devices do by combining 4 inputs into a grid and then that signal is output to a single target display.

It almost makes me wonder if there's a hardware solution to this -- a box with several HDMI/DP inputs and a one (or maybe more) HDMI/DP outputs.

Each input represents a physical monitor, and the box's job is to composite the inputs to the output. Software control of the box would give you the ability to arrange the logical layout of the devices, and in theory, the box could use hardware scaling to support arbitrary virtual "monitor" resolutions/sizes.

Your computer would think it was connected to a set of physical monitors and never know anything about the actual physical monitor. It could be controlled via a USB connection for changing the properties of the output layout of inputs, their resolution "personality", etc.

Roland actually make a matrix switcher for video like this, but I bet it's hella expensive (partly because its designed for video production).
Jun 18, 2020  • #73
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There are definitely hardware devices that can do this, yep! I have one of these here, and it works pretty well:
Jun 18, 2020  • #74
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What I was imagining as a hardware accessory would be something that works like an intermediary between the gpu output of the signal and the monitor that would be connected to the PC by something like USB or a PCIE slot. It would be great to be able to have a more digital focused procuct from the one that you showed that could use the great DisplayFusion app to change things on the fly as it dosent seem that the monoprice product can change how it splits the same way that DF dose. I also sorta want a 1 wire in and out solution to split 1 monitore from 1 signal. Idk how this would be possible or something that you would be interesed in making.
Jun 19, 2020  • #75
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah gotcha, that isn't something we'd be able to make no. I've never seen anything like that before :(
Jun 19, 2020  • #76
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It almost makes me wonder if there's a hardware solution to this -- a box with several HDMI/DP inputs and a one (or maybe more) HDMI/DP outputs.

Each input represents a physical monitor, and the box's job is to composite the inputs to the output. Software control of the box would give you the ability to arrange the logical layout of the devices, and in theory, the box could use hardware scaling to support arbitrary virtual "monitor" resolutions/sizes.

Your computer would think it was connected to a set of physical monitors and never know anything about the actual physical monitor. It could be controlled via a USB connection for changing the properties of the output layout of inputs, their resolution "personality", etc.

This is exactly what a HDMI multiviewer does. The problem is that if you want higher resolution and refresh rate support like 4K 60 Hz output, they get prohibitively expensive as they are primary meant for showing multiple video streams so things like input lag etc are not a big concern for their developers so for computer use they are most likely not great.

Some of the reasons why these are expensive to my understanding is that processing multiple high res 60 Hz inputs and compositing them takes significant processing power so you can't just use any cheap crap. Displays with built-in Picture by Picture modes can probably do it easier as they can just manage how the display is split rather than having to output a full frame at say 4K 60 Hz.

This is why a software solution to this would be most welcome as a lot of displays don't have PbP modes and external devices are expensive.
Jun 28, 2020  • #77
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ok new here, but ive tested some...

iam looking for software to split my widescreen (49") , so i tried 2 programs

displayfusion = does the job for splitting the screens in 2 or 3 , to bad if you run youtube or vlc in fullscreen mode, it overrides the virtual screens ( thats the question of the TS) and there is no possible way to just fullscreen it in one virtualscreen

ishadow vdm = does the job for splitting the screens in 2 or 3 , AND when you fullscreen (virtual screen) it does fullscreen for youtube and vlc, BUT the override does not work (alt-key), to override the virtualscreens

so you have 2 wonderfull programs, 1 does not override virtualmode (vdm) and the other one does it all the time (dp), so the code is there, why no support in VDM or DP ???

seems wierd by reading this topic, DP does not find what VDM has AND VDM does not want to implement what DP has ( yes ive been emailing VDM about this, but support seems not that willing to listen for tips and improvement)

either way the first program that comes with the solution i buy it :)

and indeed you can connect 2 seperated inputs from one GPU to the screen and "fake" dual screen, but that i did not test yet..

grtz kristof
Jun 28, 2020 (modified Jun 28, 2020)  • #78
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1 discussion post
I pretty much bought Display Fusion for this functionality and am disappointed it does not have it!

