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36 discussion posts

I'm looking for a function "move window to next monitor and keep size", seems to be missing among all the the options (there are ones to max and minimize).

Does any one have a custom function for this? (if not, feature request!)
Or is there a way to export the standard functions so I can look at the code and perhaps figure out a way to copy/tinker my own ?

Thanks very much
May 31, 2022  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The built-in "Move Window to Next Monitor" should do this :)
Jun 1, 2022  • #2
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The built-in "Move Window to Next Monitor" should do this :)

It doesn't when the one monitor is small and the other and it doesn't fit.
Jun 5, 2022  • #3
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The built-in "Move Window to Next Monitor" should do this :)

It doesn't when the one monitor is small and the other and it doesn't fit.
Jun 5, 2022  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, in that case, try the "Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally" function. That one will move it to the monitor and set it's size proportional to what it was on the other monitor.
Jun 7, 2022  • #5
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Ah, in that case, try the "Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally" function. That one will move it to the monitor and set it's size proportional to what it was on the other monitor.

Tried that out too. Unfortunately, that does not maintain the size of the window and becomes unusable.
Perhaps this is a niche case, but I have a 3440 ultrawide and a 24" monitor in portrait mode, as well as a 42" 4k TV.
I have a lot of windows I want to keep the same size regardless of monitors, like messenger apps (signal, whatsapp, etc). Because of the narrow portrait mode 24", they warp once they move to it and then become way to big once they hit the 42" as I cycle through
Jun 8, 2022 (modified Jun 8, 2022)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a full desktop screenshot showing the original location/size, and another one for the new location/size after using the proportional function?

If you could send a debug log as well, that would be great:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Move the window with the proportional function and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Jun 8, 2022  • #7
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36 discussion posts
here you go. sorry it took so long
• Attachment [protected]: 1.png [245,844 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 2.png [320,927 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 3.png [268,475 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: [59,120 bytes]
Jun 21, 2022  • #8
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36 discussion posts
Could you send me a full desktop screenshot showing the original location/size, and another one for the new location/size after using the proportional function?

If you could send a debug log as well, that would be great:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Move the window with the proportional function and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log


you can see the size becomes unusable when it moves from monitor 1 to 3 (top to left) and then the size from 3 to 2 (left to right) is not the same size as it originally was.
Jun 21, 2022  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, thanks for the screenshots!

This is looking like the expected behaviour for the "Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally", because you're screens are different resolutions and aspect ratios. It's taking the original dimensions as a percentage, and then setting the new dimensions on the target monitor using those percentages.

Can you tell me what behaviour you're expecting here? Maybe there's another function that will do what you're looking for. Your original request was for a "Move to Next Monitor and Keep Size" function, but that's what the "Move Window to Next Monitor" function does, it moves it and doesn't change the width/height.
Jun 22, 2022  • #10
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> but that's what the "Move Window to Next Monitor" function does, it moves it and doesn't change the width/height.

no, that is unfortunately incorrect. that is the problem.

if there is a window that is too large for one of the smaller monitors it will resize when moving to the smaller monitor and then keep that smaller size moving back to a bigger monitor
Jun 22, 2022  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yep, that makes sense. Are you wanting it to resize to fit the smaller monitor, but then expand back to the original size when you move it back to the bigger monitor?
Jun 23, 2022  • #12
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Ah yep, that makes sense. Are you wanting it to resize to fit the smaller monitor, but then expand back to the original size when you move it back to the bigger monitor?

no, just no resizing at all. I have all my windows the size I want them and almost never want to resize anything.

I do however like to cycle windows I'm not focusing on away from my main monitor, but when I move them back I want them to be the same size again and not have to constantly adjust.

Alternatively a function that ignores or exclused specific monitors when moving to next monitor would also work
Jun 30, 2022  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
If you put the monitor ID in the "Ignore Monitors" setting in the Settings > Advanced Settings window, it will be skipped by functions like "Move Window to Next/Previous Monitor." Hopefully that helps!
Jun 30, 2022  • #14
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Thank does help! Thank you so much!!
Jul 8, 2022  • #15
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If you put the monitor ID in the "Ignore Monitors" setting in the Settings > Advanced Settings window, it will be skipped by functions like "Move Window to Next/Previous Monitor." Hopefully that helps!

Unforunately this does not work for me as the monitor IDs keep changing.
Presumably because one of the monitors I have is an LG TV that runs over HDMI, so when they go to sleep they forget the HDMI TV but not the DisplayPort monitors
Nov 9, 2022 (modified Nov 9, 2022)  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yeah, there's not much we can do there, unfortunately :(
Nov 9, 2022  • #17
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Thanks anyway
Nov 10, 2022  • #18
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