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Jeffen Nilsson
117 discussion posts
I'm trying to activate a function when the game window is focused but it doesn't appear to work

i've tried the ingame settings of fullscreen, borderless, and windowed, none of them work.

i've tried omitting the process filename and just go by window text instead but that doesn't work either.

is it the same as this discussion:
where the anticheat also prevents displayfusion from reading the window information to activate a trigger?

a workaround i'm using is triggering on process created instead which only works when launching the game but not when tabbing out/back in which isn't ideal.

May 12, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The anticheat might block the action, but I think the Window Focus event should still be detected. What action are you using with your trigger?
May 13, 2024  • #2
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Jeffen Nilsson
117 discussion posts
The anticheat might block the action, but I think the Window Focus event should still be detected. What action are you using with your trigger?

I'm using a custom function to change the BUS mode in voicemeeter.

I have a "window focused" trigger for chrome, plex, plexamp, and mpv - all works without issue

i also tried some games like Starfield, and Subnautica - no issues there either.

trying to use the "crosshair" to populate the fields the window text ("HELLDIVERS™ 2") and window class ("stingray_window") works, but the "process filename" does not work with the crosshair, i have to do it manually.

I also have Razer Synapse running which also looks at the same .exe and is executing the profile change whenever the game window is focused. same for starfield and subnautica
May 13, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Actually this does seem to be caused by the anti cheat, I don't think there's anything we can do here unfortunately.

Razer Synapse runs at the kernal level, so it's able to bypass the anti-cheat
May 16, 2024  • #4
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Jeffen Nilsson
117 discussion posts
Bummer, thanks for the help though
May 16, 2024  • #5
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