Judging by this thread it is a much more difficult problem than you would expect so I don't hold out any hope of an update having it in the future.

So I am adding this here to demonstrate demand, and to thank for the rest of the multi monitor stuff that is working great and I did not really know I needed.
Jul 9, 2020  • #79
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Troy Davis83477
2 discussion posts
Yes, you can run a full screen on a split-screen. Example have one monitor split into 4 equal screens. your using the top left screen for Chrome anime. :D. If you select full screen on that anime video playing on chrome browser, It will full screen in just that one upper left screen. You can do this you Youtube or anyother app or browser that has a full screen tab or funtions.

However, Display Fusion does not have this capability.
I use the VDM Manager. I originally needed split-screen software for work. I purchased both DisplayFusion and VDM Manager from ishadow.
Honestly, Display Fusion has more functions then VDM. However, VDM has the functions you need. I use VDM Manage from iShadow as my daily driver. It just works great, can't do everything display Fusion does, But it can do everything one might want from a display manager software.
Jul 12, 2020 (modified Jul 12, 2020)  • #80
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Troy Davis83477
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Here is a link to the software I am talking about. It is 35.00 for the license but that will last you forever on one computer.
Jul 12, 2020  • #81
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Yes, you can run a full screen on a split-screen. Example have one monitor split into 4 equal screens. your using the top left screen for Chrome anime. :D. If you select full screen on that anime video playing on chrome browser, It will full screen in just that one upper left screen. You can do this you Youtube or anyother app or browser that has a full screen tab or funtions.

However, Display Fusion does not have this capability.
I use the VDM Manager. I originally needed split-screen software for work. I purchased both DisplayFusion and VDM Manager from ishadow.
Honestly, Display Fusion has more functions then VDM. However, VDM has the functions you need. I use VDM Manage from iShadow as my daily driver. It just works great, can't do everything display Fusion does, But it can do everything one might want from a display manager software.

yes indeed, it goes full screen in that virtual screen...BUT you can not go fullscreen on your fysical screen ( override virtual screen) , lets say to see a movie.

i've been emailing them, but support really sucks there, dont email back or listen to what you say ( even emailing them video and layouts how and what the problem look likes / is ) and when they email back, its "oh we cant do this because of 'Covid' or they email " we just released a new version" ( and when you look at it, they did update something for MS Teams support 🤨🤨

and there it stops for me also , i dont "beta" test for them anymore.

i hope DF comes with a solution for this problem, but since its over 5 years, dont think it will come soon.😬😪
Jul 12, 2020  • #82
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Upvote for this feature. Recently upgraded to a new monitor with a resolution of 5120 x 1440. I split my screen into three parts and use Vivaldi/Youtube on my 2560x1440 split. Unfortunately youtube fullscreens centers the video with huge black bars on both sides (left/right).

So a fullscreen video inside the split window would be nice to have! :)
Sep 17, 2020  • #83
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I created an account just to post this after doing similar research.

Using VDM, you can do full screen videos per quadrant if you use Brave browser. No clue why but it works. Tested it with YouTube and my usual streaming site -- just dropping each window into its own quadrant and hitting the built-in full screen button on the video. Nothing fancy in VDM either, just creating 4 zones on each monitor. No lag and pause/play works easily with nothing affecting the other windows. I kept looking for answers so I could have a more seamless football streaming setup on the weekends. Now my 4 27" monitors can play 16 streams just fine.

Note: I did not test with DF but it could work as well but VDM is a lot leaner of an application for what I want to do.
Oct 27, 2020 (modified Oct 27, 2020)  • #84
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Well, for just browsing inside your browser you can use Firefox. You can do "fullscreen" inside the firefox window. You don't need to buy additional software.
Oct 27, 2020  • #85
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Firefox fullscreens video to the entire screen instead of each quadrant for me. Same as most of the replies in this thread. Brave was the only one that fullscreened a browser source to each quadrant only. Non browser sources work with VDM as well (just tested VLC) but I don't think that was ever in question. Still unsure of if it works with DF though. I understand this is a DF forum but it was one of the more helpful threads I found along the way that didn't seem to have an answer posted.

