16 discussion posts
I have bought recently monitor and TV which supports HDR and I am using this feature while gaming. I would like to propose two features which could be added to Display Fusion when HDR compatiable hardware is used.
1. To add a HDR on/off switch when right click on te DF tray icon. This would be very helpful and time saving to use such switch insted of going to Win 10 display properties and turning on/off HDR using that switch.
2. To add possiblity to turn on/off HDR option in monitor configuration section and to save HDR state while saving monitor profiles. For example I would like to have possibility to save two monitor profiles which I can access using right mouse button menu on DF tray icon:
a) 3840x2160@144Hz HDR on
b) 3840x2160@144Hz HDR off
The additional faeture which I lack now is to have saved monitor profiles accessible under DF context menu when right clicking on the desktop.
We have this on our feature request list so I've added your vote to it. No ETA on it at the moment though.