Edit: I'm sure you could also remove your top bars in Firefox and F11 but it's not as seamless as just fullscreen on the video source itself like Brave seems to allow.
Oct 27, 2020 (modified Oct 27, 2020)  • #86
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Visit about:config in Firefox and set full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to true, this should do the trick.
Oct 27, 2020  • #87
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Perfect, that works as well. Thanks. Now I don't have to switch browsers on game days. So pretty easy at this point then. Does DF still not support it but VDM does or does this work for DF as well?
Oct 27, 2020  • #88
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Firefox windowed fullscreen works without DF and/or VDM.

But I'd like to have this feature in Netflix and Sky Go Apps. So far, this feature is not implemented :(
Oct 27, 2020  • #89
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Just wanted to chime in here, I'm a recent convert from dual monitors to a 32:9 and this is the feature that would make me buy DF. I'd often play a fullscreen YT video on one monitor while working on the other and would like to keep being able to do that. As others have mentioned, there is a competing product where this works although I like some of the other features of DF better.
Dec 6, 2020  • #90
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Is there any updates on this feature?

Just recently switched to a 49" Curved monitor so this is much needed.

Dec 20, 2020  • #91
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Stefan N.
50 discussion posts
To be honest, I do not expect to see this feature anytime soon in DF (if at all). It has been requested for such a long time without any progress, so the developers seem to not really care about it.
Dec 20, 2020 (modified Dec 20, 2020)  • #92
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Rory Clark85598
1 discussion post
Try YouTube Windowed FullScreen - its a chrome extension it helps a little
Jan 24, 2021  • #93
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try to use poplayer
Jan 27, 2021  • #94
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Just registered to /subscribe :D

I've used Display Fusion years ago, forgot about it, and now, after years of using a 2 monitor setup and now i guess 4 years of a 3 monitor setup (1024,1050,1024) i wanted to switch to some ultrawide/super-ultrawide.

I'm into testing an ultrawide and thinking about possibilitys of a better and cleaner/smaller setup - but without that feature it is enormous hard to work on the pc like i want to, like i am used to...
Mar 7, 2021  • #95
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Miro Hristov
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Just registered to /subscribe :D

I've used Display Fusion years ago, forgot about it, and now, after years of using a 2 monitor setup and now i guess 4 years of a 3 monitor setup (1024,1050,1024) i wanted to switch to some ultrawide/super-ultrawide.

I'm into testing an ultrawide and thinking about possibilitys of a better and cleaner/smaller setup - but without that feature it is enormous hard to work on the pc like i want to, like i am used to...

Same here! Without real virtual monitor displayFusion is only a tool to resize widnows. The moment you go full screen on anything it takes up your entire screen. Another option that I'm using now is the PTP feature that comes with the super ultrawide but it's not perfect either. You can only have 2 screens (for 2 DP ports) and only a few ratios.

Only Virtual Display Manger can support fullscreen now but it has it's very limited.
• Attachment: PXL_20210525_211048763.MP.jpg [7,087,321 bytes]
May 26, 2021  • #96
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I have a 49" Samsung Odyssey, and while DisplayFusion is very helpful, it still has a LOT of bugs, odd behavior, missing features and shortcomings. I waffle between whether it is the best option or not, but usually come down on the side of it is worthwhile. They do seem to be attempting regular improvements and are responsive to this forum.
Jun 1, 2021  • #97
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Are there any plans for getting this feature implemented?
Jun 1, 2021  • #98
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I have a 49" Samsung Odyssey, and while DisplayFusion is very helpful, it still has a LOT of bugs, odd behavior, missing features and shortcomings. I waffle between whether it is the best option or not, but usually come down on the side of it is worthwhile. They do seem to be attempting regular improvements and are responsive to this forum.

Define " a LOT". I also do have the Odyssey G9 but haven't encountered many bugs. Missing features, yes.
Jun 1, 2021  • #99
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My list is 25 items long and counting. Sadly I have been crushed by life over the last ... well, pick a period. :-(

Some of the issues I have noticed fixes come out for, but the bugs are still there. The mouse jumping is just absolutely frustrating and SUCH a productivity killer! Some have been fixed, like the silly "reconfigure everything when you click OK in Settings dialog - even if you didn't change anything". App title bars getting stuck under the Taskbar (very annoying too). The list goes on.

Honestly, the app is close to being TOTALLY AWESOME. It just needs some focused attention to some significant glitches. I don't envy them their task AT ALL. There are a BAJILLION different factors and facets they have to take into account or may get blindsided with. Plus DF is just one of numerous products they have, although several are subordinate or derivative works.
Jun 3, 2021  • #100
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1 discussion post
Visit about:config in Firefox and set full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to true, this should do the trick.

WOW! I had to make an account just to thank you. I've looking for a way to do this for a long time now. Finally googled the right combo of keywords. Thank you so much.
Jun 25, 2021  • #101
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I have a 49" Samsung Odyssey, and while DisplayFusion is very helpful, it still has a LOT of bugs, odd behavior, missing features and shortcomings. I waffle between whether it is the best option or not, but usually come down on the side of it is worthwhile. They do seem to be attempting regular improvements and are responsive to this forum.

Define " a LOT". I also do have the Odyssey G9 but haven't encountered many bugs. Missing features, yes.

I just posted my list yesterday:

Perhaps you were thinking I meant bugs with the Odyssey G9? That is working quite well for me on the newer BIOSes (1008+), if so.
Jun 25, 2021  • #102
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Pier Castonguay42556
1 discussion post
Seems like this feature is only duplication of the taskbar and limiting windows resize, which is cool in itself but not what I am looking for. My goal is to play a video game AND watch a movie via VLC at the same time on the same monitor (TV).
If you guys manage to do that, I'll sure buy the software. Bonus point if you have presets to conserve the aspect ratio (putting black on some part of the screen), either side by side of diagonally with part of onw screen occluding the other. Also bonus points for easily muting or changing volume of each virtual displays.
Oct 10, 2021  • #103
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Thread started in August 2014. That's over 6 years ago.
I've been using DF for about that long for managing my 3-screen setup. Today I upgraded to a Samsung G9, and well, workflow wise, it's almost a downgrade.
The feature in this thread is one of those that I'm lacking too. There's another one too, but that's going outside this thread so to speak: when you drag a *non maximized* window between virtual screens, for ex from 1.2 to 1.3, the window will *maximize* in the new virtual window.
But to the devs: this feature is getting more and more important as more people start getting wide screens. I've a hard time believing it's not fixable since there's an API for almost this (full-screen-api) and you've had over 6 years to solve it somehow. This is way more important that wallpapers.
Nov 3, 2021  • #104
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Hold the Shift key down BEFORE you click on the title bar of the window you are about to move to another split. It will no longer maximize in the new screen.
Nov 3, 2021  • #105
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Hold the Shift key down BEFORE you click on the title bar of the window you are about to move to another split. It will no longer maximize in the new screen.

Thanks, that helps.
I'd like that to be inverted. Shift *if* I want the window to change behavior. So maybe a simple toggle option in DF somewhere. But that kinda helps, thanks.
Nov 3, 2021  • #106
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Chris Banach
1 discussion post
Type "about:config" in Firefox URL search bar and set "full-screen-api.ignore-widgets" to true.
Then what you can do is just create a function that re-formats your window for example to a 720p format (1280x72px) and have its position changed to top or bottom corner. That way you can have 2 youtube videos (or netflix, plex etc.) neatly displayed one at the top and one at the bottom at the same time (i do this on my Samsung G9)... or just have 1 window with video in HD with black bars. I personally prefer 720p as it leaves more room (3840px) for other stuff like Premiere, Photoshop etc.
Check out the screenshots showing this config below (after tweaking Firefox obviously):
• Attachment: Screen Shot 11-22-21 at 06.26 PM.JPG [642,873 bytes]
Screen Shot 11-22-21 at 06.26 PM.JPG
Screen Shot 11-22-21 at 06.26 PM.JPG
• Attachment: Screen Shot 11-22-21 at 06.29 PM.JPG [3,109,188 bytes]
Screen Shot 11-22-21 at 06.29 PM.JPG
Screen Shot 11-22-21 at 06.29 PM.JPG
Nov 22, 2021 (modified Dec 7, 2021)  • #107
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I agree with the sentiment that this feature gets more and more important with the rise of Ultrawide Screens.
I believe the way Virtual Display Manager implements this is by injecting / hooking a DLL into programs which pretends the screen only has a certain lower resolution. This has popped up in Anti-Cheat protection for me in the past, that's how I noticed.
If such tricks are needed it would explain why DisplayFusion is hesitant (or unable) to implement this because it needs a deep level of understanding of what it going on below the hood.
Dec 7, 2021  • #108
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Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
I think the best solution here is to trick Windows into treating monitor regions as literally separate monitors. Although I would guess that this is probably something that requires support from a video card driver or some type of virtual display driver which creates a virtual monitor that windows would treat as a standalone display.
Dec 7, 2021  • #109
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Raphael Garcia
2 discussion posts
Visit about:config in Firefox and set full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to true, this should do the trick.

Is there something similar for Chrome? I know thee's an extension for youtube only, but that's not enough.
Feb 12, 2022  • #110
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Daniel Vinicius Moraes
1 discussion post
Type "about:config" in Firefox URL search bar and set "full-screen-api.ignore-widgets" to true.
Then what you can do is just create a function that re-formats your window for example to a 720p format (1280x72px) and have its position changed to top or bottom corner. That way you can have 2 youtube videos (or netflix, plex etc.) neatly displayed one at the top and one at the bottom at the same time (i do this on my Samsung G9)... or just have 1 window with video in HD with black bars. I personally prefer 720p as it leaves more room (3840px) for other stuff like Premiere, Photoshop etc.
Check out the screenshots showing this config below (after tweaking Firefox obviously):

:laugh: its wonderful thanks a lot!
Apr 7, 2022  • #111
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Brian Hayward
1 discussion post
Magic Borderless that I got off of steam for a few bucks fullscreens on a virtual display. I use that and virtual display manager to fullscreen games and apps. I have display fusion but haven't used it since. I am subscribing to this thread to see if display fusion will have the fullscreen feature soon.
May 15, 2022  • #112
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Stefan N.
50 discussion posts
This thread is 8(!) years old and the last comment from a dev was 2 years ago. I don't know your definition of "soon", but I would not bet any money on seeing a solution ever...
May 15, 2022  • #113
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Are there any plans for this feature at all?
Sep 16, 2022  • #114
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Graham Wood
1 discussion post
My prediction: My 4 year old grandson will grow up to be an astronaut. He will be sent on a 3 year mission to Mars. His new desk in his office on Mars will have a gigantic 32k 240" 1000Hz monitor. He will decide to check this thread to see if DF can do full screen apps in splits yet. They will be taking a look at implementing this in the next build. ;)
Sep 19, 2022  • #115
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My prediction: My 4 year old grandson will grow up to be an astronaut. He will be sent on a 3 year mission to Mars. His new desk in his office on Mars will have a gigantic 32k 240" 1000Hz monitor. He will decide to check this thread to see if DF can do full screen apps in splits yet. They will be taking a look at implementing this in the next build. ;)

HAH!! :laugh:

He will also need to add 2 extra Quantum Super Cores to his rig to handle all the registry and file system spamming. ::)
Sep 19, 2022  • #116
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I found a great solution using Firefox. You can limit fullscreen mode to the window size by typing about:config in the address bar and changing full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to true. Credit to u/panoptigram on Reddit. Hope this helps!
Sep 19, 2022  • #117
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I found a great solution using Firefox. You can limit fullscreen mode to the window size by typing about:config in the address bar and changing full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to true. Credit to u/panoptigram on Reddit. Hope this helps!

This solution has already been mentioned above in this thread. The problem is that it only works in Firefox, and we need it in all applications.
Sep 19, 2022  • #118
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The Firefox trick works great. However, I haven't been able to figure out something like this for VSCode. If I fullscreen it, it takes up the entire physical screen.

EDIT: I came up with a solution using AutoHotkey. I simply set it up to move the active window slightly beyond the top of the screen, thus hiding the top bar, while also increasing the size of the window equally.


    increment := 40
    newh := (H + increment)
    newy := (Y - increment)
    increment := 40
    newh := (H - increment)
    newy := (Y + increment)

Quick explanation: When you press Ctrl+Alt+Up, the height of the active window is increased by 40 pixels and the Y coordinate of the window is adjusted equally (relative to the left top corner). Ctrl+Alt+Down does the reverse. This is very specific to the resolution of the display I'm currently using.

I'm certain this could also be done in DisplayFusion, with minimal coding, but if anyone else here is using AHK in conjunction with DisplayFusion, maybe you'll it useful.
Oct 28, 2022 (modified Oct 28, 2022)  • #119
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Francis Jackson35120
1 discussion post
wow, this thread is disappointing, have just got the trial version.
I was really hoping that the virtual spliting of the monitor would just interact and behave as separate monitors.


I'm struggling to see what this software provides anything other than what FancyZones does for free, this is $40?
Jan 7, 2023  • #120
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François Beauvais
20 discussion posts
I feel display fusion offers a lot more than fancyzones. Can fancyzones save window position profiles? Can fancyzone have triggers to recall split profiles? Enable/disable monitors? Assign key combinations to Functions? Save or Restore all window locations? I also would like more features out of Display fusion but it still offers more than anything else I've tried.
Jan 8, 2023  • #121
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Paulo de Assis81867
1 discussion post
Yes, this is very disappointing. I bought the full version a cople of years ago hoping to be able to do exactly that. I really don't see the point of having multiple monitors on the same screen if we can go full screen in each of them. A decade has passed and nothing was done.
Apr 13, 2023  • #122
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Maxime Dumas15021
2 discussion posts
So after a couple hour of research :

I use PowerToy to setup zone on window
I use firefox and use in :
Search : full-screen-api.ignore-widgets
Set this to true

Thanks to all of you guys !
Sep 11, 2023  • #123
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It's been 9 years now. Still no solution guys, even with the growth of the ultra widescreen formats? Really?

I guess you guys are doing some sort of service to Firefox at least, as many of us use that to circumvent the problem. But that doesn't fix the other apps, like VLC and many others.

So: seriously?
Nov 4, 2023  • #124
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Hold the Shift key down BEFORE you click on the title bar of the window you are about to move to another split. It will no longer maximize in the new screen.

BTW: I can't get this to work in Win 11 any longer.
Nov 4, 2023  • #125
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There's no API or framework function that would let us say "constrain this app that's forcing full screen to these co-ordinates." It's something we've worked on intermittently to try and get something working reliably with no luck. We know that it's a highly requested feature, and if/when we can get something going, we will definitely post an update here. Until then, repeatedly asking "how come this isn't done yet" isn't really a helpful response so I'm going to lock this thread.

For your issue of the shift+maximized dragging not working correctly, please start a new topic and we'll take a look at that for you.

Nov 6, 2023 (modified Nov 6, 2023)  • #126
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